The Friends of the Grafton Library are promoting a Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Community Read this summer, culminating in an online discussion!
Events over the last few weeks have alarmed, saddened, and deeply affected many people. Though social injustices in this country are not new, in the time of COVID-19, we are all facing many challenges all at once, which can feel overwhelming. Despite all of that, it is encouraging to see peaceful protests happening here and around the world and that people are seeking to educate themselves on the issues, which include institutional racism and police violence.
The Friends of the Grafton Public Library would like to help. We are hosting a Community Read: “Diversity, Equality and Inclusion”. We invite the public to read something on the topic, and then come together on Zoom Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 7:30pm, to discuss these important issues through the lens of the book or books participants have chosen to read.
The discussion will be facilitated by Ken Wagner, a founding member of the New England Region’s Antiracism / Anti-oppression / Multicultural Transformation team called GRACE. Ken has served for the last nine years on the Executive Steering Committee of the Allies for Racial Equity and just completed a two year term as president of that organization. He is currently active in the Montachusetts Martin Luther King Coalition. Ken frequently speaks at church and community events across the country with a focus on the examination of race and the impact of white supremacy on our lives.
These books are available in various formats on two digital platforms:
. The Hoopla eAudiobooks and ebooks are available to as many people as would like to check them out. Overdrive items availability may vary as these digital copies behave more like paper books most of the time. Usually if all the copies are checked out, you have to wait for a copy to be available. However, as noted above, some formats are available for simultaneous use for a limited time. Other formats may exist in the Overdrive catalog (either the
C/W Mars catalog
or the
partner library’s catalogs
), but titles may need to be requested/placed on hold. These platforms require you to have a library card to check them out, complete a
digital card application
to obtain a FREE digital card for online use. If you need help, please contact the Grafton Public Library at
or 508-839-4649.
The Friends of the Grafton Public Library and the Grafton Public Library hope to bring people together in calm, respectful conversations that look at the facts of the situation, try to make sense out of them, and hopefully bridge ideological divides.