January 2022
Your monthly news & updates
Stay Tuned: Congregational Meeting on Building Expansion to Be Scheduled SOON!
We know it has been a while since we have updated you on our Building Expansion project. Your Building Expansion Committee (Bob Keith, Lyn Savidge, Donna Laidlaw, Roger Johnson and Susan Ritchie) have been working hard trying to resolve the many complications of construction during a pandemic. Rising costs and the imperfect availability of materials and labor have necessitated some adjustments to our original plan in order to come in on budget. But we are excited to say that we have arrived at a plan that we can afford that achieves our goals. We have entered into formal agreement with our contractor to start construction on March 1, 2022. Please stay tuned for an email in the next few weeks announcing a congregational meeting during which we will ask for your approval for our final plans, and announce the concluding phase to our capital campaign.
Beware of Scammers Impersonating Rev. Ritchie
From time to time, church members have reported to us that they have either been texted or emailed by persons unknown claiming to be Rev. Ritchie requesting a favor (usually the delivery of gift cards) on behalf of a sick or distraught person. Some of these have been quite convincing, coming, for example, from an email address similar to Rev. Ritchie's. Please know that no one associated with the church will never contract you by email or text to ask you to contribute something of value to any person or entity other than the church itself. Not sure a request is legitimate? Please reach out before responding to minister@nuuc.org.
Ways to Connect
Mindful Writing is back by popular demand! To meet by Zoom at 7:00 pm on January 17, for anyone wanting to share their written thoughts. Poets, story writers, essayists, memoir-makers—whatever! Come join us for a good time. We don't critique; we simply enjoy. If interested, please contact Marty Keith so she can send you the Zoom link information.

Creative Fellowship
Are you longing for connection in these difficult times? Do you have unfinished craft/art/sewing/knitting or other projects that you would like to work on but haven’t? If so please join Commissioned Lay Minister Teri Cornell in Creative Fellowship! We will have a zoom meeting once a month (the first Thursday of each month from 6:30PM-8:00PM) and we can work on our projects, exercise our creativity, and talk about whatever is on our minds and hearts. Contact minister@nuuc.org for the link.

Wednesday Noon Check In
Join us using the regular NUUC zoom connection at noon everyday Wednesday for informal check- ins and chat with your fellow members. Write minister@nuuc.org for a direct link.
NUUC's Women's Group. NUUC's Women's Group plans to converse, relax, and enjoy each other's company by Zoom, January 25, at noon. Welcome, welcome! Let's embrace the new year. Questions or need the zoom link: contact martykeith@zoho.com

Interested in the Once a Month Brown Bag Books? Next meeting is will meet at the church at noon on January 18 to discuss Alaric the Goth: An Outsider's History of the Fall of Rome, by Douglas Boin

Soul Matters Small Groups
We currently have three different Soul Matters Small Groups virtually meeting, for regular in depth check ins, and for exploring together different spiritual themes. New members are welcome at any time, write to minister@nuuc.org

Mowing Thank You

We completed the mowing season at the end of November and as you may know, we handled the mowing ourselves at NUUC instead of using a mowing contractor. Our coordinated mowing efforts went quite well and saved a lot of money. We estimate we saved $3,900 by not contracting out the mowing this year. The Building and Grounds (B&G) Committee members took turns mowing each week except for the 4th and 5th weeks each month, which were handled by volunteers from the congregation. 
We give a big thank you to the following congregational volunteers for their fine mowing efforts, which filled out the mowing schedule this season:
Mike Furbee & Maggie Fenton
Neil Kirby
Rod Myers
Bruce Reed
Doug Reeder
Jeff Turner
For about 3 weeks each month, 3 members of the B&G Committee took turns mowing. We give a hearty thank you to these committee members for their monthly efforts:
Roger Orwick
John Rodeheffer
Bob Keith
Everyone enjoyed using our new zero-turn mower, which we purchased about 3 years ago. The mower’s cost was totally funded by a very generous donation from Gary and Ruth Rusk, plus a generous donation from John and Lynn Foreman. Having the zero-turn mower continues to make a big difference in our mowing efforts. It has cut our mowing time in half and some volunteers even say the mowing is now fun! In addition, we’ve found that with 15 minutes of training, even people that have never used a zero-turn mower before were able to mow and feel confident and at ease.
Since our volunteer mowing approach worked so well and we now have a zero-turn mower, we plan to continue this approach in the coming mowing season. Watch for more information on our mowing plans as spring approaches.

VIGIL FOR DEMOCRACY – Columbus: Thursday, January 6, 2022 at 6:30-7:30 pm at The Ohio Statehouse sponsored by UUJO and Our Revolution Central Ohio.

January 6th was a violent and deadly attack against all Americans – against our country, our democracy, and our freedom as voters to choose the leaders that represent us so that we have a government of, by, and for the people.
One year later, the same faction that attacked our country on January 6th is hard at work silencing our voices by restricting our freedom to vote, attacking fair voting districts, and quietly preparing future attempts to sabotage free and fair elections and with it our democracy.
So this January 6, exactly one year later, Americans across race, place, party, and background are holding candlelight vigils to say: In America, the voters decide the outcome of elections.
The promise of democracy is not a partisan issue but a calling that unites us as Americans. To prevent this kind of attack from happening again, our elected leaders must pass urgent legislation that will protect this country from anti-democratic forces who are continuing their efforts to destroy it.
Coming together, we can prevent another January 6th attack and realize the promise of democracy for all of us - no matter our color, zip code, or income - so we all have an equal say in the decisions that shape our daily lives and futures.