A Reconciling Congregation having
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
Our Church News
Have you ever dropped a mug or plate breaking it into several pieces? If you are lucky, it is possible to sweep up the shards and glue it back together. However, it will always show the cracks from when it was broken.
Right now, our larger world-wide United Methodist Church is showing some cracks as the more conservative congregations and clergy have decided to leave and form their own separate denomination. In our Wisconsin Annual Conference, it looks like 49 churches or 10% are in the process of leaving our Annual Conference.

As someone who loves the big tent of the United Methodist Church, where people of differing theological, political, and social views worship and serve together united in bringing about the kingdom of God, this is a heartbreaking time for many as we say goodbye to these communities and clergy who have served amongst us.

However, even in this time of division we need to know that we, as the people of
St. Paul’s-The Springs UMC, are united in being called to continue welcoming and being in ministry with the community around us. It is important for all of us to remember that in 2014 you came together as a church community and approved the following statement:

“As a Reconciling Congregation of the Stevens Point/Plover area we affirm that all people are created in God’s image and are of sacred worth. We believe God is calling us to continue creating a diverse community that invites and welcomes persons of every age, gender identity, racial or ethnic background, sexual orientation, marital or socioeconomic status, nationality, physical or mental ability – any and all diversities - as full participants in the life and work of this faith community.”

The power of this statement is that it reflects your common understanding of who you believe God is calling you to be as the body of Christ in this local community. We will continue to invite, welcome, and include everyone in all our ministries as we come together united in our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world as we reach out as the hands and heart of Christ to all those God has put in our path.

As we journey through Lent towards the empty tomb of Easter, we know that we are still being called to be a people of the resurrection. That God will use everything in our lives, including our brokenness, our pain, our failures, our weaknesses, our fractured relationships, our shattered dreams, and our disappointments to bring about a very beautiful redemptive story. Our hope rests in the fact that God never throws away the broken pieces of our lives. God redeems and restores them all.

In God's love,
Pastor Tim
We are holding two in-person worship services on Sundays at 8:30 am and 10:30 am.
We will continue to live-stream our worship services on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/StPaulsUMC.Point or through our website stevenspointumc.org on Sundays at 10:30 am. Scroll down until you see the current live stream.

If you are not able to watch the service live on Sunday morning, there are several ways you can watch it later:
  • All of our worship services are saved and posted on our Facebook page - www.facebook.com/StPaulsUMC.Point.
  • Our worship services are also on Youtube. Just go to our church website – www.stevenspointumc.org and click on "Worship" from the drop-down menu of the "About" tab on the top of the home page. It will take you to our YouTube channel that has a collection of our worship services
March 15, 29 at 6:00 pm. A meal will be provided at 5:15 pm.

We will be doing an Intergenerational Lenten Worship Experience for all ages with readings, reflections, music, and activities centered on the theme of cultivating and letting go. Join us for any or all - ALL are welcome!
A Walk through Holy Week with Prayer Stations 
Sometimes, you need to do something different to engage in moments of prayer. Prayer Stations are hands-on activities that help all ages focus on talking to God or listening for God’s voice. Having a guided prayer can bring us to meditate over things that we may not always think about. This Holy Week, Prayer Stations are offered in the chapel for our Holy Week journey. They are self-guided and open any time the church building is open during the week of Sunday, April 2nd through Saturday, April 8th. 
APRIL 6th – 7:00 PM
Maundy Thursday is the name given to the day on which Jesus celebrated the Passover meal with his disciples. Two important events are the focus of this day.

First, Jesus celebrated and instituted the Lord’s Supper, also called Communion. Second, Jesus washed the disciples’ feet as an act of humility and service, thereby setting an example that we should love and serve one another in humility

The word “Maundy” is derived from the Latin word mandatum for “command.” On this night we remember the command Jesus gave to his disciples that they should be known by their love and service to one another and the world.

You are invited to come for this special worship service in Fellowship Hall as we gather around candle-lit tables to remember another night long ago where Jesus gathered with his disciples to show them just how much God loves us all.    
Join us for our Good Friday service as we hear the message of the cross and connect to God in prayer. Our service will be in person at Noon and live-streamed on our public Facebook page (www.facebook.com/StPaulsUMC.Point).
GROWING KINDNESS GARDENS would LOVE to invite the young and the young at heart to become a Lego MASTER BUILDER!! Lego week themes will take place from March 6th through May 22nd alongside growing kindness gardens meeting. We will have “build it” lego library books to help one and all with inspiration. We will also have an assortment of lego bricks as well as Duplo blocks. If you are a lover of lego or are just looking to plug into your church community, we invite you to be a part of the fun!
March 20th - self portrait
March 27th - parable
April 3rd - Things that go
April 10th - Things that grow
April 17th - Things that fly
April 24th - Parable
following the Children's Moment
 at the 10:30 am Worship Service
Age-Based Lessons and Activities

One of the responsibilities, among many, that I take very seriously as a pastor is visitation. I consider it a sacred time to visit someone in the hospital, nursing home, or in their own home. It is time where I can get to know someone better and really talk about spiritual issues one on one.

During the pandemic, I needed to shift how I connected with people since I could not always visit in person. This is why I began to call people so that I could visit by phone. This was a good compromise, however, for 2023 I would like to return to more in person visits.

And this is where I need your help. Please let me know if you have gone into the hospital, are in need of a home visit, or what your specific needs are that I can help you with. I’m also willing to bring communion to any of my visits.

I want you all to know that I am here for you. If you are struggling, need to talk, or have any need whatsoever for a pastoral visit please call me on my cell phone (262/388-4635), at the office (715/344-3557), e-mail me (tobrien@stevenspointumc.org) write me a note (600 Wilshire Blvd.), or mark that you would like a visit on one of the attendance cards in the pew on Sunday morning.

I will continue to make visitation my top priority and continue to respond to every request as quickly as possible. It is an honor to be here as your pastor and I’m committed to being here for you as a pastoral presence representing the Good News of Jesus Christ that gives us hope and heals us all.
Pastor Tim
Blood pressure checks will be held the second Sunday of each month between services in the church library by one of our parish nurses. Short sleeves helpful.    

NOTE: April's blood pressure check will be held April 2.
We will have a gathering on Thursday, April 13 at
1:00 p.m. in the church library. If you can't come, let Bonnie Lund know that you are interested at 715/345-0247 or at bonnielund@charter.net.
You can give by one of the following:

1. You can mail your check to the church office at 600 Wilshire Blvd., Stevens Point, WI 54481

2. You can use ACH. If you don’t have that set up & would like to, please contact the church office (715/344-3557) and we will help you with that or email us at finance@stevenspointumc.org.

3. You can use Bill Pay through your bank. This is a free service through your bank. They draw the money from your bank account and send the church a check as you direct them to, whether that be weekly or monthly. This way would save you on postage.

4. You can go to our website www.stevenspointumc.org and there is a button that says “Donate”. That will take you through the steps to use your credit or debit card. If you continue down on that page, you can also text on your phone to give. 

If you have any questions or problems, please let us know at finance@stevenspointumc.org or 715/344-3557.
The Coins of Compassion for March will be in support of UMCOR Sunday (formerly One Great Hour of Sharing) which covers the administrative costs for United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) so when a need arises for UMCOR, 100% of your contribution will go to that specific need. Be sure to label your envelope so your coins/currency will be deposited into the correct account. If you are submitting a check, please write "One Great Hour of Sharing" in the memo portion of the check. Thank you for supporting this important ministry.
Please consider joining this group. They meet on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 11:00 am. Bag lunch at noon. Discussions are wide ranged.  If you have a particular request, we’ll do our best to work it into a session. 

April: Due to the election on April 4, there will be no Senior Time that day. We will meet again on April 18.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
Janet Carter 715-252-6875 wisconsinjanet@yahoo.com
Barb Munson 715-340-2368   barbm72446@gmail.com
The Open Door Bistro season has begun and will continue throughout the school year.  Meals will be served in Hazel Calkins Fellowship Hall from 5:15 – 6:00 pm on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. Please come with your family or friends to enjoy the fellowship and simple meals together. Brochures listing service dates and other program details are available at the Welcome Center in the Gathering Area. Individuals interested in serving in the Bistro ministry are always welcome. Please contact Sandy Shave at 715/592-4346 or sandra.shave@gmail.com to volunteer or for further information. 
Spiritual Formation Team
Spiritual formation is growing and being formed in our faith. It is becoming more and more like the image of Jesus we reflect to our world. This happens in many ways through prayer, Bible study, small group discussion, retreats, devotionals and many other ways. As part of our Revitalization Plan we would like to form a new team that would lead us on the journey of growing in our faith. Some of the tasks of this new team would include:

a.          Developing a Discipleship Pathway for our church community as the guiding resource to help people grow deeper in their faith.
b.          Working with the Worship Team to utilize the labyrinth during Advent/Lent/Other times.
c.          Developing spiritual formation retreats – speakers, authors, musicians, etc.
d.         Assessing interest and offering training to begin small groups – for families – men’s small group – women’s small group – topical small groups.
e.          Offering resources to equip people to discuss Jesus out in the community.
f.           Encouraging and providing resources to groups/ministries that meet or use the building, and to incorporate a time of spiritual formation in their agenda
g.          Producing bi-monthly programs in the Plover area focusing on faith and life. Examples: worship for seniors who are in care facilities, outreach to ethnic groups, a program featuring a speaker with a faithful message, etc.

If you are interested in serving on this team, please talk with Pastor Tim.

7:00 pm - Women's Bible Study - Ephesians (via ZOOM & In-Person) (Contact Audra audraobrien931@gmail.com if you would like to join)

12:00 pm - Fly High - "Chasing Vines" by Beth Moore (via ZOOM & In-Person) (Contact Yvonne ychojnacki@stevenspointumc.org if you would like to join)
The Women’s Bible Study resumed our weekly study on Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm. We meet in the following three ways: by zoom (link, meeting id, and passcode below), by phone (numbers below), and in person (at the church in the Thomas Coke room).
We are exploring the letter from Paul to the Ephesians. This is a wonderful letter as its purpose was to strengthen the believers in Ephesus in their Christian faith by explaining the nature and purpose of the church, the body of Christ. This is just as fitting for us today. We will take our time and explore Paul’s message of unity in Christ and also what it means to have unity in the body of Christ.
We have a lovely group of ladies who are happy to welcome every lady to join the study when able.

If you have any questions, contact Audra O'Brien (audraobrien931@gmail.com).
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 847 9226 9693
Passcode: 270660
Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
In Chasing Vines, Beth Moore gives us fresh hope, revealing the abundant secrets of a fruitful, God-delighting life. Tracing the images of vine, branch, and fruit through Scriptures, Beth shows us that nothing in our lives is wasted. Join Beth on her journey of discovering the delights of bearing fruit, and fully embrace God’s brilliant design for us to live a fruitful, abundant, meaningful life.
Fly High meets on Fridays at noon in the Thomas Coke Room and also on zoom. If you would like to join this study, please contact Yvonne at 715/344-3557 or ychojnacki@stevenspointumc.org.
Please bring items to Rooms D/E in the Discovery Zone and
place on tables in front of the table signs.
Ethnic shampoo- for our African families
Ethnic conditioner
Body Wash for shower
Hand Soap
Laundry Detergent
Dryer Sheets (Not bleach dryer sheets)
Dish Soap
Cleaning Supplies
Paper Towel
Toilet Paper
Diapers- size 4
Baby Wipes
Twin Sheets
Plastic Bags (garbage/food size)
Our fundraising program will be changed. Kwik Trip is selling a new Grocery Only, used in the store card that will give us 15% back for Holiday Baskets.

Regular and Fuel Only cards will still be offered at 5% profit for us. You can continue to use your gas card in the store also.

If you normally buy grocery or snack items at Kwik Trip, we suggest you buy the Grocery Only as we will raise money faster for Holiday Baskets. Thank you for helping us with this mission. As always, you receive 100% of your purchased card to spend.

We are grateful for church members who have purchased Gas Only cards for people in need in our community who come to our church for help. You can buy a $10 card to help others by giving that money to Yvonne in the office or Cathy. Then the cards are ordered.

You may purchase your Gas or Grocery cards in the office or contact Cathy Martin, 715-340-8426 or jcmartin@charter.net for assistance.

Thank you for your giving.
Helping others on a mission,
Mary Martha Circle
We give $10 gas cards to people who need help getting to a doctor’s appointment, job interview, etc. If you would like to donate toward gas cards that are given to those in need, please write “Gas Cards” in the memo section of your check payable to “UMC.”
“Connecting the church to the community through the love of God”
For over a year our joint ministry of reaching out to our neighbors in need known as One Big Tent has been operating out of our offices (1039b B Ellis St.) in downtown Stevens Point. This ministry which we are doing cooperatively with other congregations in Stevens Point and Plover has helped over 80+ individuals who are in various forms of crisis from homelessness, domestic violence, threats of eviction, illness, to a loss of a job. 
Our main goal in all our work is to build relationships with those who come for help as we listen to their stories and walk with them in their need. We have also worked hard to be the clearinghouse for our community connecting people who need help with local non-profit agencies and community resources/information that exist to support people when they are struggling. However, when no one can help then we are the safety net to keep people from sinking deeper into crisis situations like homelessness.

I would like to ask for your continued support of this important ministry in our community in the following ways.
1)     Please pray for those in need as we work with them and for the companions and clergy who give their time to help find solutions.
2)     Prayerfully consider if you would like to be a companion talking with and working with our neighbors who need help. We offer training and only ask people to volunteer for a 3-4 hour shift once a week. Also, we pair you with a clergy person who is there to support you. For example, I (Pastor Tim) volunteer every Wednesday with a member from Beloved Community from 8:00 a.m. to Noon. If you are interested, please talk with Pastor Tim
3)     When it is appropriate, we do provide financial support to help with rent assistance, car repair, buying medicines, etc. We work with people to identify what they can contribute and we make up the difference with what they owe. We could use your financial support to help us meet these ongoing needs. If you would like to make a financial contribution, please make the check out to our church and put, “One Big Tent” in the memo line.
Thank you for your prayerful and generous support of this important ministry to make God’s love real to all our neighbors.

Pastor Tim
Meet and Greet at both services is open to all. We are asking that if you attend that you provide a treat once in a while. You would also be responsible for clean up as needed. The leftover snacks need to be consolidated, refrigerated or frozen and labeled M&G. Dave makes the coffee, but you would need to clean up the snacks and drinks area and wipe down areas & tables as needed. Thank You.
Operation Bootstrap is in need of brown paper bags. If you have any you would like to donate, please bring them to the church and place in the south coatroom. If you have any questions, please call the church office (715/344-3557).
You can find all Fair Trade products in the church office. Call the church office (715/344-3557) if you would like an item pulled for you and placed in the church exchange box outside of the church building for you to pick up.
We are all looking for ways to share God's love. Here are some samples of things you can do:

Interfaith Food Pantry – We have the grocery cart in between the entrance doors on the south side (school side), Monday through Thursday, 9am-3pm. Here is a list of their urgent needs: Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables, Cereal, Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Peanut Butter and Jelly.

Call church people or neighbors – Just a friendly phone call can make someone’s day.

If you or a loved one are in the hospital and would like a visit from Pastor Tim or a lay person, please contact the church office at 715/344-3557. If this happens on a weekend, please contact Pastor Tim (262/388-4635).
St. Paul’s-The Springs UMC
600 Wilshire Blvd
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Campus Ministry - UWSP
Stevens Point, WI 54481