It’s hard to believe there is only 2 more months left in 2021. It’s been an interesting progression of healing and adjustments this year. Each month we’ve seen progress with respect to public adherence to all the necessary changes in our everyday lives, yet it still feels like we’re not at a “normal point” yet and wonder when the days of normalcy will be present again. It is nice not to have to focus on personal survival so much, so maybe we can shift our energy and focus on survival of the planet more. It sure does seem like the planet needs and could use our help.
Our 16th Annual Denver Fall Trunk Sale is running full force and we continue to stock the auditorium with new inventory daily. We will be ending our showcase on November14th, so be sure to continue to watch for our weekly bulletins announcing what new products we have processed. Fortunately the shipping backlogs have not had a noticeably negative impact on our pallet arrivals yet and price increases so far seem to be minimal on most items. The vendors seem to be absorbing the bulk of the financial impacts so far.
One of the holidays in November, besides the infamous Thanksgiving Day, we should make note of this month is Veterans Day. Somehow it seems out of order that we devote more time, attention and media notoriety to giving thanks to a day designed to celebrate the conquering of this land, than showing thanks to all the veterans that serve in our armed forces who make it possible for us to keep this land free to enjoy. At 11:00 on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, WWI ended. On 11/11/1926 the holiday Armistice Day was officially created to honor those who fought for our freedom. After WWII in 1954 President Eisenhower proclaimed November 11th as Veterans Day to acknowledge all military personnel who serve in all our armed forces. We don’t hesitate to give thanks on Thanksgiving Day, so let’s pledge to show our thanks at 11:00 on 11/11 this year for those who are committed to keeping our land free. Don't forget we “fall back” on daylight savings day on the 7th and lets all spread the peace on World Peace Day 11/17.
We were out and about last month and enjoyed seeing and saying hi to everyone who stopped by our booths at The Holistic Life Fair and AGMS Gem Capers Show. It was so good to be able to enjoy the interaction and conversations in person with so many people. We got to see people we haven’t seen in over a year. It felt so joyous and blessed to be able to share all that has been happening in others lives. We all love mineral vibrations but there is nothing like good old human contact.
For our online store customers we have restocked a new selection of hand made gifts from Peru and your favorite premium incense brands like Goloka and Green Tree plus some exciting new fragrances that are already a hit with the online department staff. Just in time for holiday gift ideas, we found some unique wooden shelves for crystals and knickknacks just in time for giving to all your crystal lovers in your life.
Our daily practitioners are back in the store during the week so be sure check out who is available below.
We feel your love ❤️
Please everyone, continue to stay safe and healthy.
Karen and the Staff
16th Annual Denver Fall Trunk Show
October 16th through November 14th
We are so excited to bring you new treasures from around the world! This year we continued with our new process of restocking inventory and have been steadily amassing pallets of orders in preparation for this event. In addition to limited supplies of some high demand stones like Carnelian, Rose Quartz and Aventurine, we will also be restocking some other popular stone choices and even bringing in some completely new finds like Malachite with Fluorite and the yet unnamed impact glass only available through us!
During the 16th Annual Denver Fall Trunk Show we will have some event related protocols in place due to COVID-19. Many of you have been to our Trunk Shows during the pandemic, and may remember some of these protocols. First off, our Main Entrance will be moved to the Auditorium Doors, and our Exit Only will be where our main entrance normally is. We will have checkouts available at the Front Counter as well as in the Trunk Show. Our capacity will also be increased since we will have extra square footage, so up to 150 customers (200 if we reach Stage 3 by then) will be allowed in the Retail Showroom/Auditorium at a time. Our fans will be circulating air 24/7 to minimize the risk of COVID spreading. Please remember to BRING YOUR MASKS as we will have a limited number of masks available for purchase.
If you would like to receive our weekly announcements and features, please Subscribe to receive Special Events e-mails below!
November UPDATES: COVID-19 Safety Protocols
UPDATE 11/01/2021: With Travis County COVID downgrading to Stage 2, Nature's Treasures will have adjusted protocols and capacities. Despite growing immunity, we recognize that there is still concern of potential exposure to COVID-19 or other variants for many, so we will continue to do our best to keep our Nature's Treasures Family, including you, safe. We will continue to monitor the Austin/Travis County COVID Tracker, HERE.
We will continue to operate with adjusted procedures and limited capacity. We will operate at a Retail Showroom capacity of 200 customers and 35 customers in the Rock Depot.
With the CDC stating that COVID is not likely transmitted through touching previously touched items, we will continue to maintain 1 restroom for customer use. Hand sanitizer will continue to be available at entry/exit in both buildings.
Physical distancing of 6' is most effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19. Please remember to step back to the blue lines at check out and maintain 6' of distance from anyone not in your party. We will continue to require 2-ply masks that cover nose/mouth at all times, regardless of vaccination status. Please remember to SHOP ONLINE if you are unable or unwilling to wear a mask for any reason.
We will continue with our limited services. Due to limited staffing, all returns/exchanges, layaways and wholesale/resale/tax exempt transactions will be BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. For an appointment, please e-mail admin@ntrocks.com. Please include your receipt number and item you wish to return to schedule your return/exchange.
Bags, backpacks, purses, etc. will no longer be allowed in the Retail Showroom due to increased shoplifting. Please leave valuables at home or locked securely in your vehicle. Personal items may also be checked at the door, but please remember to remove your wallet and phone (Nature's Treasures does not claim responsibility for lost or stolen items). Bags will be returned at the Showroom Counter upon checkout and departure.
*If you show symptoms of COVID-19 or feel sick, please Stay Home
*Online Shopping, FREE Curbside Pickup and FREE Personal Shopping available for individuals that cannot wear masks
*Storefront Hours: 11a-5:50p, Daily
*Max Retail Capacity: 200 customers
*Max Depot Capacity: 35 customers
*2-ply face covering is required for entry
*Face covering must cover nose/mouth at all times
*Physical distancing exercised at entry & check out
*Layaways, returns/Exchanges, and wholesale/tax exempt purchases by appointment only
*Bags, backpacks, purses, etc not allowed in Retail Showroom
Nature's Treasures will continue to review recommendations made by local government and the Center for Disease Control to move forward in a socially responsible way to best support staff, customers, the community and the economy.
If you would like to be added to a COVID-19 Response Notification to stay updated on the Nature's Treasures plan-of-action, please update your e-mail subscriptions HERE.
Stage 1 Protocol Insights
Would you still come in to shop if masks became recommended but not required in-store?
Nature's Treasures ONLINE!
Shipping Orders Daily
Free Standard Shipping for Domestic Order over $50.00
Free Local Curbside Pickup
Shop online with confidence -- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, Free Return Shipping. Details HERE.
Free Protection added to Every Package We Ship!
No Membership Required!
Customers are excited about our new Package Insurance!
Route Package Protection covers full replacement of missing, lost, stolen, or damaged packages, just add it to your order during checkout! Filing a claim is a snap, and replacements are shipped out promptly.
Bring Nature Home with
Crystal Wisdom:
Information & News
Learn about crystals, what they mean, where they come from, and how to use them!
Blogs from our Crystal Wisdom: News & Information blog (below) can be read time
30MM Rutilated Quartz Sphere
from Brazil
Online Exclusive
10" Selenite Satin Spar Knife
Etheric Cord Cutting
Green Calcite Rhombohedrons
New Festive Carvings for the Fall
...limited inventory
Thank you for your continued patience as we reorder and restock some of our most popular items! We hear your needs and are doing our best to order and process new inventory as quickly as possible despite the delayed supply chain due to COVID-19 (although things are getting better, many manufacturers and vendors had to reduce production or stop completely).
Keep an eye out on the Showroom Floor later this month for these and other popular items!
Crystal Wisdom: Information & News
Zodiac Stones:
Crystals for Scorpio
Libra season is here, time to find your balance! Read Crystal Healing Expert Adrienne Goff's recommended stones to capture the essence of Scorpio for yourself!
How to Choose and Use
a Pendulum
Get expert tips and guidance on selecting and using a pendulum!
Featured Agate - El Sueco Agate
This time around it is El Sueco Agate from Mexico.
This is from a small deposit near Rancho Coyamito in Chihuahua State. It is about 145 miles south of El Paseo near highway 45. Found on the Rancho Sueco the area where the agate is found is near many other agate deposits. The volcanic past of the region has created a perfect environment for the formations of some of the most beautiful agates in the world.
Featured Fossil : Turritella Agate Fossil (polished in house)
Found in the Green River Formation of Wyoming, the Turritella Agate is the name used for a brown Agate containing a fossil called Turritella, which is a species of a coiled, cone shaped sea snail. Turritella is the Latin word meaning towered or turret. Turritella Agate is known as the Record Keeper (dating back to 53 million years ago) which can be used to help you connect to your homeland or ancestors. When you feel like you have hit rock bottom, reach for Turritella Agate for strength and encouragement to keep striving for your goals until you tower to the top. Turritella is often worn as a talisman in jewelry and is also found in many forms, such as slabs to decorate your home or office space.
Born in Atlanta, Alaena and her family came to Austin to find better work opportunities. Alaena originally worked in the medical field, but found that it would break her heart at times. It was during one of her more rough times that Nature's Treasures took her in. Now working for the Online Department fulfilling customer orders, she gets to learn something new about crystals every day while developing a closer bond with them. Her main goal is to keep an open mind and continue helping others while staying a strong role model for her daughter.
"One of my favorites is Lepidolite because of how many of its properties I need and how beautiful it is."
In The Community Events Center
The Nature's Treasures Community Events Center Auditorium will be available for events and classes once we reach Stage 3 or lower COVID designation!
The Studio will no longer be available.
Stay tuned in to our Calendar and Upcoming Events Pages for the latest updates on events being held in our Community Events Center.
Classes | Lectures | Workshops & More
Nature's Treasures has a 2,200 sq ft (56' x 40') Auditorium that seats 150 available for your event.
Daily Practitioners are Back!
We are so happy to welcome back our practitioners this month.
Practitioners will be available for private sessions in-store from 11:30a-5p.
Anne Berlin - Psychic - 13th, 26th
Deborah Dahmen - 3rd, 11th
Renatus Ren - 17th, 30th
Tore Sol - 29th
Personal Shopping Services
By Appointment Only!
Austin's Crystal Whisperer
Stay tuned for updates with Austin's Crystal Whisperer returning to Nature's Treasures to help you find the perfect crystals to go home with you. Update your e-mail subscriptions and remember to subscribe for Practitioner Updates for news! Dianna does offer facetime shopping visits, contact her for details. austinscrystalwhisperer@gmail.com
Intuitive Jewelry Services
Call Ahead for Availability
Crystal Heart Studio
Ask for Merlyn, a wire-wrapper and jewelry-maker who lets her intuition guide the creation of unique wearable art. Whether you want to bring in your own crystal or have Merlyn help you find the perfect crystal for you in-store, she will then combine the stone with others and harmonize their energies with assorted metals. Available for walk-ins most Saturdays in the Retail Showroom.
The Healing Arts Festival & Market
Sunday, Nov. 7th, in San Antonio!
Don't want to drive into Austin and wait in line to get into the store? Visit our booth at The Healing Arts Festival & Market to get your crystals and interact with a myriad of practitioners and vendors all with unique gifts and products!
Austin Metaphysical & Holistic Life Expo
Love being surround by like-minded individuals seeking peace and healing in our community. We had a beautiful set-up with all of your metaphysical and holistic items while many of our friends provided services and insights utilizing their own unique gifts!
To keep up with all the latest Spiritual Life Productions has to offer, click HERE!
Austin Gem & Minerals Club
Gem Capers Recap
We are just at home with our rockhounds and lapidaries, but were happy to see a growing presence of our spiritual brethren at this year's Gem Capers Show sponsored by the Austin Gem & Mineral Society. This year boasted some beautiful rock and mineral specimens as well as educational children's games & activities. We sponsored the displays at the front entrance and heard they made quite an impression this year!
Contact Information
Phone: 512.472.5015
Store Hours
Sunday - Saturday 11:00a - 5:50p
Visit NTRocks.com for Holiday Hours
Look For Us On Social Media