Funding Futures
in the Southern Gulf Islands
September 2022 | Sustainable Funding Initiative
ONE to WATCH....
Application Dates Will Be Released Soon!

Island Health Community Grants
Diverse Communities
Promoting dignity and human rights
Addressing discrimination, racism, and stigma
Decolonizing and Indigenizing community wellness

Connected Communities
Social connectedness
Building intergenerational connections
Supportive and welcoming communities

Safe Communities
Injury prevention
Violence and domestic abuse prevention
Active transportation

Nourished Communities
Community gardens
Food security

Active Communities
Physical activity for all, including people with different abilities
Mindful movement
Connection and access to nature

A total of up to $800,000 is available for individual/small grant funding.
Individual grants will be awarded up to $12,000 each.

To encourage partnerships and collaboration, the remaining $200,000 is allocated for projects that are multi-jurisdictional/multi-agency and involve a minimum of three partner organizations.

Partnership grant applications will be awarded up to $50,000 each.
SGIs Community Organization Spotlight
Raincoast and the Pender Islands Conservancy are
protecting land on S,DÁYES (Pender Island)
Raincoast Conservation Foundation is a team of conservationists and scientists empowered by
our research to protect the lands, waters, and wildlife of coastal BC. Raincoast uses rigorous, peer-
reviewed science and community engagement to further our conservation objectives, an approach
we call ‘informed advocacy’. The Pender Islands Conservancy Association is a charity and land
trust committed to land protection and restoration; long-term ecological research and monitoring;
and public education on Pender Island. Together, our organizations are working toward the
purchase and protection of 45 acres of globally rare Coastal Douglas-fir (CDF) forest, known as
KELÁ_EKE Kingfisher Forest on S,DÁYES or North Pender Island. This conservation initiative
seeks to protect threatened species and habitats in the Gulf Islands, and contribute to a broader
regional effort to enhance ecological resilience and connectivity around the Salish Sea.
The KELÁ_EKE Kingfisher Forest campaign aims to reframe land protection in this region by
safeguarding ecological sanctuaries for future generations, guided by management regimes that
support W̱SÁNEĆ local food systems and youth education programs. We seek to involve all
surrounding communities in the ongoing restoration and healing of the land. Further, this work is
designed to enhance climate resilience, ecological integrity, and biodiversity in the community we
serve. Without adequate protection measures these precious CDF ecosystems remain vulnerable
to development and degradation. This is of particular concern in the context of climate change, as
research shows that intact ecosystems provide a plethora of climate change mitigation services.
We need to protect these ecosystems so they can protect us.
Since launching this campaign, Raincoast and the Conservancy have made huge strides toward the
permanent protection of KELÁ_EKE Kingfisher Forest with nearly $1.4 million raised so far. They
have until the end of this year to reach their final target of $2.1 million.
To help raise awareness
about the campaign, the two organizations are hosting an EcoFair on Pender Islands from October
22-23, 2022 alongside grassroots group PenderPOD.

Any proceeds raised will support the
permanent protection of KELÁ_EKE Kingfisher Forest.
To find out more, visit
or email the Gulf Islands Forest Project
Coordinator, Shauna Doll
You can also visit
and/or visit the Conservancy in person at
the Hope Bay Nature Centre on North Pender Island!