November 20, 2020
Notes from the Headmaster
Greetings families,
I hope this email finds you well. I know you have all received a good amount of communication over the past few days. I want to briefly recap what was sent so you know what can and should be prioritized here.
I sent an email earlier today with a reminder to fill out your Second Semester Learning Survey. Within it, you will find a recap of the instructions to follow to indicate your intention for the second semester. You can also find the instructions listed below. Again, all families should fill this out, even if you are already on-site. As I stated in this email, we recognize this is a difficult decision, and at an especially difficult time. Please do reach out to me if you have any remaining questions at all and if I can be of any support to you and your family as you think through this together.
Additionally, you should have received an email earlier this week from Mr. Twist detailing our move to 100% Distance Learning from November 30 to December 2. I sent a follow-up email today giving you more information on the format and content of Distance Learning during these days. Please look to this for further information. I will also be hosting a Facebook Live reading of The Phantom Tollbooth on these mornings at 10am, which we began at our last assembly. You do not need an account to attend, but can simply hop onto our school’s Facebook page. I hope to see your children there!
Finally, thank you all for your contributions to the Food Drive this week. Your good-willed and giving spirit shone brightly in this wonderful event. Even during this tumultuous time, it is incredible to see so many of you thinking about those around us in need.
Thank you all, as always, for your continued trust and partnership. My doors are always open for any ways we can best support you and your scholars.
With Devotion,
Stephen Philabaum
Archway Trivium East
Here are a few important reminders about upcoming events at Archway Trivium East. Please visit our website for more information!
The latest Athenian Echo newsletters can always be found on our website under
Virtual Family Game Night, 5-6:30 PM
See below for Zoom login info
Action Required: Deadline to Complete Semester 2 Learning Survey
Wednesday, November 25-Friday, November 27
No School: Thanksgiving Break
Monday, November 30-Wednesday, December 2
NEW! 100% At-home Distance Learning for ALL students
*New Date* Picture Day for Distance Learners / Retake Day
Action Required: Complete the Semester 2 Learning Survey by November 20
All families are asked to log into the Great Hearts Enrollment system by Friday, November 20 to select their student's learning plan (either in-person or distance learning) for the entirety of semester 2. If you have any questions, please reach out to your school leadership. To make your selection, please follow the steps below:
Please log into the Great Hearts Enrollment system using your username and password. If you do not remember your log-in information, please click on the "Forgot Password" and follow the instructions. If you continue to experience issues, please reach out to
- Once you are in the enrollment system, click on the Second Semester Learning Survey Button to access the form.
- Complete the Second Semester Learning Survey for all currently registered students in your household.
- To submit, click the "Finish" button.
- Once you submit the form, you will receive an email confirmation to the email registered in the enrollment system.
Military Family Survey - Complete by November 30
With the adoption of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), military-connected students are now recognized as a distinct subgroup, including students with a parent who is a member of the Armed Forces on active duty of such title. The Military Student Identifier (MSI) questions listed below will provide educators with critical information to personalize attention for military dependent children. Parents/Guardians may decline to respond to these voluntary questions. If a parent/guardian declines, the answer is reflected as a "no." No parent/guardian will be asked to verify their military status by showing a military identification or other DOD documentation.
If your student is a "Yes" to any of the questions below, please email Mrs. Hickman at with your family's information so that Archway Trivium East can accurately update the information in their system as needed.
- "Is the student a dependent of a member of the United States military service in the Active Duty Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard?"
- "Is the student a dependent of a fulltime member of the National Guard, or Reserve force of the United States military (Army, Navy, Marine Corps or Air Force)."
- "Is the student a dependent of a member of the National Guard, or Reserve force of the United States military (Army, Navy, Marine Corps or Air Force)."
We ask that all families respond no later than Monday, November 30. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to Mrs. Hickman.
Virtual Family Game Night - Friday, November 20
We have so much FUN planned for our community at our first ever VIRTUAL FAMILY GAME NIGHT! Join us from 5:00-6:30pm on Friday, November 20 using the Zoom links below. New games start every 20 minutes at 5:00, 5:20, 5:40 and 6:00 PM.
Meeting ID: 514 267 2011 Passcode: game
Meeting ID: 889 4259 2040 Passcode: game
Meeting ID: 842 724 5966 Passcode: game
Meeting ID: 880 103 0080 Passcode: game
Picture Day for Distance Learners/Retake Day - December 4
Our Picture Day for Distance Learners and Retake Day for in-person students will be Friday, December 4. Distance Learners must sign-up for an appointment time using the link below. Families will check in at the MPR entrance on Picture Day during their appointment time. In person learners do not need to sign-up for an appointment time. Once your photos are received, please let your child's teacher know if you would like to have retakes done. Ordering information will be shared in the coming weeks.
Reminder: Great Hearts Open Enrollment is for NEW Students Only
Archway Trivium East Parents: Open Enrollment for new-to-Trivium students will begin Monday, November 9 and runs through Friday, December 11 for all Great Hearts Arizona Academies. Current K-4th Grade students at Archway Trivium East DO NOT need to participate in open enrollment. Re-enrollment information will be sent to current K-4th grade families in March of 2021.
If you have a 5th grade student currently enrolled at Archway Trivium East or Archway Trivium West, please plan to enroll them at Trivium Preparatory Academy during Open Enrollment. 5th grade graduates of Archway Trivium East and West receive "Archway Graduate" priority status which is the highest priority status for enrollment into Trivium Prep. More information will be sent to 5th grade families in the coming weeks.
If you are the parent of a sibling (entering Kindergarten - 12th grades) who is not currently enrolled at a Great Hearts Academy, please plan to fill out an application during the Open Enrollment period unless you have already rolled-over an active application in the enrollment system from the 2020-21 school year. This includes students entering Kindergarten in 2021.
Dennis Uniform Cyber Sale - November 28-December 1
Dennis Uniform is having a CyberDays sale from Saturday, November 28-Tuesday, December 1 online only! Items will be 15% off, with free shipping for orders over $50. Click here for details and visit their website to shop the sale!
Food Drive - Thank you for Giving!
A huge thank you to the Archway Trivium East community for your generous donations to our annual food drive for St. Mary's Food Bank! It was so amazing to see our community pour out their generosity through this effort. We collected over 21 boxes--almost double what we collected last year. Thank you for giving!
Reminder - COVID Guidelines for International Travel
As we are approaching the holiday season and setting our eyes again towards travelling with and to our families, we wanted to send a reminder about International Travel protocols. International Travel includes any country outside of the United States, including Canada and Mexico. If you and your family spend time outside of the country, please notify our Covid Response Coordinator, Cherie Miller, of your travel. Students must stay at home for 14 days after returning home from international travel. Alternatively, your children may come back after receiving a negative Covid-19 test result 5 days or more after returning. Thank you for your understanding and support, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Help Make Copies for ATE Staff
ATE parents we have a volunteer opportunity available! This year we will be helping our amazing teachers and staff make copies! If you're interested in volunteering please sign up using the link below. All volunteers must be cleared through the Raptor system to volunteer.
Happy Birthday!
Join us in wishing "Happy Birthday" to the following Archway Trivium East faculty and staff with recent/upcoming birthdays!
Rachel Johnson - 3B Lead - November 2
Patrick Conklin - P.E. Teacher - November 14
Alexanderia Vickers - 2C Lead - December 11
Save the Date for the 5th Annual Trivium "Run the Virtues" Fun Run!
We are excited to announce that our annual Trivium "Run the Virtues" race is going VIRTUAL this year! Save the date for Saturday, February 27 and look for more details coming soon! This yearly event sponsored by our PSOs is a great way to build community among the three Trivium schools. While it may look a little different, we know it will be a great event! Please mark your calendars and start training for the 5K or 1-mile fun run!!
Order Hot Lunch
My Hot Lunchbox is excited for another great year of delivering school lunch! Lunch service in now available for all Trivium students.
If you are a first-time customer, follow these steps to create your free account. Families with students at multiple Trivium schools should create only ONE account per family.
Important Note: You will need to Update Your Profile with the student's correct teacher to view the meal calendar.
If you have any questions, please contact My Hot Lunchbox at (888) 894-8295 or by email at or visit the PSO Lunch page on the school website for more information.
Quick Links:
Archway Trivium East Main Office: (623) 866-4718
Attendance Line: (623) 218-6607
Communications Updates
You can find all school-wide communications on our website on the Latest News page.
If you know of parents who are not receiving these communications, please ask them to check their junk/promotions email folders, and then email for assistance.
Archway Trivium East would love your feedback. Post a review to our Google profile.