
May 18, 2023

Word from the Pastor:



16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him, but they doubted. 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit 20 and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

—Matthew 28:1620


This past Sunday was such a wonderful time in the Lord. We gathered to celebrate our graduating high school seniors as well as those graduating from college and graduate school. We saw in each of the young people who participated and led our worship the long-ripened fruit of the love of parents and our church community. We will gather this Sunday to celebrate another milestone in the lives of our young people, when we celebrate Confirmation Sunday. These middle schoolers will take their next steps in the journey of faith as they confess the faith as their own.


To all of our young people and their families I say, “Congratulations!” Thank you for your hard work, diligence, love, patience, and faithfulness. I see in each of you the unique gifts God has given to bless others and to share the Good News that Jesus is Lord.


It is here that I would remind each of you, as well as the whole congregation, that no matter what direction life takes us in, Christ has given us a commission. It is clearly stated in Matthew 28. We are to go, proclaim, teach, baptize, and obey. In other words, whatever wonderful milestones we reach, we live our lives in service to the higher calling of serving Christ.


We have two incredible resources that will help us all along the way. The first comes in Matthew 28:17. Upon seeing the risen Lord, we are told that the disciples knelt to the ground and paid homage to Jesus through their worship. The Greek word here comes from the root proskuneo, and it means to bend the knee, worship, and do obeisance. Another way to put it is that they prostrated themselves before the Lord and adored him. Our lives in Jesus Christ always begin and end on our knees in worship before the Lord of life. If we keep this posture, the Lord will guide our steps.


The second comes in verse 20. Here Jesus gives us a solemn promise. As we do the work he has set before us, he promises he will always be with us, to the end of the age. In modern wording, till the sun no longer shines and the universe grinds to a halt, Christ will always be with us, and then some. In the darkest of our moments to the heights of our triumphs, Christ is there, empowering us as we make our pilgrim way. The great promise here is that in whatever we do, we will never be alone.


Finally, this same promise is true even in our moments of weakness and doubt. Go back and look at verse 17. Even seeing the risen Lord, some of the disciples had questions. They still had a hard time putting the pieces together. It is exactly at this moment that Jesus reminds them who he is and gives them marching orders. The same is true of us. It will be in the moments of our struggle that Christ will remind us of who he is, the promises he has made, and the future we hope for in him.


So make your way in the world, celebrating the commission you have been given and that the power to accomplish these things goes before you in Christ Jesus.


In Christ,

Pastor Sam

Our Family Ministry Road Map


May 21

Ascension & Confirmation Sunday

One Worship



Psalm 47

Acts 1:1–11

Ephesians 1:15–23



“To the Ends of the Earth”

Sam Weddington


Last Sunday’s Attendance

One Worship: In person: 250; Livestream: 18; Playback: 68


Sunday, May 21

10:20 a.m.

Sunday School


11:00 a.m.

Confirmation Sunday Worship



4:00 p.m.

Mission & Outreach Committee

Room 123


Monday, May 22

9:00 a.m.

Staff Retreat


7:00 p.m.

Session, Deacons & Trustees

Fellowship Hall


Tuesday, May 23

7:00 p.m.

Troop 3, Scout Hall


Wednesday, May 24

7:15 p.m.

Praise Band

Fellowship Hall


Thursday, May 25

7:00 a.m.

Men’s Bible Study



1:00 p.m.

Women’s Bible Study

Room 123


Saturday, May 27

9:00 a.m.

Women's Stride & Stroll

Rooster Front Park

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast Saturday

Our next Bristol Area Men’s Fellowship Breakfast is scheduled for this Saturday, May 20. All males from sixth grade up are welcome to join us every third Saturday at 7:30 a.m. in the fellowship hall. For more information or a ride, call the church office at 423-764-7176.

Women's Stride & Stroll May 27

Here’s a Memorial Day weekend option for the women of FPC and their friends. All ages are invited to connect Saturday, May 27, for a casual “Stride & Stroll” at Rooster Front Park. Bring a bag lunch for more fellowship after our adventure! We have reserved the shelter directly in front of the parking lot from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. We’ll begin to gather at 9:00 and set off on an easy lakeside walk at 10:00. Moms, bring the strollers and youngsters! For more information, contact Linda Welch at 423-366-1210 or Jackie Burt

Senior Sunday

Senior Sunday was beautiful! Claire Hankins and Layne Richardson sang while Micah Bechtold, Vance McCracken, Noah Ong, Maddie Smith, Ethan Webb, Grayson Webb, and Jeremiah Webb played instruments ranging from brass to keys to drums. Our liturgists were Tom Meredith and Wade Witcher. Payne Ladd and Layne Richardson taught the Time for Children. Logan Tudor shared a reflection about his time at First Pres and the impact the church has had on his life. Claire Hankins gave a beautiful sermon and shared her testimony. Each senior was given a blanket monogrammed with their name and Colossians 1:9–12. We are so grateful for this class of seniors! /Katie Arnold

Celebrating Our 2023 Graduates

May 14 was Senior Sunday, when our 2023 graduates led a combined worship service, and we celebrated their achievements. Read below to learn something of their accomplishments and plans.

Christian Brinkley, cared for by Davan and Kristi Johnson, is graduating from Hampton High School and plans to attend Northeast State Community College or serve in the military.

Peter Dotterweich, son of Martin and Heather Dotterweich, is graduating from Tennessee High School and plans to pursue education in digital modeling and 3-D printing.

Claire Hankins, daughter of Amanda and Will Hankins, is graduating from Tennessee High School and will major in psychology and music at Davidson College.

Paige Helms, daughter of Rhonda and Jody Helms, is graduating from Tennessee High School and will major in elementary education at East Tennessee State University.

Payne Ladd, son of Kelly and Kevin Ladd, is graduating from Tennessee High School and will major in electrical engineering at Northeast State University.

Tom Meredith, son of Allison and Tim Meredith, is graduating from Homelife Academy and will major in psychology at Northeast State Community College.

Dillon Pendley, son of Deidre Pendley, is graduating from the Naval Academy with a BS in Operations Research. He will continue his service in the Navy in San Diego beginning in July.

Madison Ratliff, daughter of Sherry and John Ratliff, has graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with a BS in Behavioral and Health Sciences with a concentration in Child Development and Family Consumer Sciences.

Layne Richardson, daughter of Lensey and Matt Richardson, is graduating from Tennessee High School and will major in elementary education at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

Madeline Smith, daughter of Deborah and Mark Smith, is graduating from Tennessee High School and will major in music education at Liberty University.

Logan Tudor, son of Annette and David Tudor, is graduating from Tennessee High School and Northeast State University with an associate degree and will major in elementary education at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

Ethan Webb, son of Amy Webb and the late Randy Webb, is graduating from Tennessee High School and will major in music performance at Blair School of Music at Vanderbilt University.

Grayson Webb, son of Amy Webb and the late Randy Webb, is graduating from Tennessee High School and will major in biomedical engineering at Duke University.

Jeremiah Webb, son of Amy Webb and the late Randy Webb, is graduating from Tennessee High School and will major in computer science at Vanderbilt University.

Meredith Webb, daughter of Amy Webb and the late Randy Webb, has graduated from Maryville College with a BA in art.

Wade Witcher, son of Tina and Roby Witcher, is graduating from West Ridge High School and will major in occupational therapy and play basketball at Milligan University.


Jeremiah Swam Sidi has graduated from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Doctor of Educational Ministry degree. He will continue in his roles at First Presbyterian Church and King University.

Confirmand Letters Due

Those preparing words of spiritual encouragement to share with our confirmands should be sure to deliver your cards and letters to Katie Arnold at the church by tomorrow, Friday, May 19. We will present them to our newest members this Sunday. Thank you for joining in the celebration of this milestone in the lives of our students! 

May Mission Focus: Montana Indian Ministries

Our mission focus for May is on Montana Indian Ministries, a Christian organization that aims to share the gospel and serve the needs of Native American communities in Montana. MIM works with several tribes, including the Blackfeet, Crow, and Northern Cheyenne, to provide a variety of programs and services.

Their programs include Bible studies, discipleship classes, and youth camps that aim to help Native American individuals and families grow spiritually. They also offer assistance with home maintenance and repairs. In addition to their spiritual and practical services, MIM also works to promote cultural understanding and respect between Native American and non-Native American communities. They strive to bridge the gap and bring people together through various events and activities.

This month’s special offering will go to further assist the work of MIM, with which we partner. Our volunteers have helped with maintenance and served at the annual Powwow. You will find special collection bins in the narthex and fellowship hallway as well as a Montana Indiana Ministries fund in our online giving drop-down menu.

Fairmount Field Day

We love partnering with Fairmount Elementary School! It was a gift to hear the laughter and cheering throughout the neighborhood as we hosted them for their annual field day last Friday. Sarah Gannaway and her team made a wonderful lunch so that teachers and staff could take a break in the air conditioning and enjoy some respite and nourishment.

Final Sign-Up Notice

for Serve Orlando

Rising seventh grade to college students, families with rising first graders and up, and adults of all ages are invited to join us on our summer Serve Orlando mission trip. We will leave from the church on Saturday, June 17, and return Saturday, June 24.

Register here and pay the deposit. You can pay online here; choose “2023 Serve Orlando Mission Trip” in the Fund drop-down menu. Contact Katie Arnold for more information.

Gifts to the Church

Memorials and honoraria are published in the newsletter only after the family has been personally notified by our business office. Today we gratefully acknowledge the following gift in memory of:

  • Joyce Samuel: to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund from Barbara Daniel

Organist's Footnotes

Our opening voluntary is based on our opening hymn: DUKE STREET. Edwin T. Child’s arrangement of this well-known hymn is a jovial fugue with rapidly moving parts for the manuals and a slower moving cantus firmus for the pedals. Child (b. 1945; pictured) is a native of New Hampshire. He studied composition with Jack Goode at Wheaton College (BM) and with Wayne Barlow, Warren Benson, and Samuel Adler at the Eastman School of Music (PhD). He has taught music theory and composition at Cairn University (PA) and Biola University (CA). He is now retired from teaching at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.


Our closing voluntary is based on our closing hymn, DEO GRACIAS. This setting was composed by the Canadian organist and composer Healey Willan (1880–1968). Willan is best known for his sacred choral and organ works, which show evidence of his love for plainsong and Renaissance music. His setting of DEO GRACIAS is among the latter body of organ pieces that Willan composed during his retirement years. While some of Willan’s contemporaries began to branch out into more experimental musical forms, Willan stayed true to his Postromantic roots. He left behind an enormous body of work that organists will continue to treasure for many years.

Pray for One Another

We want to pray for and celebrate with you! Send us your prayer requests and glad tidings.

In Our Prayers

We have several unnamed or private requests. Please pray for the members of our community

who wish to remain anonymous.

Ricky Adams

Wayne Ausmus

Bud & Marg Branscomb

Bristol Tennessee City Schools

Nancy Carter & family

Rachel & Ben Cherry & Dean Millard

Bill Coleman

Barbara Daniel

Peter Doriot

Frances Emerson

Russell Fogelman, Kelli Krajeck & Kendall

Martha & Bill Gesling

John Graham Sr.

Lou Hebb

Amanda Hernandez

Betsy Tate Kegley

Mardi Long

Dot & Diana Mattison

Craig McDonald

Carl McGrady

Fisher Mitchell

Montana Indian Ministries

National & international leadership

Lee North

Emmie Pho

Pastor Bruce Plummer

Bill Prince

Cora Lee Raccioppo

Lynn Richards

Greg Roberts

Brenda Rogers

Rollins family

Harold Rutherford

Teachers & school administrators

Those suffering with addiction

Scott VanNostrand

Bill & Patsy Ward

The session continues to encourage masks for those at higher risk of complications from COVID-19 or not fully vaccinated. The session encourages everyone to consult their medical professional about vaccinations and boosters.

Monday is the deadline for contributions to Windows. Subscribe to our free e-newsletter by sending your name and preferred email address to the editor.

Livestream our worship services and other activities at FPC Bristol on YouTubeClick on the link and hit Subscribe to receive notifications of new videos. Find us on Facebook at FPC Bristol. Several accounts will show up. “Like” the page or ask to join a group.

We encourage you to use text, mail, or our website to safely continue your faithful support of our ministries. Give online here; choose a fund from the drop-down menu. Or send your pledge, offering, or special gift by texting fpcbristol to 73256 or mailing your check to the church.

701 Florida Avenue | Bristol, TN 37620 | 423-764-7176 |