Nov. 20, 2020

  • Please help make sure your child remembers and is on time for his/her zoom.
  • The student should be the only visible family member on the camera.
  • Teachers understand how difficult it is as a parent to watch your child struggle, but please do not give your child the answers.
  • Give your child ownership of the zoom process and learning.

We are on our last day of the 1st trimester! Teachers will soon begin working on report cards. Report cards will be sent home with students on December 3rd and 4th.

During the hybrid/remote schedules teachers have been primarily focused on ELA and Math, while Social Studies and Science have been provided only on exploratory days. Due to the limited time and depth of teacher and student in-person interactions, parents should anticipate seeing more B (Beginning) and P (progressing) marks on their student(s) report cards. In addition, parents should expect to see more standards blank or not yet assessed/witnessed in all subject areas for the same reasons. 

Just a reminder that when your student is not attending in person schooling, they still have school work to do while at home!   Please have your child do their daily check in with their teacher, turn in all assignments on SeeSaw and attend their Wednesday zooms.

We’d like to thank all of the families that continue to communicate when your child is sick and also when your child needs to stay home.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.

Nicole Keorkunian
Cooper Elementary
Help Wanted: Subs Needed!
Please visit if you are interested in going through the registration process and let the Cooper office know as well, or if you need more information.
Spirit Days
December 3rd/4th - Crazy Socks

December 10th/11th - Hat Day/Holiday Headwear

December 14th/15th - Red & Green Attire

December 17th/18th - Pajama/Comfy Day
Cooper Parents Club
Flyers have gone home this week for our Biggby fundraiser and Santa Shop!

If you have any questions you can email CPC at:

Click here for a video on how the VIRTUAL Santa Shop works!

December Menus for Breakfast & Lunch
Upcoming Dates
11/20 - End of first Trimester
11/20 - 11/30 - Virtual Santa
11/25 - 27 - Thanksgiving Break
12/02 - Virtual Students Picture Day at Starr Elementary
12/03 - Picture Day - Group A
12/04 - Picture Day - Group B
(It will prompt you to log into your account)

Channel: Click Here!
Cooper Elementary
Nicole Keorkunian, Principal
7559 N. 14th Street Kalamazoo, MI 49009 
Phone: 269.349.2674 Fax: 269.345.5111