Hello everybody!
Fr. Quan made it safely home from Vietnam last night. It is good to have him back! Very good!
We will be honoring our graduating 8th graders on Wednesday at mass in the morning followed by their awards ceremony and, later in the evening, their graduation ceremony. It is an exciting time for them and marks a great accomplishment for our entire community. Please keep all of them and their families in your prayers.
This weekend, we will be collecting for the Crusade for Children. Please see information below for how to donate to this worthy community effort. Also, on June 10/11, the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, distribution of holy communion from the chalice will return. While all of Christ is present under both species, I welcome the return of the fullness of the symbol to be able to receive both the body and the blood at mass.
God bless us all!
Fr. Jeff