Since our last edition, we have welcomed two bison calves — a girl and a boy! Both are feisty and playful. They are a joy to watch! The bison are currently in the central pasture, so after you enter the park and drive past the green bison sign, you may see the bison to your left. The pasture runs along that fence all the way to the right-hand curve in the road. As the bison rotate pastures throughout the year, you may also be able to see them from a birds-eye perspective at the newly opened Bison Viewing Deck (article below), so when you visit, ask gate staff where the bison are currently located.
We had our first member event on the new Bison Viewing Deck. See the article below for a recap and photos. We have more member events coming in the fall, including two more Breakfast with the Bison events, Stars and S’mores, and Monarchs with Megan. More details to come.
We look forward to seeing you in the shade this summer and at our member events this fall.
Thank you for your passion and commitment to the Friends and the Nature Center. We could not do what we do without your support.
Your friend in conservation,