3rd Quarter 2023 | Volume 31, Issue 2

Photo by K.P. Wilska

A Quarterly Newsletter Sponsored by the Friends in Support of the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge

Dear Friends,


Summer has arrived! While the rains have been a blessing, the humidity has certainly been daunting. Now, the high heat is probably here to stay, with little rain in sight. That’s a Texas summer! The Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge has many shady trails you can hike, and if you arrive early, you may even see some wildlife. In the afternoons, wildlife remain in the shade, usually out of sight. During the Nature Center’s summer hours (through August), you can arrive at the park as early as 7 am.

Since our last edition, we have welcomed two bison calves — a girl and a boy! Both are feisty and playful. They are a joy to watch! The bison are currently in the central pasture, so after you enter the park and drive past the green bison sign, you may see the bison to your left. The pasture runs along that fence all the way to the right-hand curve in the road. As the bison rotate pastures throughout the year, you may also be able to see them from a birds-eye perspective at the newly opened Bison Viewing Deck (article below), so when you visit, ask gate staff where the bison are currently located.


We had our first member event on the new Bison Viewing Deck. See the article below for a recap and photos. We have more member events coming in the fall, including two more Breakfast with the Bison events, Stars and S’mores, and Monarchs with Megan. More details to come.


We look forward to seeing you in the shade this summer and at our member events this fall.


Thank you for your passion and commitment to the Friends and the Nature Center. We could not do what we do without your support.


Your friend in conservation,

Haily Summerford, MBA

Executive Director

Behind the Scenes at the Refuge

Not Resting on Our Laurels

On November 24, 1980, the Nature Center was officially designated as a National Natural Landmark by Secretary of the Interior Cecil Andrus, based primarily on the significance of the Cross Timbers forest on the Refuge. To date, the Nature Center is still the only National Natural Landmark in Texas owned by a municipality (the City of Fort Worth).


Friends News

Experiencing the Bison Herd in a New Way

When you are at the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge, stop by the newly opened Bison Viewing Deck to see the bison from a new perspective. The deck is the first experience of its kind in the North Texas area. It’s also a great perch from which to do some bird watching.


Breakfast with the Bison Gets a New View

Breakfast with the Bison made a return to the Nature Center on May 20 in a highly anticipated move to the new Bison Viewing Deck, the first Friends member event to be held on the deck since it officially opened in April.


Bill Meadows Honored at Fort Worth Wild 2023

The Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge honored William (Bill) Meadows at our annual fundraising event, Fort Worth Wild, on April 27. Bill has served on the board of the Friends and was instrumental in acquiring additional land for the Refuge.


Fort Worth Wild 2023 Sponsors

We would like to extend a special thank-you to the sponsors who helped us honor Bill Meadows and his efforts in conservation across North Texas at Fort Worth Wild 2023. The companies, foundations, and individuals listed below are continuing a legacy of conservation by supporting one of the largest urban nature parks in the country — the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge.


Bison Brief

Out with the Old, In with the New

With all things in life, maintaining a balance is essential to being able to prosper, a tenet that also applies to management of the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge’s natural resources. The Nature Center is one of the nation’s largest urban natural expanses, and, as our mission states, we “stand as an example in the preservation and protection of natural areas.” We must be intentional and deliberate in our activities and management practices. That also is true of the Nature Center’s bison herd. 


At the Nature Center

Tire Cleanup More Than Halfway Complete

Since 2020, Friends volunteers Bert Slade and Jaime Dickerson have made it their mission to do their part to keep the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge pristine. What began as a modest effort to pick up small amounts of trash to carry out as they hiked the Canyon Ridge Trail at the Nature Center has morphed into a multi-year project to remove all the tires and other trash from the trail and help return it to its original condition.


Volunteer and Staff Spotlight

Volunteers Celebrated with Hands & Hearts

Hands & Hearts is the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge’s annual celebration of its volunteers. We recognize our volunteers’ hard work and dedication to the Nature Center with awards, a catered dinner, activities, and a raffle. This year, we decided to hold the event in April — which is National Volunteer Appreciation Month.


Did You See It?

Bison Sightings

Each issue, we highlight the most-popular post that was featured on social media the previous quarter. Enjoy this look back at what caught our followers' attention. Follow us if you haven't already! Links are below.

From June 15, 2023

The bison have proved to be one of the most popular attractions at the Nature Center and receive a lot of attention on social media as well. This recent photo of the bison became our new Facebook cover. The photo is by the extremely talented K.P. Wilska, who is so gracious to provide us with stunning images.

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