Hi Dear Friends,

My autumn retreat is coming up mid October so I'm checking in to see who'd like to join me!

This May I was able to resume my personal practice of silence joining a 6 day Silent Meditation and Yoga Retreat at Spirit Rock. Arriving the 1st day I dropped right into the quiet space with a kind of familiar relief. I say dropped because it was like shedding all my commitments, endeavors and relationships for the 6 days except my relationship with myself. For me this has always been a commitment to experience what ever shows up in the Here & Now with a sense of curiosity. One of my takeaways was gaining deeper clarity around how compassion shows up in me. I know I'm compassionate yet realized I still wasn't quite able to articulate my experience. For me it's the ability to neither push away or want to fix the suffering of others. Rather to be present to their suffering and let them know I can walk with them.

Quiet space offers so many unexpected gifts. Come join me in this day of social silence and let's practice being in the Here & Now while opening to receiving the gifts from whatever shows up.

2023 Day Long Silent

Yoga & Meditation Retreat

Green Gulch Farm

Muir Beach, Marin County, CA

Saturday ~ October 14th

9:30am - 5:00pm

$225 includes lunch

(allergies can be accommodated)


These days are significantly personal and in moments magical.

We'll meet in the yurt with it's warming fire under fragrant eucalyptus trees for a day of guided gentle yoga, meditations, and relaxations.

For those who'd like, we'll take an afternoon walk to Muir Beach and possibly dip our toes into the ocean. The walk is an easy 2 miles round trip. No hills.

If the beach is not for you, the Green Gulch gardens are welcoming to stroll though. Maybe you'll find a bench or a patch of grass to sit for awhile and journal or nap. Our delicious vegetarian lunch is often prepared from these gardens.

Bring your mat. All other yoga equipment is provided along with tea and snacks. I'll send an email with particulars 2wks prior.

Deb Reid

Somatic Yoga Therapist C-IAYT

Certified Relationship Coach CRC with PIVOT

Facilitator at the Glass House, Retreat Center for PIVOT

