Research and Sponsored Programs Update
Fall is a season for pumpkin-spiced lattes, pumpkin decorating contests (be sure to vote on our Disney-themed creations) and yes, transition. Change is fast approaching in the Division of Research and Graduate Studies, where we’re wishing a happy retirement to our beloved Dean and welcoming a familiar name to many on campus.

After nearly 32 years in service to Fresno State, Dr. Jim Marshall will retire at the end of the fall 2021 semester. We hope you can join us to celebrate his retirement on Nov. 18 (details below).

Dr. Joy Goto, who has served the campus community since 2007, has been appointed interim dean and will begin her new role on Jan. 3, 2022. She recently completed a five-year term as chair of the Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and has also served as the departmental graduate coordinator. We’re excited to welcome Dr. Goto, who has received grants from NIH, NSF, USDA and the CSU Chancellor’s Office. In short, she’s a perfect fit. We look forward to her start date in January.
All are welcome to join us on Thursday, Nov. 18 from 8:30 to 10 a.m. in North Gym 118, where we’ll be celebrating Dr. Marshall’s remarkable career at Fresno State. Please use the Google form to RSVP by Nov. 2.

Dr. Marshall’s career at Fresno State began in 1990, when he was hired in what was then known as the Teacher Education Department in the School of Education and Human Development. During his deanship at the Division of Research and Graduate Studies, he served concurrently as the Acting Dean of the Kremen School of Education and Human Development, the Interim Dean of Health and Human Services, and most recently, assistant to the provost. We wish him a happy and very well-deserved retirement!
Wei Wu (Construction Management) and collaborators from San Jose State, Sonoma State and Fresno City College received a 3-year, $996,300 grant from NSF for their project, “HSI Implementation and Evaluation Project: Active Learning in Introductory STEM Courses with Extended Reality ALIS-XR.”
  • Mary Garza and Lauren Lessard (CVHPI) received third-year funding ($926,201) for the the EMBRACE Project from the Patient‐Centered Outcomes Research Institute (via UCSF). 

  • The Lyles Center received a $10,501 grant from the Washington Unified School District to provide entrepreneurship curriculum to students for the 2021-22 academic year

  • Helen Miltiades (Gerontology) received a $7,931 grant from AARP for the Leadership Academy Project.

  • Bill Bommer and Emil Milevoj (CSB) received 2021-22 funding ($268,672) for the Statewide Restraint Usage Surveys project from the State of California Office of Traffic Safety.

  • Jesús S. Larralde-Muro and Hernan Maldonado (LCOE) received a $50,000 grant from USDA to strengthen the USDA-NRCS diversity recruitment mission in support of the Natural Resource Career Development Program (NRCDP).

  • Candace Egan (MCJ) received funding to produce four videos promoting the Smart Clip product.

  • Steve Price (KSOEHD) received a $40,000 grant from the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools to provide services for the Regional STEM Hub. 
Program Spotlight
Submission Window Dates: Jan. 3 –Jan. 31, 2022.
In 1984, Fresno State established an award in honor of Mr. Claude C. Laval Jr., a long-time resident of Fresno and a productive inventor. This award has supported the development of innovative technology and related research at the university. Applications will be accepted starting Oct. 15 from full-time faculty and students from all academic disciplines for this year’s award. Deadline: Tuesday, Nov. 1.
Amber Crowell (Sociology) and Faith in the Valley’s Andy Levine have launched the Center for Community Voices to incorporate the voices of marginalized community members into policymaking.
  • Irán Barrera (Social Work Education) spoke about how graduate students in his department will be better equipped to provide behavioral health services to Hmong and Latino communities thanks to a new $1.2 million grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration.

  • Veena Howard, professor of religious studies and the Jain and Hindu Dharma Endowed Chair in the Department of Philosophy, delivered her virtual TEDx talk, “Truth Force/Love Force.”

  • Viticulture and Enology Research Center faculty spotlight: Qun (Kristy) Sun, whose research focuses on improving the quality of grapes and wines in the San Joaquin Valley.

  • Jenna Sawdon-Bea (Physical therapy) was featured in a podcast on how students can best optimize their experiences and academics to apply for the Fresno State Doctor of Physical Therapy program.

  • Bryan Tune (Nursing) created the Critical Care RN Registry Service to assist rural community hospitals that are in great need of critical care registered nurses.
Participation in the review process provides invaluable lessons about grant writing. Despite the positive benefits, many hesitate to volunteer as a reviewer for reasons ranging from a lack of time to feeling intimidated by the process. This CSU webcast will demystify the reviewer process and help raise your comfort and confidence. Learn strategies for reviewing grant proposals, hear from agency experts, and learn strategies for mentoring colleagues and co-PIs during the review process. The webcast is set for Friday, Nov. 12, from 10 a.m. – noon. Register online by Nov. 10 or contact us with any questions.
Fresno State is committed to the safe, legal, and ethical use of biologically-derived materials in research. Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC) is a subset of such research that when misapplied could pose significant health and safety threats with broad potential consequences.

The U.S. Government’s oversight of DURC is aimed at preserving the benefits of life sciences research while minimizing the risk of misuse of the knowledge, information, products, or technologies provided by such research. For more information, contact research compliance officer Svetlana (Bagdasarov) Hancer or visit our website.
Olga Nunez (Educational Talent Search) was named Director of the Year and college counselor Ivan Ibarra received the TRIO Advocate of the Year at the WESTOP CenCal award ceremony on Oct. 6.
  • Mariya Yukhymenko-Lescroart (C&I), Dermot Donnelly-Hermosillo (Chemistry and Biochemistry), Cory Cowan (OIE) and Bryan Berrett (IDEAS) had their open-access article on faculty mobile technology integration published in the December issue of Computers and Education Open.

  • Laura Ramos (California Water Institute) was quoted in a GV Wire article on the State Water Resources Control Board feasibility study.

  • Eduardo Gonzalez (Office of Community and Economic Development) participated in a Q&A as one of the Ensuring Broadband for All work group members.

  • Jennifer Randles (Sociology) was quoted in California Healthline on her research on the lack of income for diapers for children.

  • Deify Law (Mechanical engineering) was featured in a Sierra Sun Times article on his research to test and identify a combination of air filters with air treatment technology.
  • Kristi Closser (Chemistry and Biochemistry) will be presenting at the STEM-NET Virtual Research Café on Nov. 19 on "Using Quantum Chemistry to Study Photodegradation of Persistent Organic Pollutants."

  • Hosted virtually by Cal State LA, the Urban Sustainability Symposium (Nov. 18) brings together researchers, educators, students, policymakers, and other stakeholders to address challenges in urban sustainability.
Please don't hesitate to contact the grants administrator for your college/unit as you explore potential funding opportunities. Also, be sure to share with us important news or updates on your research, scholarly, or creative activities. Include NEWSLETTER in the subject line and send details to

This newsletter is compiled and published by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Part of the Division of Research and Graduate Studies, RSP helps faculty and staff apply for and secure external grant funds.
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California State University, Fresno
Research and Sponsored Programs
5241 N. Maple Avenue, M/S TA53 Fresno, CA 93740
P: 559.278.0840
F: 559-278-4658