Dear Curriculum and Instruction Leaders,

A focus on the education of the whole child has been one of the key tenets of the work in the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) Curriculum and Instruction department over the past few years. Supporting districts and schools with the implementation of the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Framework is the cornerstone of the support we provide. Recently the California MTSS Framework was revised to embrace the whole child approach to teaching and learning, and ground our work in universal design for learning (UDL), and culturally responsive teaching. 

One of the key changes in the CA MTSS Framework is the addition of mental health support as part of the whole child domain. We have learned more about students’ mental health and well-being throughout the pandemic as well as the impact of their experiences as they returned to in-person instruction. A focus on using multiple tiers of support can benefit the mental health of all students. It acknowledges that students differ, while also making it feasible for educators to respond to these differences. A multi-tiered approach uses data to monitor indicators of student mental health — as well as contributing factors — and provides different tiers of evidence-based support based on this data. This drives toward more equitable resource distribution: Students who need more get more. 

We have many options and entry points for your system that supports the learning and implementation of MTSS. A first step would be to join one of our communities of practice. We would love to have you join the conversation and join you on your MTSS journey. MTSS will help organize your system to establish inclusive practices and achieve equity for all. Join SDCOE’s MTSS community of practice on a journey of exploring to implement MTSS and related efforts. Register to join the group, which will meet from 1 to 2:30 p.m. monthly throughout the school year.

Over the summer we launched a space to investigate data about how our students with disabilities are faring. We are continuing that dialogue through a community of practice intended to learn more about improving the instruction of students with disabilities! Come join us and check out our Instruction for Students with Disabilities Community of Practice!
Take care,

Shannon Baker, Ed.D.
Twitter: @sbaker_SDCOE