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May 15, 2023
Thank you for a great Spring Tradeshow Mixer
More than 175 people and 35 vendors
The Pleasanton Chamber would like to thank Callippe Preserve Golf Course for hosting our Spring Tradeshow Mixer last week. We appreciate Charissa Roberts, Morgan Chandler and their team from Calllippe for hosting the event.

Special thank you to all of the companies that participated as vendors, especially to the following that provided delicious food tastes - Mochiholic, Passion Pastry, Simple Elegance Catering and Strizzis. Thank you to Amos Productions and Pleasanton Event Rentals for partnering with us for the event.

We host our tradeshow mixers twice a year, in the spring and fall, and they're a great way to meet tons of local businesses and have some fun, too. In case you missed this opportunity last week, our next Tradeshow is set for November 8 at The Club at Ruby Hill.
Congratulations to Leadership Pleasanton Class of 2023
More than 800 have now graduated from Leadership Pleasanton program
The Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce would like to congratulate the Leadership Pleasanton Class of 2023 on its graduation. Upon completion of public safety day last week, the class and fellow Leadership Pleasanton alumni gathered to celebrate at Sunshine Saloon.

The Leadership Pleasanton program was created by the Pleasanton Chamber in 1988, and has produced more than 800 graduates in its 30-plus years. In September of each year, roughly 30 individuals begin participating in nine, monthly, day-long sessions on topics of Pleasanton history, government, education, recreation, business, public safety, health and infrastructure. Registration for the the Leadership Class of 2024 is open here.

Special thank you to Bob Rossi of Sunshine Saloon for hosting the graduation happy hour.
Community of Character Luncheon this Wednesday
In honor of the Juanita Haugen Community of Character award winners
The Pleasanton Community of Character Collaborative invites you to the 14th annual Community of Character luncheon honoring the Juanita Haugen Community of Character award winners. Read about the honorees here. The luncheon takes place on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at the Veteran's Hall at 11:30 a.m. and tickets are $45 per person.

These awards were established in 2008 to recognize Pleasanton citizens who model high ethical and moral standards of behavior and are dedicated volunteers contributing their time to our community. Candidates for this award should exhibit traits chosen by the Citizens of Pleasanton and Advocated by the Collaborative: Compassion, Honesty, Respect, Integrity, Self-Discipline, and Responsibility.
Pleasanton Young Professionals Mastermind Lunch this Wednesday
Hear from Joe Cristiano
Join the Pleasanton Young Professionals at this Mastermind Lunch on the third Wednesday of the odd-numbered months. Cost to attend is $10 for Chamber members, $20 for non-Chamber members. Register in advance to attend here.

The Top 15 Tips Learned from Mentors that Lead to Success and Happiness
We will explore the importance of mentorship, and take a deep dive and carve the path towards success and happiness with speaker Joe Cristiano. You don’t want to miss this one! Lunch provided by Porky's Pizza Palace and the meeting takes place at the Pleasanton Chamber conference room.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies this week
You're Invited
Ribbon cuttings increase the visibility of a grand opening, new location, ground breaking or special anniversary. The chamber brings the giant scissors and the red ribbon, invites our ambassadors and publicizes the event in various publications. To schedule a ribbon cutting, email Dawn.

You're invited to join the Chamber and our ambassadors at the following ribbon cutting ceremonies.
JPAR Iron Horse Real Estate
Wednesday, May 17
4:00 p.m.
Grand Opening
Northern Curry
Friday, May 19
4:00 p.m.
Grand Opening
1st United Credit Union Free Shred Event
Free for members and the community
As part of our effort to help members and the local community protect their identities, 1st United Credit Union will be hosting a free document shredding event. Join us for a chance to win a $100 Visa gift card.
City of Pleasanton Strategic Plan Open House
This Saturday at the Library
The City of Pleasanton would like to invite you to our upcoming Open House event on Saturday, May 20 at the Pleasanton Library located at 400 Old Bernal Avenue. This event is part of our ongoing efforts to engage with the community and gather input and feedback for the City’s strategic planning process. Residents and businesses are welcome to drop by the event any time between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. to learn about City processes and share their priorities and vision for the future of Pleasanton.
Upcoming Member and Community Events
Pleasanton 2025 Forum video available
Hear from the Fair's COO
On the second Wednesday of the odd-numbered months at 12:00 p.m., the Chamber brings stakeholders together to focus community resources, time and talent to achieve greater understanding of issues, obstacles and opportunities related to Pleasanton 2025: A Community Vision.

For the May 2023 forum, our guest speaker was Angel Moore, Chief Operating Officer of the Alameda County Fairgrounds. Watch this forum below.
Business Connection Newsletter for May
Spotlights, ribbon cuttings and more
Take a look at the May Business Connection, our printed newsletter that comes out as in insert in the Pleasanton Weekly earlier this month. This publication reaches 10,000 residences and businesses, and has a readership of 25,000.

Tri- Valley Career Center Spring Job Fair
Over 100 job seekers expected to attend
Are you looking for a new job? Are you making a change in your career? Then join the Tri-Valley Career Center and meet, in-person, dozens of local employers looking for great employees!

The early registration period is closing soon and we still have just a few premium tables left.
If you are hiring now, register for this event here.

TVCC Spring Job Fair
Over 100 Job Seekers expected to attend
Date: Wednesday, May 24
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Location: 5860 Owens Drive, 3rd Floor in Pleasanton
Cost: $200 or $250 for a premium table
Contact: Amy Miller

Leading Through Change
Presented by Insperity
Insperity is pleased to present a Lunch and Learn.
Leading Through Change
Practical tips for leaders in ever-changing environments
Presented by Ingrid Romero, District Manager from Insperity

This session is for business owners and leaders who are looking to build their skills with helping their teams navigate change. Regardless of the type of business you do, the one common theme we have all been navigating is change - changing business landscapes, changing financial environments, and changing social norms have made our jobs more challenging. 

Thursday, June 1 at 12:00 at the Chamber
Save the Date
Golf Tournament date is set
The Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce annual golf outing returns to Callippe Preserve Golf Course on Friday, September 29, 2023. This is the Chamber's one true fundraising event of the year, featuring a fun-filled afternoon of golf, great food, drinks and fantastic prizes. It's a great opportunity to have some fun while promoting your business, networking, and making new contacts. Open to everyone, whether you golf or not. Sponsorship opportunities and golf options coming soon.
Mixer host opportunity
Chamber in search of December mixer host
Networking mixers provide the perfect opportunity for business-to-business networking to establish new relationships and business contacts. Mixers are held the second Wednesday of each month and are hosted by various Chamber members at their business. They take place from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Attendees are invited to get a first-hand view of the hosts' facilities, products and services. Networking mixers are a benefit of Chamber membership and are free for members to attend.

Benefits of hosting a mixer
  • Showcase and feature your business to Chamber members, business owners and community leaders
  • Have your company logo and information on all event promotions, including online, email blasts to membership and social media platforms
  • Highlight your business in the Chamber’s Business Connection newsletters, print and electronic

We are actively looking for a host for our December 2023 networking mixer. Please reach out to Susie if you're interested in learning more about this opportunity.
411 on Member Benefits
Open to prospective, new and long-time members
On the Monday before the second Wednesday mixer each month, the Pleasanton Chamber hosts a 411 on Member Benefits. This meeting is open to prospective, new and long-time Chamber members.

  • Learn what it means to be a part of the Chamber
  • About the opportunities available to you and your business
  • How to take advantage of the benefits of Chamber membership

Our next 411 on Member Benefits is set for Monday, June 12, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. at the Chamber. 411 on Member Benefits is presented by Membership Director Dawn Wilson. If you'd like to attend, please register in advance here. Email Dawn with any questions.
Save the Dates
Mark your calendar for these chamber events
Marketing Opportunities
Do you want to put your message in front of our audience?
Tell your story, increase your exposure and promote your brand by partnering with the Pleasanton Chamber. We are pleased to offer advertising options for our members ranging from a one-time print ad to having a regular presence in all of our publications to a banner ad on our online directory. Give consumers the knowledge of what your business is known for. Take a look at our 2023 Marketing Opportunities.

By the numbers
  • Our Business Connection print newsletter has a reach of 10,000 residences and businesses and a readership of 25,000.
  • Our E-Business Connection newsletter has a reach of more than 1,100 in the business community.
  • Our website averages more than 16,000 views per month, including 2,900 views on average for the Business Directory and 1,900 views for the Events Calendar. 
Email Susie if you're interested in learning more.
Welcome New Members
Congratulations to these members that have recently joined the Chamber
Specialists working with individuals and businesses building and protecting wealth, utilizing tax reduction strategies.

Serendipity Labs OPS Support Platform is part of OASIS. Support lab teams, members and systems. Help to identify systematic opportunities that need to be further investigated.

Park46 can open the door to your dream home, anywhere, at any price. We offer an innovative home buying and selling experience and represent clients in a variety of lifestyle categories.

Join us every Saturday for coffee and comradeship at the Veterans Memorial Building at 301 Main Street in Pleasanton.

Privately held home builder dedicated to superior design in the Silicon Valley. We are driven by the desire to design and build beautiful homes and neighborhoods.
Member News