January 2022
Waterville UMC Ambassador
Dear Church Family,

As we come to the end of 2021 we share many different feelings. Some of us will be very glad to leave 2021 behind and look towards a new start in 2022. Others of us will look back at 2021 and give thanks for some great experiences and hope 2022 will be just as great. How about you personally? What can you give thanks for from 2021 and what do hope for in 2022?

Let each of us ponder for a moment on our lives and what we would like to experience in 2022. There are the normal things that come to mind. Getting into better physical condition, losing weight, eating healthier, spending more time with family, the list goes on. What about our spiritual lives?

Two questions that I hope each of us will consider are: What would you desire above all else in your spiritual journey with Jesus and what do you desire to learn from God? These are important questions for us to seek the answers from God.

There are two more questions that must parallel the first. As we receive our desire in our spiritual journey how does God want us to use what has been revealed to us and how are we to serve God as the Holy Spirit teaches us?

2022 will be a year of changes for our congregation. From January through March we will be hearing updates about our New Beginnings building. We will need to plan for all that we are moving, recruitment of folks to help with the move, New people to be trained in running the sound, lighting and live streaming equipment. Please pray for God’s guidance and where you can serve.
One plan is for everyone who desires to take a tour of the New Beginnings building with a prayer time following in late January.

Please pray that we can get the occupancy permit by the end of March. God will need to continue to bless this project for us.

As we face all the changes in our lives in 2022 there is one thing that will never change, God is with you. God is with us all and desires to bless us greatly as we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. 

Pastor Mike

Our Vision – Share, Celebrate, and Teach God’s Love
Our Mission – Serve. Connect. Love. Give.
10:30 AM

Opportunities to worship and praise the Lord with WUMC:

In Sanctuary
In Courtyard - Please bring your own chair.
Park in car near the church and tune to FM 90.5.
Live Stream via You Tube at
Watch the recording of the worship service on-line when available at

Praises to the Lord!

Christmas on the Bayou

The work crew and several of our MOC volunteers had a great time and loved the Louisiana Gumbo Bill prepared for us all.

Would you like to volunteer to help serve lunch? Contact Barb Crandall to sign up!
Ministry of Construction Report

Our new beginnings building is coming along nicely and will be available soon for all to see the 'new baby' in town. We have a couple more months of development to go, but the time of delivery is drawing closer. Lunches were served to the workers in December by Barb Crandall, Becky Allison, and Bill and Deanna Ortego, site manager. There are lots of available slots open in January, February, and March for hospitality treats and lunches. Please check with Barb Crandall to sign up.

Weekly clean up at the work site continues to save the church money and crews have been very faithful to the job. They include Tom and Kris Kahl, Adam Shelton, Barb and Steve Crandall, Karen Longnecker, Bill Gregory, Bobbie Westfall, Randy and Mary Breymaier, Glenn and Yvonne Lehman, Delores Young, Tom Wiggins, Dan and Kim Breen, Josh and Amy Hankins, John Nicholson, Anna Banachowski, and Kelly Miller (our daughter). Thank you for sweeping! Sign up at church or call us at 419-341-9431, clean up dates are through March. We appreciate all the help and it is a great way to see inside the new church.

Blessings as we head into the New Year and as we look forward to this new baby being delivered!

Paul and Cherl Matla, MOC Directors
New Beginnings Ministry of Construction Teams! We have opportunities to serve and make a difference in the lives of those building our New Beginnings Building. See the worship bulletin and the bulletin board for details! Sign up sheets are on the bulletin boards.

The Sale of 102 North Fifth Street

We continue to have interested groups tour our
present building. To entice some more interest
we have reduced the price from $455,000 down to $445,000.

Please continue to spread the word about our
building being up for sale.

Your Team in charge for the sale includes:
Christina Wielgopolski
Steve Crandell
Penn Pritchett
Jim Page

Spread the Word!!

Please pray for the Lord's guidance as we move through this process.

We are looking for pictures of congregation members and friends to make a pictorial directory.

Please forward a jpg or png picture of you or your family to by January 24. 
If you need help with getting a picture let Char know.

Moving? Recently Moved?

Please update your address with the office to receive your statements in a timely manner for tax purposes. 

We will be updating the Directory after the New Year, too!
Church Council is looking for a team of members to lead an Open House Committee for the new building. The purpose of the committee will be to plan and organize events for the community for the year. For example, Easter Egg Hunt, 4th of July, Parents Night Out, YMCA Summer Camp, Movie Night, Trunk or Treat, Secret Santa are some of the potential events that could be hosted. Partnering with the Rotary, Chamber, City Council and Waterville Primary may be needed. 
If interested, contact Pastor Mike or Charlene Monroe.

Waterville United Methodist Church memorabilia is on display by the sanctuary steps and available for your enjoyment: 
WUMC license plates, coffee mugs, bookmarks with pens. Legacy Kits are available to anyone and are helpful for organizing important documents.
Youth enjoying their gifts from the December 19th White Elephant Gift Exchange and Pizza Party!
Enjoy watching and listening to the story, "The Crippled Lamb," read to you by families at Waterville United Methodist Church. 

During the December 19th service, the children acted out the story from this book for the Children's Christmas program.

Missions Committee Focus for January 2022
Let's keep the children warm!! Look for those winter item sales and pick up some much-needed items!

December saw a smaller than expected donation turnout. Let's make up for it with this month's turnout!!
Susie's Coats for Kids provides new coats, hats, scarves, gloves/mittens, blankets, and other warm apparel to needy children in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan. Susan Perry, the founder, believes when children are warm, they feel safe and more hopeful about their future.

The need is very great. Recently, they had requests for 400 coats from two organizations in the area. Monetary donations are also needed to purchase items.

In the past, we haven't focused on infant and toddler sizes. There is a GREAT need for those items!

Thanks in advance for all you do!
Please hang your items on the coat rack or place in the box underneath.
The Return of the

Starting on January 31, our Mission Jar will be back in business! On the last Sunday of each month the Jar will be in the Sanctuary for you to deposit all of those coins/bills you so generously collect. Hopefully, sometime in the future we will be able to have the kids gather the donations again, but for now we will simply leave the Jar visible and keep everyone safe. 

Thank you for all your generosity for these Mission Projects!
The Missions Team  
Missions Committee Update
Our Red Kettle Bell Ringing on Dec. 4
raised $670.68 for the Salvation Army to do their good work! 
Thank you to all who participated or dropped money in the kettle!
OCC Boxes for 2021
WUMC 223
Boxes collected at Drop Off Site 1356
Cartons loaded 94
Number of volunteers 17
Volunteer hours.  96.5
Thank you again to all who packed and donated shoeboxes, built a box online, made a monetary donation, prayed for the children that will receive these Gospel Opportunities, set up the collection site and tore it down, manned the collection site, loaded and delivered the boxes! And a huge thank you to John Spilker of Waterville bodyworks who brought employees with him to load the 94 cartons in his trailer and deliver them to our relay center on Laskey Rd. 
At the end of first quarter, we had 15 teachers turn in their Teacher Toolbox request form for supplies. Our Waterville Primary Ministry is working on fulfilling the requests with the donated supplies! We also received some prayer requests from the teachers which the team will be praying for. Thank you for the support of this new ministry.

December 5: 165
December 12: 168
December 19: 209
Christmas Eve: 253
December 26: 110
January Card Ministry Liaison
Char Monroe

Please reach out to her at if you know of someone who needs an encouraging words through a card.

Words of love can change a moment and often a life's direction.

Happy Birthday to you!

(If you have a Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)

Anna Banachowski January 6
Sandra Schultz January 13
Chris Stafford January 15
Brett Vernon January 15
Tom Shoemaker January 17
Elaine Larimer January 19
Madelyn Varner January 22
Malachi Lipinski January 23
Mikael Lipinski January 23
Amelia Mazzarella January 23
Ann Nightingale January 25
Tehya Collinsworth January 27
Verna Rose January 29
Josh Shelton January 29
Tedd Munn January 30
Independent Bible Study and Activities
There are also apps through Bible Gateway and You Version to help guide you through this experience. Choose the one that works for you!
The January HomeTouch is another source of reading the Bible. Start today! There are also fun word games that we share in the weekly blast.

Click on HomeTouch picture to open. OR...check the bulletin board, we post copies each month...OR if you know someone who may enjoy receiving the monthly HomeTouch in the mail, we do have a mailing list we can add them to.
If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need, please call Pastor Mike Denman at 419-469-0156 .

Office hours are generally Monday through Thursday 9 AM to Noon, but may vary. Please call ahead at 419-878-3645 if you need to visit the office.
Follow us on Twitter
Follow the church and youth on our Twitter pages: 
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645| Email Us |