Hello Tracey,

Here are this week's articles on topics STARRS tracks -- the Marxist CRT/DEI woke agenda in the military and the vax issue pertaining to service members. Click on the headlines to read the articles on our website.

The big news was the Supreme Court ruling and all the anti-woke amendments to the NDAA24. Also, the month where we have to suffer through 'celebrating' other people's personal sex lives is finally over--what does any of that have to do with military readiness?

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Veterans for Fairness and Merit Responds to SCOTUS Affirmative Action Decision

By Scott McQuarrie, USMA grad, Attorney, VFM President

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Supreme Court Excludes Military Academies From Ruling Striking Down Race-Based Admissions

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STARRS Responds to US Supreme Court Ruling and Service Academies

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Lawmakers eye ending affirmative action at military academies

and bringing back merit

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Army veteran GOP rep says US trying to ‘out-pronoun our enemies’ in push to end military DEI program

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Republicans Gut Biden’s Trans Extremism in Woke-Crushing Military Bill

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Rep. Banks anti-woke military amendments included in NDAA

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‘White Identity Is Inherently Racist’: Waltz Quotes CRT Readings Covered In Military Academies

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Senate GOP Works In Anti-‘Woke’ Provisions To Defense Bill Despite Democrat Majority

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Senator pledges to reinstate service members fired for refusing C19 vax

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Over 300 Canadian Soldiers Launch $500 Million Lawsuit Against Military For COVID Vaccine Mandates


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STARRS Supports and Recommends New Book by Robert A. Green, Jr.

‘Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines, A Story of Hope for Those Who Love Liberty’

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The Military Recruiting Crisis: Even Veterans Don’t Want Their Families to Join

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‘I Hire For Diversity’: Pentagon Nominees Blocked By GOP Senator Are Pushing Left-Wing Initiatives To Reshape Military

Examples of the woke mind virus infecting military leadership

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Waltz Leads Letter Pressing Air Force on General’s Political Comments

The storm she created is not letting up

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Biden’s Joint Chiefs chairman nominee accused of ‘race-based’ hiring in military

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Army Special Operations Command Posts Intersex-Inclusive ‘Progress Pride’ Flag on Social Media

Another ratio'd tweet; read the comments

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Base at center of military drag show controversy hosts ‘Pride’ reading event for kids

Woke Ramstein AFB

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Rubio, Colleagues Oppose DOD Taxpayer Funded Travel to Pride Events


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Pentagon Official Who Called White People Exhausting ‘Karens’ Doubles Down On ‘Anti- Racism’ After Reassignment

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SECNAV Keeps Pushing DEI

Commissars Conference

Woke Military News from Across the Pond; they have troubles too:

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RAF ‘illegally discriminated’ against white male recruits in diversity drive

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British Army Doctor forced out of Army for saying men can’t be women

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Where the DEI/CRT Indoctrination Came From, Part III

By Forrest L. Marion, Ph.D. Retired U.S. Air Force officer and military historian 

Deep reflection to correct one’s “wrongdoings” is precisely the language of self-criticism, a well-known Maoist concept. Thanks to the wonders of the Pentagon’s Diversity/DEI training protocols in recent years, countless U.S. military personnel have become quite familiar with the self-criticism concept our adversaries are now calling us to put into practice.

Re SecArmy Christine Wormuth saying there is no wokeness in the Army:

“Having just retired from the military within the last year, I'm guessing this woman has not had to sit through the "mandatory training" that has begun since Biden took over. If she had, she would have the answer to the question about wokeness.”

“Wormuth is lying through her teeth. I just retired Jan of 2022 and woke policies were being enforced and promotion limiting (reprimand letters) punishments were being handed out to leaders using the wrong pronouns.”

“This woman is delusional. Every one of my former soldiers who got out did so because of this woke nonsense that harms morale and readiness.”

“My nephew, a Master Sergeant tells me recruits are leaving immediately after enlistments expire. They are sick and tired of all the seminars, reading materials, and strange impromptu "interviews" probing attitudes toward race, gender, and sexual preference. Retention is an even bigger problem than recruitment. The military has turned into a social experiment laboratory.”

“My son has been in the Army for 2 1/2 years and he is getting out. He says the Army has gone completely woke and has lost what the military has always stood for. Very sad.”

From: Top Army official blames anti-woke rhetoric of right for severe recruiting crisis

. . . . And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor.

Read transcription of the Declaration of Independence

STARRS works to reveal and eliminate the Marxist CRT/DEI agenda infiltrating and dividing the US military and its service academies.


We also work on behalf of servicemembers and cadets adversely affected by the DOD vaccine mandate. We played a significant role in ending the mandate. 

Please consider making a tax deductible donation to help support our mission. Thank you!

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“We are all blessed to have STARRS members fighting this battle exposing all of this tyranny. You are all true hero’s and we are all so thankful for your hard work and dedication to saving our military and country!"

E Pluribus Unum – Unity is America’s Strength

Wake Up, Stand Up, Speak Up and Never Give Up!

STARRS educates our fellow Americans on the dangers of Marxist racist and radical ideologies infiltrating our military in order to eliminate these divisive influences and maintain a unified and cohesive fighting force. 

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