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Get to know your Vestry- Q&A with Kate Avinger
During Mother Nikki's sabbatical, the Friday newsletters will feature one Vestry member each week. Please thank them for their service to the congregation, and let them know if you are able to assist with their committee's work!

Q: Name?
A: Kate Avinger, 1st year on Vestry
Q: What's the best part about serving on Vestry?
A: My fellow vestry members are wonderful people. I look forward to seeing them at meetings. They share spiritual insights, are funny, compassionate, and conscientious. My kind of people!
Q: What's the hardest part about serving on the Vestry?
A: Time management. I'm in the midst of a very exciting playground project on vestry and I would rather attend to that than pay bills or fold laundry!
Q: What's your committee assignment?
A: Children and Youth. Our committee Chairs are Doug Adkins (children) and Wade McGlamery (youth). Other members include Jennifer Borg and Jennifer Marquardt, who have been alternating teaching Children's Sunday School and assisting with Children's Chapel, which they lead on the Sundays when Doug Adkins preaches. We are excited about Vacation Bible School. Doug Adkins has a curriculum planned that involves dining in fellowship with one another, movement, music, crafts, community, and reflection on our values and our ability to make the world a better place. We have some very child-centered, fun, patient adults who bring a number of talents to the committee. We may be small in number, but we are mighty in spirit! When I said that the people is the best part of being on the Vestry, I very much include the Children and Youth Committee.
Q: How can we help?
A: In the short term, we need more adults and youth to help at VBS with music during nightly opening and compline, Bible teaching and stories, and decorating the parish hall in advance of VBS. In addition, we could use extra helpers with Arts/Crafts, Games/Movement, and Food set up and clean up.
On a broader scale, in his new role as Associate Rector beginning next month, Doug Adkins would like to recruit an official Children's Committee to share the load and planning, and to get more representation from parents with children. He'll be looking for new committee members. He also hopes, as Associate Rector, to collaborate/plan with Wade McGlamery- in effort to make a seamless transition from children to youth (which occurs during the promotion from Grade 5 to Grade 6). Ideas are welcome.
Q: What would you tell someone who was considering serving on the Vestry?
A: I love the idea that we are all God's hands. If we want to see good works done in this world, then we must do them. So, if you are considering it, and think that you can afford the time for monthly meetings and a few long Sundays a year as vestry person of the day, I would say go for it. I know I'm just getting started, but I would say it is well worth it! Some of you may recall that part of what I love about giving up my time and talents to the church is that in a way, it redeems me. I definitely love the sense of purpose, that I am giving back to my community: the people of St. Greg's whom I love.
Q: What are your thoughts about the upcoming budgeting cycle and capital improvements?
A: I am so invested in playground improvements. I have some very exciting ideas for the kids, and have gathered feedback from both children and adults of our community about it. The problem is that big ideas come with a big price tag. I want our playground to motivate children and families at St. Gregory to spend more time here, come back more often, and invite friends. I want it to be fun, safe, and inviting. I hope that new families with children will be inclined to visit again because our playground is awesome, and I want parents to be able to look at the play area and know how much we cherish children.
Q: What is your favorite church season/holiday? Why?
A: I love Pentecost because the sense of the Holy Spirit within all people is so inspiring to me. So from an intellectual level, I'd say Pentecost. However, I really get great joy out of the Christmas season. Working with the children to prepare for the pageant is something I look forward to every year.
Q: What is your favorite hymn?
A: "Ride On, King Jesus." It is like a battle cry of the righteous and the oppressed. When I undertake a difficult or intimidating task because it is the right thing to do, I play or sing this song for myself as a way to remind me that moving love and goodness forward is more important than all worldly powers or pleasures. I picture Jesus riding on towards his own crucifixion, knowing that by doing so he is saving humankind. I picture slaves summoning their courage to escape to freedom. It puts my own challenges into perspective and strengthens me. Though I love many hymns from our traditional blue hymnal, I love that our church also uses the "Lift Every Voice and SIng" hymnal, both because I'm proud that we strive to be actively inclusive on a routine basis, and because I love the flair and pizazz it brings to the music. 

Coffee hour needs your help! Danielle keeps us well-supplied with coffee and lemonade, but we need parishioners to sign up to bring either homemade or store-bought goodies…nothing fancy, just cookies, muffins, fruit, pastries, or cheese/crackers. There is a sign up sheet next to the kitchen counter in the Christian Education building. 

Remember: Coffee Hour is an ideal time to meet and get to know our visitors and newcomers! 

The Parish Life committee will meet at 10:30AM tomorrow, Saturday, July 8 for planning mixed with a bit of tidying. Come join this fabulous group of gregarious Gregorian party planners!

We Welcome The Rev. Bob Dendtler to St. Gregory's During July!

Upon retiring from the Army, I entered Virginia Seminary. After graduation and ordination I was called to the Diocese of Newark. During my time in the Diocese I served as Rector in two different parishes. In 1993, I accepted a call as Rector of Christ Church in Kennesaw where I served until I retired. Shortly after retiring, I moved to Lake Oconne where a group in Eatonton was working to revive a church that had closed in the 1920’s. Bishop Allen asked me to assist and for the next six years, I served the parish. In 2008, I began working with parishes in the Diocese of the Virgin Islands where we have a second home. One highlight was as Priest in Charge of St. John’s Episcopal/Anglican Church we celebrated the 250th anniversary of its founding. It is the oldest Episcopal/Anglican Church in the Caribbean. From 2018 to 2022, I served as Priest in Charge of The Church of the Mediator in Washington. I have worked and substituted in numerous parishes throughout the Diocese.    

Parking Lot Repaving

During the week of July 17, we will repaving our main (south) parking lot. During that week, you will not be able to park in this lot. This will affect VBS and any other goings-on that week. We will have signs indicating for all to park in the Christian Ed lot (closest to the Montessori School). Any overflow may certainly use the Montessori lot also, per their permission. This should not affect parking on Sunday, July 23.

 ** During our week of Bible School, the parking lot adjacent to the Parish Hall will be closed for repairs.  If you are assisting with VBS, or dropping off children, please use the parking lot next to the children’s playground and Christian Ed building.  Also, the Montesorri parking will be available, as on Sundays.  Please spread the word to any friends you may invite to VBS. Thanks for your cooperation as we tend to our property. **

The dates for VBS 2023 are July 17-20, 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM. During the week of "Compassion Camp: What Every Living Thing Needs," children will explore what all living things need to live - shelter, food, water, air, and community - and how they can have compassion for the living earth, especially their local ecosystem. Children will consider how to become co-sustainers and participants in the work of God's creation. Using Psalm 104 as a grounding text along with additional supporting scripture, children will examine the inter-connectedness of the whole earth.

Volunteer Needs: We especially need adults and/or youth to assist with:  

        Music during Nightly Opening and Compline

        Bible Teaching and Stories

        Decorating the Parish Hall in advance of VBS

In addition, we could use a couple extra helpers each with Arts/Crafts; Games/Movement; and Food Set-up and Clean-up.


Thank you to the St. Gregory’s family for the warm and gracious reception in my honor last Sunday. It has been a hectic time, completing my final course; preparing for the ordination; and tending to arrangements for hosting family from Kentucky.  The reception helped me to reflect and truly celebrate all that has happened. Thank you to the Parish Life Committee for all of their good work. Thank you to Margaret Agner for the beautiful stole.  Thank you to Jenifer Borg and the children for the colorful flower pot. Thank you to everyone who attended, and to all who expressed sincere congratulations and well wishes. I am blessed and grateful to be serving among a grace extending family of faith.  I look forward to the next months with hope and expectancy as I settle into my new/revised role as Associate Rector.


Fr Doug

Photos from last week's reception for Doug!

2023 vbs

compassion camp

vacation fun

in the evening

when work is done

to meet and greet

and say hello

to neighbors new

and friends we know

after supper

a sing along


then evensong

to learn about

all living things

and of the joys

compassion brings

alice mohor


The Outreach Committee has received confirmation from the Clarke County School District’s Homeless Program that contributions of backpacks and binders are needed for homeless students. While other school supplies will be provided to all CCSD students by the district, these two items probably will not be. Over the years, our congregation has been very generous with these donations, and they make a big difference to these students.

We will be collecting backpacks and binders for elementary, middle and high school students from Monday, July 3 through 5PM Wednesday, July 26, in the entry to the Parish Hall. If you want to be certain that the Parish Hall is open before you come to leave your contributions, you may call Kendall at 706-546-7553. Contact Gail Eilers if you have questions.

Thank you for your support,

St. Gregory Outreach Committee

Come join us this month, on Friday, July 21, when we will watch Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016). “A national manhunt is ordered for a rebellious kid and his foster uncle who go missing in the wild New Zealand bush.” Join us in Parish Hall and enjoy some popcorn and soft drinks - or bring a blanket and a picnic dinner! The movie begins promptly at 7pm.

Attention Acolytes!

Please be aware that we have now switched to Sign-Up Genius as a way to schedule acolytes, rather than Wade putting it together each month. Sign-Up Genius has worked very well with our lay reader ministry. Please take note of this and sign up when Ron Balthazor sends out reminders ! The link for the sign up is here.

If you are new to St. Gregory’s or are not new but have just forgotten, we have a little red wagon in the narthex in which we collect food for the Athens Emergency Food Bank! Many times we announce their specific needs for the week or month, but sometimes we don’t! All non-perishable food is welcomed and appreciated! Please help us fill the Little Red Wagon!

Adult Spiritual Formation

The Adult Spiritual Formation Sunday morning Bible Study group meets at 9:15AM and is currently on a journey through The Book of Acts of the Apostles. Please join us!

Instructions for Live Streaming

  • Near the time for service, underneath our channel logo, you will see our video for that day, with the word ‘live’ on it. The page will look like this:

  • If you don’t immediately see the video that says ‘live’, (for instance, if you opened YouTube before the service begins) keep refreshing it.  

  • When you see the video square that says ‘live’, click on it. 

Welcome to worship!

Meeting Opportunities

Parish community offerings via Zoom or in person:

Hebrew Reading meets via Zoom on Wednesdays from 1-3PM. If you're interested, email Joel Hunt for more info!

Stacie Court hosts "Let's Chat!" for women of the parish. The days and time vary, and not everyone can join every time, but everyone is welcome to join whenever they can! Email Stacie!

* St. Gregory's Book Club meets the first Friday of the month in Parish Hall @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future.  Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.

*Threads of Prayer meets on the 1st Tuesdays of the month @1PM! We'll meet outside if the weather is good and inside the Christian Ed building if the weather is bad. Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!

*Men's Group: 9AM on Saturdays. 1st & 3rd Saturdays at St. Gregory's library and 2nd & 4th & 5th Saturdays at the Somerville's house ! Email Peter Rice

* group(s) meeting in person

Acolyte Sign-Up

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St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church |
706.546.7553 |