Dear Members,

Honoring our local veterans is something we look forward to every year, and while we had to do it a little differently this year, we still managed to pay our respects. Here are a few pictures from our Veterans Day Drive-by. What a wonderful day it was to be able to honor some of our local heroes!

The days are getting shorter and our patience may be too! What can help? Engaging in an activity that keeps you interested. It may be reading a book, calling friends, picking up materials to work on the house, going for walks or anything else that you can find some meaning in and that at the end of the day brings you some joy or satisfaction. Also: connect with us! We would LOVE it!

The holidays are around the corner and that means for most of us it will look very different than usual. We may be alone and not have our loved ones with us. We may not be in the most festive mood for Thanksgiving with all the trimmings or you may want some 'normalcy' to your festivities despite the lack of participants. Just be safe.

Things have changed for us but we remain hopeful that the worst is behind us. I know it doesn't seem so, but this is a temporary situation (longer than we'd like but still temporary). It sounds like we may move toward some normalcy in the new year, with the announcement of a promising vaccine. Remember: keep a positive attitude!

In the mean time I'd like to remind you of some of the upcoming programs we have in order to keep you connected to us and to each other.

Please check the calendar for specific times of events and access codes for conference calling can be found by clicking here.

Connect with me tomorrow- Monday afternoon at 1 pm. The topic is Everything Food. Why? Because I can't think of many conversations that don't default to talking about a recipe, a restaurant or a food tradition. Food brings us together, celebrates our diverse backgrounds, and nourishes both the body and the soul. If you like talking about food, email me and I will send you the link.

Tuesday's Book Club at 10:30 am was inadvertently left out off the schedule and if you would like to join the weekly discussion please give Dawn a ring at 732.329.4000 x 7212 or email her.

Live Fitness: BollyX and Body Sculpting/Zen Classes take place every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Please email JillAnn to register.

As a reminder, we have a multitude of programs available to you, including being able to borrow a jigsaw puzzle. Please email Jasmine to choose one and we will meet you at our door to give it to you. Don't drive? No worries! We deliver!
732.329.4000 x 7682