July News from the 5th District

{Español abajo}

Opportunities abound for you to get involved in leadership for West Sonoma County! Did you know that many of our local CSDs (community service districts) are opening candidate applications next week for fall elections? And did you know that your local Municipal Advisory Councils - both on the Lower Russian River and on the Sonoma Coast - are gearing up for their fall selection process? Check out all these opportunities below and throw your hat into the ring to make a difference in your community. These positions will become even more critical as we continue the governance study and work to expand local governance solutions. Become part of the change you wish to see!

At the same time, we also invite you to participate in some significant meetings we have coming up.

On July 13th at the River MAC we will have a presentation on the threat to our Russian River watershed supply by the decommissioning of the Potter Valley project by PG&E. This is a critical issue and we need everyone to be informed and engaged in solutions.

The morning of July 15th we have our 2nd workshop in the Governance study. This meeting will be focused on possible governance structures. What would you like to see? We will have childcare, snacks, and live spanish language interpretation.

Save the Date! We have just received confirmation that Senator Mike McGuire will be attending a West County Town Hall on the evening of August 24th. Plan ahead to come and bring your questions and concerns on statewide issues, Insurance cancellations, State Parks, CalTrans, and Infrastructure such as Broadband will all be open for discussion.

Lastly, SoCo Public Infrastructure (SoCoPi) is taking on the major repair of Sweetwater Springs road from the 2019 flood that will require a significant detour. Please contact SoCoPi with any comments here. The map for this detour is at the end of this newsletter.

Details on these all follow. Join us in making West County an even better place to live, work, and play!


¡Abundan las oportunidades para que usted se involucre en el liderazgo del Condado de West Sonoma! ¿Sabía que hay muchos puestos disponibles para representar al oeste del condado en juntas y comisiones? ¿Sabía que muchos de nuestros CSD (distritos de servicios comunitarios) locales abrirán solicitudes de candidatos la próxima semana para las elecciones de otoño? ¿Y sabía que sus consejos asesores municipales locales, tanto en el río Lower Russian como en la costa de Sonoma, se están preparando para su proceso de selección de otoño? Echa un vistazo a todas estas oportunidades a continuación y lanza tu sombrero al cuadrilátero para marcar la diferencia en tu comunidad. Estas posiciones se volverán aún más críticas a medida que continuamos con el estudio de gobernabilidad y trabajamos para expandir las soluciones de gobernabilidad local. ¡Sé parte del cambio que deseas ver.

Al mismo tiempo, también lo invitamos a participar en algunas reuniones importantes que tenemos próximamente.

El 13 de julio en el River MAC tendremos una presentación sobre la amenaza a nuestro suministro de la cuenca del Russian River por el desmantelamiento del proyecto Potter Valley por parte de PG&E. Este es un tema crítico y necesitamos que todos estén informados y comprometidos con las soluciones.

La mañana del 15 de julio tenemos nuestro 2do taller en el estudio de Gobernanza. Esta reunión se centrará en las posibles estructuras de gobierno. ¿Qué te gustaría ver? Tendremos cuidado de niños, refrigerios e interpretación en vivo en español.

¡Reserva! Acabamos de recibir la confirmación de que el Senador Mike McGuire asistirá a un ayuntamiento del oeste del condado en la tarde del 24 de agosto. Planifique con anticipación para venir y traer sus preguntas e inquietudes sobre temas estatales, cancelaciones de seguros, parques estatales, CalTrans e infraestructura como banda ancha, todos estarán abiertos para discusión.

Por último, SoCo Public Infrastructure (SoCoPi) está a cargo de la importante reparación de la carretera de Sweetwater Springs por la inundación de 2019 que requerirá un desvío significativo. Póngase en contacto con SoCoPi con cualquier comentario aquí. El mapa de este desvío se encuentra al final de este boletín.

Los detalles sobre estos todos siguen. ¡Únase a nosotros para hacer de West County un lugar aún mejor para vivir, trabajar y divertirse!

District 5 Meetings Coming Up

Lower Russian River MAC

July 13th, 5:30 - 7:00

LOCATION: Russian River Health Resiliency Center

16385 First Street

Guerneville, CA 95446

Zoom link

Hot Topic! The Potter Valley Project

The Russian River Water Forum (RRWF) was established in 2021 in response to concerns over the potential decommissioning of the Potter Valley Project (PVP) in California. Operated by PG&E, the PVP diverts water from the Eel River to the Russian River, playing a vital role in the water supply of the Russian River basin and surrounding areas. The RRWF's main objective is to preserve this water flow while fostering collaboration to ensure water supply resilience in the Russian River watershed.

Active stakeholder participation is crucial in determining the future of the county's water supply. It is essential to understand the potential implications of different options and contribute to funding a viable solution, even when faced with differing perspectives.

Click here for the full meeting agenda and council packet.

Governance Study meeting, July 15th

Guerneville School Multipurpose room

10:30 - 12:30

Spanish Language Interpretation, Child care and snacks available.

This meeting will focus on reviewing the range of governance options available to unincorporated areas of California. We will follow up this meeting with a series of informational visits to local organizations to answer questions, review the information, and further dive into the topic with local communities. If you are part of an organization from chambers to rotary, workforce to nonprofits, CSDs and neighborhood groups - please do reach out and invite us to come to one of your upcoming meetings to talk about the study and possible solutions.

Save the Date! August 24, 5:30 - 7:30

West Sonoma County Town Hall with Senator Mike McGuire hosted by the Lower Russian River and Sonoma Coast Municipal Advisory Councils.


Háganos saber si desea traducción al español en la reunión. Lo tenemos disponible bajo pedido.

Bajo el río ruso MAC

13 de julio, 5:30 - 7:00

UBICACIÓN: Centro de Resiliencia de la Salud del Río Ruso

16385 Calle 1st

Guerneville, CA 95446

enlace zoom

¡Tema candente! El proyecto del valle de Potter

El Russian River Water Forum (RRWF) se estableció en 2021 en respuesta a las preocupaciones sobre el posible desmantelamiento del Potter Valley Project (PVP) en California. Operado por PG&E, el PVP desvía agua del río Eel al río Russian, lo que desempeña un papel vital en el suministro de agua de la cuenca del río Russian y las áreas circundantes. El objetivo principal de RRWF es preservar este flujo de agua mientras fomenta la colaboración para garantizar la resiliencia del suministro de agua en la cuenca del río Russian.

La participación activa de las partes interesadas es crucial para determinar el futuro del suministro de agua del condado. Es esencial comprender las implicaciones potenciales de las diferentes opciones y contribuir a financiar una solución viable, incluso cuando se enfrentan a perspectivas diferentes.

Haga clic aquí para ver la agenda completa de la reunión y el paquete del consejo.

Governance Study

15 de julio

Salón de usos múltiples de la Escuela Guerneville

10:30 - 12:30

Habrá interpretación en español, cuidado de niños y refrigerios disponibles.

Pedimos disculpas por tener que hacer este cambio. Esta reunión se centrará en revisar las opciones de gobernabilidad disponibles para las áreas no incorporadas de California. Después de esta reunión, realizaremos una serie de visitas informativas a organizaciones locales para responder preguntas, revisar la información y profundizar más en el tema con las comunidades locales. Si perteneces a una organización, ya sea una cámara de comercio, un club rotario, una organización laboral sin fines de lucro, distritos de servicios comunitarios o grupos vecinales, por favor contáctanos e invítanos a una de tus próximas reuniones para hablar sobre el estudio y las posibles soluciones.

¡Reserva! 24 de agosto, 5:30 - 7:30

Ayuntamiento del Condado de West Sonoma con el Senador Mike McGuire organizado por los Consejos Asesores Municipales de Lower Russian River y Sonoma Coast.

Special District Elections

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform District Election Law of the State of California, that a General District Election may be held on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in the following districts in Sonoma County, and that candidates may be voted upon at said election. (Note that the nomination period is open from July 17 to August 11, 2023 with further information below.)

NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that, in accordance with the Uniform District Election Law of the State of California, candidates may be nominated for the following offices: 





Bodega Bay Public Utility, Office #1


4 yrs

Registered voter of

Bodega Bay Public Utility, Office #2


4 yrs

the district

Bodega Bay Public Utility, Office #3


4 yrs


Occidental Community Services


4 yrs


Occidental Community Services


2 yrs


Russian River County Water


4 yrs


Timber Cove County Water


4 yrs


Monte Rio Recreation & Park


4 yrs


Russian River Recreation & Park


4 yrs



Declarations of Candidacy for eligible candidates desiring to file for any of the above offices may be obtained from the Registrar of Voters Office, 435 Fiscal Dr., Santa Rosa, CA, on or after July 17, and completed no later than 5 p.m. on August 11, 2023If an incumbent elective officer of the district has not filed by 5 p.m. on August 11, their seat goes into extension and potential candidates shall have until 5 p.m. on August 16 to file their paperwork.

For more information you may call (707) 565-6800 or email Information about the filing process is available on the Sonoma County Registrar of Voters website at

In the event there are no nominees or an insufficient number of nominees for such office and a petition for an election is not filed within the time period prescribed by Elections Code §10515 for special districts (by 5 p.m. on August 16), the supervising authority will make appointments to each elective office. In the event that the number of nominees equals the number of seats to be filled in a given district, that district will not go to election, and the nominees shall be sworn in. Should all of the aforementioned district seats be filled either by nominations equaling the number of seats to be filled, or the supervising authority appointing them, and no ballot measures are submitted, there will be no election this November.

Ballots for the November 7, 2023, General Election, will be sent to every active registered voter of a district going to election beginning October 9, 2023.  See the Sonoma County Registrar of Voters website,, for a complete list of Vote Centers and specific dates/times each is open.

Dated: July 6, 2023

Deva Marie Proto

Sonoma County Clerk & Registrar of Voters

MAC Representatives Selection


  • The Forestville, Hacienda, Guerneville areas of the River MAC will have openings for two-year terms from January 2024 - December 2025. Check your address on the map here to see if you live in one of these areas. 
  • Applications are due by August 31 and can be completed here.
  • On the Coast there is an alternate for the Sea Ranch / Annapolis area. The link for Coast MAC application is here: . There will be more information on Coast MAC openings soon.
  • For more information, contact the Office of Supervisor Hopkins at

Sweetwater Springs Detour planned

Fifth District Supervisor Lynda Hopkins | County of Sonoma | 707-565-2241

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