Greetings families,
I hope this email finds you well. I would like to take a moment to share some thoughts on something that we take pride in taking part in at Archway Trivium East: the uniform. It is easy to see the uniform as a mere protocol, no different than our traffic flow or end of school routines, but it is, in fact, a fundamental piece of student culture. I would like to pass on some reflections on why we believe in this and reinvigorate our students and community on its meaningfulness!
First, the uniform unifies us as a community. The term uniform is derived, naturally, from Latin. Its literal meaning is “of one form.” We as a community, though diverse in talents and backgrounds, are equal in humanity and equal in our purpose together as scholars. As students walk into our building and see others who have different interests and personalities and ages and heights wearing the same outfits, they are visibly reminded that we are together in this mission. They are part of a team. They are not alone. And though unique, no one person is superior to another. We are Athenians, and we have a tangible, explicit sign that we are one.
Second, a uniform elevates the minds of our scholars. When we hold something dear and sacred, we dress for the occasion. When we attend ceremonies, weddings, or holiday meals, we dress for the occasion. When we enter a place that is special, we take off our sandals, so to speak, and treat the place with respect. Our school is its own kind of sanctuary. When we enter in, we set aside the things that distract us and are fleeting – this is the principle behind the elimination of pop culture – and we enter into a house filled with the greatest works of art, the richest literature, the highest ideas, and we fill up our cups with this richness. Our student uniforms help put our scholars’ minds in a place that prepares them to set aside the ordinary concerns that trouble or distract us, and fill their hearts and minds with the things that are True, Good, and Beautiful.
Third, a uniform encourages our students to distinguish themselves by their character rather than their appearances. Too often, especially in today’s world, we find ourselves focused on appearances rather than reality - on surface rather than substance. A common temptation is to find our sense of worth or individuality in how we present ourselves physically. The uniform and dress code removes the all-too-common pressure to distinguish oneself by the kind of shoes or new color of hair we have. Rather, students distinguish themselves by what they say and what they do – in short, by their hearts and minds. This temptation only increases as our students grow in age. We instill this disposition of mind early on, and habituate our students to focus on the content of their character.
If you have any questions at all or would like clarification on any policy, please reach out to me at any time. It can be found here beginning on pg. 43.
We thank you for your continued partnership as we strive to seek the True, the Good, and the Beautiful together as an Athenian Community!
With Devotion,
Stephen Philabaum
Archway Trivium East
February Teacher Appreciation Lunch sponsored by Kindergarten families
The Great Gatsby Chapters 1-3 Seminar for Parents, 5:30-7 PM
Trivium Run the Virtues 5K/1-Mile Virtual Fun Run
Final Day to Order a Yearbook
PSO Night at Papa Murphy's Pizza
Friday, March 5 - Friday, March 12
** Register Now for our Run the Virtues Virtual Race on February 27! **
Great Gatsby (Chapters 1-3) Seminar - Thursday, February 25
As a reminder, we will begin our three-part seminar series for parents on The Great Gatsby this Thursday, February 25. We as a faculty have begun reading this together this semester, and it has been a wonderful way to have a meaningful conversation about the Great Ideas together. When our young Athenians enter high school as freshmen, they will read this text together! If you are interested in joining or would like to learn more, please reach out to Mr. Philabaum directly, or alternatively, fill out the following form: Great Gatsby Seminar Sign-up.
The conversations will be held via Zoom on the last Thursday of the month. If you do not or cannot receive a copy in time, Mr. Philabaum can help provide you with one. We hope you consider joining!
International Travel Guidelines Update
Due to new federal regulations requiring all international travelers to have a negative Covid-19 test before returning to the United States, we are no longer requiring people to quarantine upon return from international travel. Please reach out to Mr. Philabaum or Ms. Nielson if you have any questions about the Covid quarantine policies.
Athenian Athletics (Grades 2-5) Registration Now Open!
Our athletics program "Athenian Athletics" is currently open for registration. Coach Conklin and Mr. Cavaletto will run the program, and it is open to grades 2-5. 2nd-3rd grade will meet on Mondays 3:45-4:45, and 4-5th grade will meet on Tuesdays 3:45-4:45. Sessions begin Monday February 22 and will take place at Archway Trivium East on the soccer field and basketball court. Athletes will learn both soccer and basketball in this spring program. Please follow the registration link below to sign up, or you can find the link under the extra-curricular section of the school website.
-I tried logging in on Wednesday and it said it was full. is this true? No. Configio had an unfortunate malfunction on Wednesday so the club registered as full. There are currently open slots in every grade level 2-5.
-How many students are in each grade level in the club? 20 students can register in each grade level 2-5.
-When and where do I pick up my scholar? Students will be picked up at 4:45 in the East lot, or taken to Athenaeum (providing that they are signed up with Athenaeum).
-Do they need to bring anything: Students should bring a change of appropriate athletic clothing and a water bottle. Please do not send them with cleats. Shin guards are optional as long as they know how to put them on themselves.
-Is there a separate registration for soccer from basketball? No. Students are signed up with one registration to learn both sport-skill-sets. There is no one or the other.
-How will they learn both sports? We will alternate weeks between teaching soccer skills and basketball skills (e.g. Week 1 for 2nd grade is basketball and week 2 is soccer for the same grade.)
-Is there a Covid plan? Yes. Please refer to the bottom of the Athletics page on Configio and you will find our athletics covid plan.
If you have any other questions about the program, then please email Coach Conklin at Thank you for your time and support.
February Teacher Appreciation
Our PSO coordinates monthly celebrations and meals for our faculty for Teacher Appreciation. This month, they are asking Kindergarten families to support these events. Follow the links below to donate:
Wednesday, February 24
Teacher Appreciation Lunch sponsored by Kindergarten Families
(Donations will be collected Monday, 2/22 during student drop-off;
e-gift cards needed by Friday, 2/19)
Archway Trivium East 20-21 Yearbooks On Sale through March 1!
** Only 10 Days Left to Purchase a Yearbook **
The 2020-21 Archway Trivium East Yearbook is on sale now! Reserve your yearbook today! The last day to order is March 1, 2021. Yearbooks are available by pre-order only. Yearbooks will feature both in-person and distance learning students.
Yearbook Pricing (through March 1, 2021:
Hardcover- $28.00
Softcover- $23.00
Monthly PSO Nights at Papa Murphy's Pizza - Wednesday, March 3
Our PSO is joining with Archway Trivium West and Trivium Prep for PIZZA NIGHT at Papa Murphy's every first Wednesday of the month from 10am-8pm at the Dysart location in Avondale. $3 from each regularly priced pizza will be donated back to the schools. WOW! Remaining dates for the year are: March 3, April 7, and May 5. You can order ahead online, in-person, or by phone. Just make sure you show this ad when you arrive to pick up your order.
Trivium Spirit Day - Thursday, March 4
Our next Trivium-wide Spirit Day is Thursday, March 4! For Trivium Spirit day, ATE students are encouraged to wear one of the following: Athenian Spirit Wear, a Class t-shirt, an Athenians Sports t-shirt, a Run the Virtues 5K t-shirt or a Trivium Prep spirit wear shirt. This is optional and a uniform shirt may always be worn. All other uniform components should be worn according to our dress code (uniform bottoms with belt, shirt tucked in, and uniform shoes) on this day. Show your school spirit!
Important Reminders for Student Drop-off/Pick-up
Parents, as a reminder, at this time there is NO student walk-up for drop-off or pick-up at any entrance.
Parents will need to have their pick-up cards in order to be scanned at pick-up. If you do not have a pick-up card, please email
Please review these slides in coordination with the Traffic Flow Procedures in our Family Handbook for information on how to navigate drop-off and pick-up next week. If you have questions about the drop-off and pick-up procedure, please reach out to the Front Office.
Help Make Copies for ATE Staff
The copy room sign up for January-April is now available! This year we will be helping our amazing teachers and staff make copies on Tuesdays and Fridays. If you're interested in volunteering please sign up using the link below. All volunteers must be cleared through the Raptor system to volunteer.
Happy Birthday!
Join us in wishing "Happy Birthday" to the following Archway Trivium East faculty and staff with recent/upcoming birthdays!
Matt Kant - 5A Lead - February 2
Esther Parsons - 5A Assistant - February 11
LaRissa Whitwell - 4C Lead - February 11
Tasha Moreno - 1A Lead - February 14
Stan LaRochelle - 3-5 PE Teacher - February 25
Shannon Castle - 5C Lead Teacher - February 26
Register Now for the 5th Annual Trivium "Run the Virtues" Fun Run!
We are excited to announce that our annual Trivium "Run the Virtues" race is going VIRTUAL this year! Save the date for Saturday, February 27 and register today! This yearly family fitness event sponsored by our PSOs is a great way to build community among the three Trivium schools. While it may look a little different, we know it will be a great event! There are options for a 5K race or 1-mile fun run.
Thank you to our Sponsors!
A huge THANK YOU to our 2021 Run the Virtues sponsors. If you are interested in a business sponsorship of this event, please reach out to our event coordinator at Thank you!
PSO Upcoming Events
Save the date for these PSO events, coming in the spring semester:
- February 27 - Trivium "Run the Virtues" Virtual 5K/1-Mile Fun Run
- March 3 - PSO Night at Papa Murphy's
- March 18 - PSO Night at Panda Express (Virtual)
- March 26 - Spring Social Event
- April 6 - PSO Night at Cafe Zupas
- May 10 - PSO Annual Meeting, 8:30 am (Board and Budget approval for AY 21-22)
Looking Ahead - Important Dates for the 2021-22 School Year
A draft of the academic calendar for the 2021-22 school year is now available on our website. Here is a summary of proposed "Important Dates" for the upcoming 2021-22 school year.
Meet the Teacher: Tuesday, August 3, 2021
First Day of School: Thursday, August 5, 2021
Fall Break: October 1-8, 2021
Conference Days: October 11-13, 2021
Winter Break: Friday, December 17-Monday, January 3, 2022
Spring Break: March 4-March 11, 2022
Order Hot Lunch
My Hot Lunchbox is excited for another great year of delivering school lunch! Lunch service in now available for all Trivium students.
If you are a first-time customer, follow these steps to create your free account. Families with students at multiple Trivium schools should create only ONE account per family.
Important Note: You will need to Update Your Profile with the student's correct teacher to view the meal calendar.
If you have any questions, please contact My Hot Lunchbox at (888) 894-8295 or by email at or visit the PSO Lunch page on the school website for more information.
New! Quarter 3 Lunch Volunteer Sign-up Now Available
If you would like to volunteer to help distribute lunches, please sign-up online using the link below. Volunteers must have completed the 2020-21 volunteer background check process and follow all campus health and safety procedures. We will be awarding a $5 a day/per person credit to each school. All credits will be applied at the end of each month. Please email if you have any questions regarding the credits.
Archway Trivium East Summer Programs registration is Now Open!
Summer Programs include:
Summer Camp is reminiscent of traditional summer camps with hands-on, engaging activities, songs, crafts, guest presenters, and much more!
- Kinder Academy is designed to prepare incoming kindergarteners for the upcoming year.
For more information and to register today, please visit our website at:
Register before May 1 and save $25 off each week of Summer Camp.
Quick Links:
Archway Trivium East Main Office: (623) 866-4718
Attendance Line: (623) 218-6607
Communications Updates
You can find all school-wide communications on our website on the Latest News page.
If you know of parents who are not receiving these communications, please ask them to check their junk/promotions email folders, and then email for assistance.
Archway Trivium East would love your feedback. Post a review to our Google profile.