Featured Highlight
- Fulco Library Celebrates National Library Week
Let's Learn about Spring with Chattahoochee Nature Center - Saturday, April 3 at 10:00 a.m.
Conversation with Dan Rather Thursday, April 8 at 6:30 p.m.
- Check out the New GALILEO Log-in Screen
- Daily Digital Programs for All Ages
Hello There!
It is now time for National Library Week, April 4th through April 10th. So it is the perfect time to think about what libraries mean to all of us. They make societies better.
Numerous databases, virtual programs, print materials, technology and items in other formats, such as audiobooks, movies on DVD and music on CD, are made available to the public for free. The only thing needed is a library card, in good standing, to have what I call, access to the world.
Special thanks to all of us, who as taxpayers, fund libraries. Also, thank you for being great and consistent users of libraries.
I count it a privilege to be a part of the library profession. The employees of the Fulton County Library System are dedicated to meeting your learning, literacy and leisure reading needs.
Libraries still remain among the last great and free resources. You are invited to check out the Library whenever possible, now, and all year-long. Make it a habit.
Join our friends from the Chattahoochee Nature Center on a nature walk and learn about some of the insects and animals that are waking up now that it is spring.
You’ll also learn about pollen and why it’s actually important.
Our friends from the Chattahoochee Nature Center are here to share an amazing movie about spring and all the wonderful things we can see outside as the weather gets warmer.
This is recommended for kids of all ages.
As part of National Library Week, the American Library Association, in partnership with United for Libraries and Booklist, will present a live conversation with Dan Rather in honor of Take Action for Libraries Day on Thursday, April 8, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Central. The free event is open to the public, and libraries are encouraged to promote it among their communities. Early registration is recommended as space is limited.
The State of America's Libraries report is an annual summary of library trends released during National Library Week, April 19 – 25, that outlines statistics and issues affecting all types of libraries during the previous calendar year.
Make sure to follow us on Twitter @fulcolibrary to review the State of America's Libraries Report, including Top Ten Frequently Challenged Books of 2020.
National Library Workers Day is a day for library staff, users, administrators, friends groups and all lovers of libraries to recognize the valuable contributions made by all library workers.
We encourage patrons to 'Show Your Appreciation' for library staff by nominating someone for the 'Submit a Star' program, which recognizes library employees nationwide for their hard work!
We ask you to thank your favorite library worker on social media or in-person ( 6-feet apart)
Use the hashtag #NLWD21
Let's celebrate our library outreach and the dedicated library professionals who are meeting our library patrons where they are.
While libraries were closed during the pandemic, it was important for us to continue to provide our community with fun and engaging entertainment via Facebook and YouTube.
However, we miss coming to you and hopefully soon, you will be seeing one of our Innovation Stations pulling into your community.
The Atlanta-Fulton Public Library Foundation is a non-profit organization that partners with the Fulton County Library System — the largest library system in the State of Georgia. With the goal of building communities where a love of reading and lifelong learning thrive, the Foundation provides critical support that results in programs for children, teens, and adults at all 34 library branches.
The work of the Foundation is made possible through the generosity of individuals, foundations and corporations who believe in the power of libraries. These investments in access to information, enrichment, and education feed our communities and uplift our citizens.
We know you love your library!
Continue celebrating National Library Week by getting your Library Card.
Make sure your card is not up for renewal and your information is updated!
Thank you for an amazing #NationalLibraryWeek! Show us some love by visiting us online and grabbing a library card today! Don't forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter! See you next year fulcolibrary.org/register
Furthering the goal of providing the best access to information to all Georgians, GALILEO has updated their landing page for patrons after log-in. Once users enter the current GALILEO password, the platform will ask what level of resources the patron would like to access.
Once a level of learning is picked, GALILEO will only display resources at that level. This change serves to clarify search results for users.
This landing page is similar others provided by research platforms catering to multiple learning levels, like Worldbook Online.
Fulton County Library System