Cornwall Public Library Newsletter March 2022
From the Director's Desk...
I cannot believe that February is over, and March is upon us! Time flies, especially when one keeps busy.
Speaking of busy, are you busy? Why not take a little time off from your hectic life and enjoy a book or movie checked out from the library? Or better yet, relax at one of the library's many programs. We have book groups for almost every taste and age; Great Decisions for those who are globally minded; Creative Writers' group for adults that meets every Monday (still virtually); and a once-a-month movie matinee. In March, we will have an art lecture, "Three Great Women/Three Great Art Museums." In honor of St. Patrick's Day, we are sponsoring a concert at Munger Cottage titled "Songs of Ireland," featuring the band The Parting Glass.
For more information about everything going on at the Cornwall Public Library take a look at this newsletter. Hope to see you at the library soon!
Charlotte A. Dunaief
Library Director
Tuesday, April 5
9am - 9pm
Library Community Room
All registered Cornwall voters are invited to participate in this year's election. Eligible voters will elect three(3) trustees to a 3-year term. They will also vote on the proposed 2022/23 Operating Budget.
For more information about voter registration, absentee ballots, the proposed budget or trustee candidates, please visit the library website.
Library Value Calculator
Ever wonder how much you save by using the library? We have a great tool you can use to find out! Head to the Library Value Calculator on our homepage, click a few buttons and watch the savings add up!
Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Wednesday, March 9
The Board has returned to in-person meetings. All meetings are open to the public.
The current agenda and meeting packet can be found here.
...for Hannaford's Bloomin' 4 Good Campaign!
During the month of March, for every $12 Bloomin'-4-Good bouquet sold at Hannaford in Vails Gate, the library will receive a $1 donation. Look for the big red circle when you purchase. Brighten someone's day with flowers and support the library all at the same time!
Midday Matinee
Tuesday, March 1
Enjoy a break in your day and take in a movie. March's selection is Knives Out (Rated PG-13).
Registration is now required and space is limited. Please visit the library website or call 845-534-8282 to register.
Oscar Pool 2022
March 1st - March 25th
Here's your chance to put all that pandemic binge watching to good use! Enter our Oscar Pool with your best guesses and you could be one of our lucky prize winners.
Click here to download an Oscar ballot or stop by the library for a hard copy. Ballots are due back Friday, March 25th by 6pm. See how many winners you can pick!
Sponsored by Friends of Cornwall Library
Join Janet Mandel, retired art history/world languages & culture instructor, as she traces the lives of three remarkable women who amassed some of the most important art collections in the world.
Register via the library website beginning February 14. A Zoom link will be sent to registrants on the day of the program.
Songs of Ireland
Sunday, March 20
Munger Cottage
Get your toes tapping with an afternoon of Irish music featuring the band The Parting Glass.
Register via the library website beginning February 20. Admission is by registration only and space is limited.
Great Decisions
Wednesday, March 23
Join America's largest discussion program on world affairs created by the Foreign Policy Association. March's topic is "Climate Change."
Please register via the library website. A course briefing book is available for purchase at the library for $22 (a course-reserve copy of the material will also be available to review at the reference desk). For additional information, please contact Pam Stockton at or 845-534-8282.
Swing Into Spring
Sunday, April 3
Munger Cottage
Share the joys of music and the renewal of spring with vocalist Judi Silvano and her jazz trio. Songs by Gershwin, Rogers & Hammerstein, Ellington and Billy Holiday are just a few of the great pieces you're sure to enjoy.
Registration opens March 1 via the library website. Admission is by registration only and space is limited.
Virtual Creative Writers
A Zoom link will be distributed on the Friday before the meeting.
Member's Choice
Book Club
March 2 @4:00pm
Triangle: The Fire that Changed America
by David Von Drehle
New members are always welcome. Please register via the library website. A Zoom link will be distributed on the day of the program.
Virtual Mystery
Book Discussion
March 17 @2:00pm
Still Life
by Louise Penny
Get your mystery novel 'fix' with fellow mystery lovers.
Digital eBooks & eAudios are available through Libby and hoopla. Hard copies are available at the library.
Please register via the library website. A Zoom link will be distributed on the day of the program.
Virtual Out and About
Book Group
March 23 @8:30pm
The Silent Patient
by Alex Michaelides
eBooks and eAudiobooks are available through Libby. Hard copies are available at the library.
Please register via the library website. A Zoom link will be distributed on the day of the meeting.
Virtual Book Chat & Chocolate
March 24 @7:00pm
Mrs. March
by Virginia Feito
It's the Hudson Valley's sweetest book group!
eBooks and eAudiobooks are available through Libby. Hard copies are available at the library.
Please register via the library website. A Zoom link will be distributed on the day of the program
Best of Ireland
Fully Inclusive, Guided Vacation
October 14-22, 2022
Experience the stunning beauty of Ireland with Friends of Cornwall Library and World Wide Travel. Sightseeing by luxury coach, a professional tour director, full breakfasts, most dinners, entertainment and more! For additional information or to book, contact Manuela Mocan at 845-534-4333. Informational flyers are available at the library.
Programs For Kids & Teens
Timothy Mumford Memorial
Poetry Competition
March 1 - March 31
Calling all poets ages 5-18! It's time once again for our annual poetry contest. Participants may enter up to TWO original poems. Our judges will select a top poem for each age group along with a "Best Overall" poem for all entries.
Please refer to the library website for complete competition and submission rules. The deadline for entries is Thursday, March 31st @5:30pm.
Dog Tales
Select Mondays
March 7 & 21
Grades K-12
Come read to a furry friend from Hudson Valley Paws for a Cause.
15-minute time slot of your choosing. Registration opens one week prior to the program.
Chess Time
Select Mondays
March 7 & 28
All ages and skill levels are welcome. An instructor will be available to help.
Registration is required and space is limited.
Please register via the library's calendar. Registration opens one week prior to each program.
Story Time @ Home
Stop by the Youth Services desk and pick up a special story time created for your family to enjoy at home. No registration required!
For ages birth to 5 years. New monthly offerings available.
Don't forget to check out the accompanying videos on our YouTube channel.
Art Afternoon
March 16 @4:30pm
Grades K-12
Get busy cutting and creating in the style of Henri Matisse. Dress for mess.
Registration required and space is limited. Please register via the library website beginning one week prior to the program.
Put your observational skills to the test with this fun display outside at the library. Enjoy some fresh air and the latest I Spy challenge. Clues will change periodically, so repeat visits to the library are always a good idea!
Family Drop-In
Story Time
Tuesday, April 5
Come to the polls for the library vote and enjoy a family story time too! The story time will be outside on the portico, rain or shine. Hope to see you there!
Book Group
March 8 @4:30pm
K-2nd Grades
Penguin and Pinecone:
A Friendship Story
by Salina Yoon
Please register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Book Break
Book Group
March 15 @4:30pm
3rd & 4th Grades
Hate That Cat
by Sharon Creech
Please register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Readzza Readzza!
Book Group
March 22 @4:30pm
5th-8th Grades
A Wish in the Dark
by Christina Soontornvat
Please register in person when you pick up a copy of the book at the library.
Teen Book Group
February 14 @6:30pm
The Lying Woods
by Ashley Elston
9th-12th Grades
Hard copies are available at the library when you register in person. Digital eBooks and eAudiobooks are also available through Libby.
March 4 @6:00pm
Grades 6-12. A library teen advisory board for established members only. Please contact Lisa SinClair at for more information.