Sunday, December 20, 2020:
Hope, Love, Joy, Peace!


Our church color is purple
Here are the readings for this Sunday:
It's the most wonderful time of the year; let's play!
Decorate a tree, tag a gift, create and share: click on a word or image for a link -
Listen to this lovely Advent resource: click here for "Hope & Joy Bedtime Advent Meditations for Children" from the (Episcopal) American Cathedral of Paris, France
Here are some thoughts on making Advent a fulfilling time of wonder and joy as Christmas comes near.
See Tip #4: "Be Intentional" - this year, we can choose what means most.
Enjoy fun and thoughtful activities and printables, blessings, crafts and more for Advent - the wintry weeks of waiting and preparation for Christmas: click here
If you'd like some craft suppliesdrop me a line! We can arrange a contactless pickup of beads, pipe cleaners, craft sticks & more - let me know what you'd like!

Twice-a-month Zoom classes are here - thank you, Jenn & Kim! Current and returning students & families, look for the link in a separate email. (We'll open up to new students later, thank you for your patience!) Email me for details.

Our Online Sunday School emails (like this one) continue, every weekend.

Sending peace, joy, hope & LOVE! - Linda
We're celebrating at 1pm on Christmas Eve!

with a special interactive Zoom service
for children, youth, families, and friends, hosted by Fr John

Email Linda for the link - we can't wait to see & hear you: 12/24, 1pm!