Friday e-BLAST

Join us for Worship on
Sunday at 10:30am

Have a wonderful and blessed day!

We want to keep our trees alive and healthy so, we are looking for a ‘Watering Team’ again this year. It is only needed once a week. There is a sign-up sheet in the Gathering Place or see Steve Crandall or Jerry Robinson. There is a new watering cart for the church with extra needed hose to lessen the burden of hauling heavy hoses around.

Do you have a favorite memory or advice you received from your father? Like “lefty loosy, righty tighty?” Pastor Teresa is gathering SHORT snippets to possibly use as part of the
Father’s Day Message. Send your information to or drop it off, written down at the office. If you tell her, she may forget. Deadline to submit is June 14th.

]On June 1st, B&B Bible Study will begin a new daily devotional entitled Truth For Life by Alistair Begg. 

Please join us during this time of fellowship, Bible study and breakfast at Dales, 7:30am on Thursdays. Books are available, $16.
Walk To Emmaus Spiritual Retreats (not a physical walk.) It is a 3 ½ retreat designed to bring you closer to God and revive your soul.
Men’s walk – June 22-25 at Bryan Wesley UMC
Women’s Walk – July 13-16 at Maumee UMC
If interested, please contact Pastor Teresa or anyone who has already been on an Emmaus Walk.

Join us for WUMC’s first Ice Cream Tour!

We will be going to several different ice cream shops to enjoy a sweet treat while getting to know each other.

6:30 PM
Summer Office Hours are effective as of Monday, May 29th.
Office Hours are typically Tuesday through Friday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm but may vary. Please call ahead.
Email Us / 419.878.3645 / 7115 Waterville Monclova Rd. Waterville, OH 43566
We offer several worship opportunities: