Society of St. Vincent de Paul Omaha February 2023 Newsletter

Supporting our neighbors in need through spirituality, friendship and service;

providing emergency food, clothing, financial and in-kind assistance, since 1868

Reflections from our new Executive Director,

Jill Lynch-Sosa

Dear SSVP Friends,

I am so happy to be here!

From the moment I was offered the position with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Omaha, I have been welcomed with open arms by Vincentians, staff, volunteers, donors and neighbors! The warmth has been overwhelming, reaffirming that I have made the correct move by joining this wonderful organization.

It is clear that former Executive Director, Marty Smith, led this organization with passion and a great love for all. I hope to continue on his path, while adding my own set of talents to the equation.

My first few months will be spent learning – more in depth – about the ministries at the district office, here at our Holy Family Community Center, and meeting with the conferences, in order to get a better understanding of their work, their challenges and how the district office can be helpful and collaborative. I invite you to reach out to me, at any time, as I look forward to meeting as many of you as I can. My direct email is

As I embark on my tenure with SSVP Omaha, I leave you with a quote from one of the greatest women of our times:

“Since we cannot see Christ, we cannot express our love to Him. But we do see our neighbor, and we can do for him what we would do for Christ if He were visible.” ― Mother Teresa, No Greater Love





From 9:00 am until noon – Mondays through Fridays – St. Vincent de Paul’s Holy Family Community Center’s sack lunch prep room is a swirl of activity. Each morning, groups of between 4 and 8 volunteers arrive and prepare upwards of 200 sack lunches, all of which are given out to our homeless neighbors who stop by Holy Family or distributed to other neighbors in need who live in low-income housing, primarily on the eastern edge of Omaha.

Making and bagging sandwiches, repacking “salties” (e.g. potato chips, pretzels, etc) and various “sweets” into smaller, single-size serving bags and readying bottled water near our yellow, “Sack Lunch Door”, these committed volunteers not only provide this important service to hungry, food-insecure individuals and families from our community – they also have a great time in the process.

So…who exactly are these volunteers that dutifully show up to provide this service? Each day, a different group is scheduled, and some mornings have volunteers who have been together for quite some time.

Our Wednesday cohort of volunteers is one of the longest-serving sack lunch groups at SSVP – and they’re also very good friends. Volunteering together for around three years, Wednesday’s self-proclaimed sack-lunch-making “A-Team” is comprised of Cathie Adams, Mary Lynn Focht, Mary Elbert and Char Thiessen (pictured, left to right). Husband and wife – Tara and Dale Kaisershot – as well as Dan Donahoe are also part of the Wednesday volunteer group, although were unavailable on the day the photo was taken.

While observing this group, it’s easy to see that they all get along with each other. Shares Mary Lynn Focht: “We talk, we laugh, we pray…and we have a lot of fun." Cathie Adams chimes in: “We also like to meet outside of Holy Family, socially. We sometimes will go to lunch. We really enjoy each other’s company. The camaraderie we share is what makes volunteering such a special time.” Continues Char Thiessen: “We also just love the Holy Family building. Before volunteering here, I used to walk past the church and was so intrigued by it.” Mary Elbert finishes that thought: “I used to attend church here while it was a functioning parish. I have such great memories, which makes volunteering here even extra special.”

Whatever the motivation for volunteering that each sack lunch “A-Team” member brings, these Wednesday morning friends clearly remember the importance of their work. Mary Lynn Focht provides the group’s final observation: “Of course we know that what we do here helps provide food for people who are truly in need. We love volunteering together for a lot of reasons, although ultimately it’s because it makes a difference to the very nice people who benefit from the sack lunches we make each day.”


Busiest Time of Year

Slowest Time for Donations

Historically speaking...the cold winter months are when we receive the most number of requests from neighbors in the midst of a financial crisis. This has most assuredly proven to be the case, so far in 2023. This past January alone, the Society's helpline received a total of 2,021 calls from families and individuals in need. The vast majority of these calls were from families requesting assistance in covering a past-due rent/mortgage payment or utility bill, in order to avoid being evicted from their homes or having their gas/heat or electricity turned off.

This 2,021 number of calls to our helpline - in a single month - is the highest in the history of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Omaha. Our Vincentians, other volunteers and our staff have been putting in long hours, in order to assist as many families as possible, helping prevent our neighbors in need from falling into homelessness.

This time of year is also when donations to the Society are slowest, and at their lowest. And, to make matters even more challenging...due to the escalating price of food, our Sack Lunch Program costs are currently running 67% over budget! Because of all of these factors, we would be extremely grateful if you would please consider making a generous gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Omaha right now. Your donation would be both timely, and appreciated...and will go directly to support our programs which serve those most in need in our community.

Thank you for your sustained support of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Omaha...and for your consideration in making a gift right now.


Feeling cooped up with cold weather February blues?

Read On!

February is a great time to head to any of your friendly neighborhood SSVP Omaha thrift stores.

Why, you might ask?

Because our great thrift store pricing and deals are even better

during our February sales!

Check out our Valentine's "Sweetheart Sale" - February 11 - 14. Buy two pieces of jewelry and get one additional piece free!

Or, take advantage of our "Presidents' Day Sale" on February 20, when all clothing will be 50% off and all "winter gear" will be 75% off.

Thrift Store Locations:

  • 5505 N. 90th Street
  • 2101 Leavenworth Street
  • 807 Tara Plaza (Papillion)
  • 12301 West Center Road

SSVP Gift Cards

Now Available!

Would you like to provide a thoughtful birthday present for a friend?

Or, how about making thrift store shopping a breeze for your family?

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Omaha can help with both!

SSVP Omaha's thrift stores are now selling gift cards - in any amount of your choosing - at each of our four retail locations. Stop by and pick up your SSVP thrift store gift cards today!


A Gift that Truly "Caters" To Our Neighbors In Need!

Last month, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Omaha's all-important Food Pantry received a very nice gift from Main Event Catering (MEC).

Folks from MEC stopped by the pantry in early January to tour the pantry and to drop off their generous donation. Left to right, are: Jessica Vanderpool – MEC Director of Sales; Gayle Reyes – SSVP Pantry Manager; Bill Vanderpool – MEC General Manager; Tim Sully – SSVP Development Director; and Sara Starr – MEC Catering Manager.

When asked about their company's gift to our SSVP Food Pantry, Jessica Vanderpool shared: “It is truly our pleasure to do what we can, as we know how critical the Society’s pantry is for so many people who rely on it to help feed their families!”

We are SO grateful to Main Event Catering for their generous gift!



For more info:

Programs You Can Join

Did you know there are many groups offering programs you can join or volunteer for at Holy Family Community Center building every day?

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings - Coffee with Hope of the Poor (Outside) 9:30am - 12:00pm
  • Friday nights - Omaha Moving Medicine Open Dance (Chapel) 6:00-7:00pm
  • Second Saturdays - Least of My Brethren free breakfast (Social Hall) 8:00-11:00am
  • Third Saturdays - St. Francis Cabrini/former Holy Family parishioners Faith Sharing Group (Social Hall) 10:30am - 12:30pm
  • Last Saturdays - tbd Dance Collective Dance Club (Chapel) 10:00am -11:30am

We also host many SSVP trainings and meetings, such as the Ozanam Orientation coming up on Saturday February 4th from 9:00am - 1:30pm and the Home Visit training on Saturday March 4th from 9:00am - 11:30am - both to be held in the Holy Family Social Hall.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Omaha at

Holy Family Community Center

1715 Izard St. Omaha, NE 68102


Help Line 402-346-5445 or

Facebook  Instagram  Linkedin  Youtube  

Please contact SSVP Development Director, Tim Sully, to discuss a variety of charitable donation options, including monthly giving, donating stocks or mutual funds, the IRA Charitable Rollover, as well as planned giving / estate planning possibilities at!