Community Cat Newsletter
Our vision is to have a community where no kittens are born wild on the street, no cat capable of living in a home is lacking one, and no feral cats are wanting for food, water, and appropriate care and concern.
Critical volunteer positions still needed
As an ALL-VOLUNTEER organization, SAFCC's volunteers are the foundation of the work we do. We still urgently need volunteers for the following positions.
SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER- This is a Board Position requiring monthly meetings. Person should be able to manage the organization's image and message through various methods. Must be familiar with social media platforms, consistently seek out stories from organization volunteers, regularly post content for social media, be familiar with or willing to learn Constant Contact for sending monthly newsletters, able to seek out content for newsletter, periodically upload TNR class emails to Constant Contact. A background in
marketing/communication would be ideal.
Except for in-person meetings or occasional events, this volunteer opportunity is mainly virtual. While training is provided for this position, this is not for someone who is wanting to learn how to acquire these skills. This position is an urgent need.
HELPLINE VOLUNTEER- SAFCC has the only 24/7 Helpline in San Antonio dedicated to outside cats. A pre-recorded message will ask the caller to leave their name, number and reason for calling. Volunteers return calls within 24 hours and educate, give advice, and refer callers to an appropriate resource, as necessary. Training is provided and knowledge of Excel is needed for reporting. This is a perfect job for someone who wants to volunteer remotely. This is an urgent need as we need to fill 3 upcoming vacancies. Our Helpline is the organization's lifeline.
If any of these opportunities interest you, please fill out our volunteer form HERE. You must attend our TNR class to volunteer for all positions.
Update on clinics: closures and trapping capacity
Trappers, please note the following clinic closure dates and plan accordingly:
Brooks Spay & Neuter Clinic- Closed Tuesday June 8 and June 22.
During the pandemic with many clinic closures, trappers experienced long wait times and were even turned away after waiting for hours. The good news is that this is no longer the case at many of our partner clinics and trappers can get in easily to TNR
their cats. The bad news is that trappers who remember the previous wait problems are staying away and many of the subsidized slots that are left for TNR of feral cats are going unused. We have heard from trappers that oftentimes they are the only individual bringing in feral cats, and have also heard from clinic staff that their limits for TNR surgery have not been reached. At a time where we are at the height of kitten season and our Community Cat Adoption Program has had to close intake, this is very frustrating. Please don't hold off trapping those community cats. If you'd like information about where to take the cat you've trapped, our partner clinic specials and hours are on our website HERE.
Order your Pet Food at and San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition will get a $20 donation!
First-time Chewy customers can order pet food or other pet-related items at and SAFCC will get a $20 donation your first order! Here's how: for every new Chewy customer purchase* made after signing up through our personal Chewy link HERE, Chewy will then donate $20 to the San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition.
*This offer is valid for first-time customers only, one per household.
Thanks for donating to our Amazon Wish list
Thanks so much to the generous individual that donated the pictured cat food item to our Feral Food Program list. Our Feral Food Program is a small resource we manage through donations only, but as the number of calls for help come in, this program too is often stretched thin. In fact, for the first time this year, we had to cap the number of participants we could help.
SAFCC works with established partners to get more cat food donated but beyond this effort, our ability to help is determined by our available supply and monetary donation status.
Please consider a donation now and help us help those
that care for community cats! If you'd like to donate cat food (or a gift card) please consider a donation HERE. If you'd like to make a monetary donation to our program, please do so HERE. Thank you!
Speedy's journey has been nothing short of miraculous. Speedy was an outdoor cat and not friendly when she suffered a rectal prolapse. After being caught by SAFCC volunteer Kay, and undergoing multiple surgeries to treat Speedy's prolapse, it was discovered that Speedy had several deformities in her digestive tract. When Speedy prolapsed again, her odds were poor. It was decided the only way to save her was to have a resection and anastamosis operation, along with redoing a colopexy. This
Thankfully, Speedy is now a healthy six-month-old and ready for adoption. She lost much of her kittenhood to medical treatments and is still learning how to play. She's friendly with other cats but is still learning to trust human touch and kindness, as she's associated it so long with discomfort. Seeing her sweet personality come through in spite of all her hardships has been incredibly rewarding. She loves kneading and nuzzling her fuzzy blankets, she enjoys being pet all over but especially enjoys face and ear pets. She also has an incredible purr engine on her and a great appetite! She should not require special care beyond patience, but she does love good quality wet food and will sing and prance for it until you put it down for her. If you'd like to enquire about adopting Speedy, please email us at
In Person TNR classes Available
SAFCC offers free TNR classes to the public. These classes have been on-line since COVID but we are prepared to offer them again in person if there is a need. Learn how you can help outdoor community cats using the ONLY method that works! By attending one class, you will learn the basics about the TNR process; how to safely and humanely manage and reduce the outdoor cat population numbers; low-cost spay/neuter options; free trap loan resources; after-surgery recovery protocols; and how to help solve cat nuisance problems.
In-person TNR Class:
The in-person class is held on the second Saturday each month at the SAFCC Office from 12:00pm–1:30pm (registration required). Traps and t-shirts are available for purchase at this class. Attendance is limited to 10 people.
To register for our in-person class, please fill out this in-person class form HERE.
We are continuing safety measures for those who may need to follow those protocols, so please bring a mask to wear. Seating will be 6 feet apart.
SAFCC is a Guidestar Platinum Partner
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