Do Overz
7611 Douglas,
Urbandale, Iowa

Store Hours
Monday - Friday 10-6
Saturday 10-5
Sunday 12-4
Consignment |Home Decor | Furniture | Personal Stylists
Premiere Dixie Bell Paint Retailer
Your LUCK is changing!
We are so grateful for our AWESOME customers and consignors, please join us for our Customer Appreciation Days on Friday, November 6th and Saturday, November 7th. The 'stakes' are high!!! Customers will roll one dice on Friday and take up to 6% off their total purchase of regularly priced items (Dixie Bell products, red dot, discounted items, and marked out are not included); Saturday...customers will roll BOTH dice and take up to 12% off their total purchase. Mark your calendar and come roll the dice tomorrow and Saturday for your chance to save even more!

We know this year has brought a lot of uncertainty and we wanted to do something to really bring the holidays home for you this season. Each Sunday in November, our very own Shelly Thompson, will be writing a devotion and sharing it on our Facebook Page and in our newsletter. Then, each Sunday in December, Cheryl will be inviting you into her home and doing a Facebook LIVE Christmas devotion. Our first devotion for November is later in the newsletter. We hope it gives you the true perspective of the season.

Don't forget to watch Do Overz each weekday on Facebook LIVE (schedule later in the newsletter). We don't want you to miss one single great piece of home decor! Last Friday on 'The Duo' Facebook LIVE we showed a great...and simple...DIY project using a vintage music roll. Click here to watch!

In this issue of our newsletter...mark your calendars for our events, check out our Facebook LIVE schedule (including a link if you've missed a recent LIVE to rewatch), read our first November Devotion, see some great furniture pieces, and check out what's happening with Christy in the Paint Shack!

As always, we welcome your feedback and comments (click here to email feedback or comments about how we can serve you better).

Remember...there's no place like home for the holidays.

Have a great week!
Your Our furniture is flying out the door!!! We are in immediate need of clean lined, modern sofas, slipper and occasional chairs, coffee tables, and side tables. Give us a call at 515-270-6837 if you would like to consign with us!
We asked our consignors to bring us the ‘best of the best’ for our Christmas Market we’ll be having on November 14th. They did such a great job...we’ve sold a ton of Christmas decor. So...DON’T MISS THIS...for the FIRST TIME EVER...we are asking you to bring in your ‘best of the best’ Christmas items ONE DAY ONLY with no consignment appointment! On MONDAY, NOVEMBER can bring in up to 25 ‘best of the best’ Christmas items from appointment required! Depending on how many people are bringing items in, there may be a little bit of a wait, but we’ll do our best to get through items quickly. We’re super excited to see your ‘best of the best’ Christmas items to consign on Monday, November 9th from 11:30 - 5:30!

How this works-
  • Monday, November 9th
  • Items can be brought in from 11:30-5:30
  • No more than 25 items
  • ‘Best of the Best’ Christmas items only
  • No appointment necessary
***If you already have an appointment to bring in Christmas items before November 14th, please keep your scheduled consignment appointment.
No Lines. No waiting.

Don't forget...Do Overz has the perfect gift for any warming, welcome to the neighborhood, Birthday, Anniversary, and of course, Christmas! There's never any additional fees and a Do Overz Gift Card never expires!!! And, you'll never wait in a long line!
in just 9 days!!!
ONLY 9 DAYS LEFT until our CHRISTMAS MARKET, November 14th from 9:00 - 5:00. We'll be CLOSED on Friday, November 13th to get the store ready for our Christmas Market! It's going to be spectacular.

We will open early on Saturday, November 14th at 9:00 a.m. to give you plenty of time to browse our great holiday and home decor and furniture. We will be offering a 10% discount on all regular priced merchandise (Dixie Bell products, red dot, discounted items, and marked out are not included). Our stylists will be available to answer all your decor and decorating questions. We want to make your home feel cozy and welcoming for you and your guests during the holidays...we're here to help!
Don't Miss Out on These Great Buys!!!
You can call us at 515-270-6837 and purchase
these items over the phone!

Just arriving...this adorable vintage hutch. Perfect for that smaller area. It's in excellent condition. Priced at $129.00.
Beautiful in blue!!! These fun pieces are priced as follows - Swiss Water burlap covered footstool $36.00. Blue (we also have this chair in RED or GREEN!!) chair with Swiss Water burlap cover priced at $62. Buy the blue or all three! We have 4 of the blue metal stools priced at $125!
This table will be perfect to serve your Thanksgiving dinner on...and all the dinners that follow. It has six chairs and 2 leaves! It's priced at $350.
Don't Miss a Facebook LIVE!!
Here's our weekly schedule for our Facebook LIVE online shopping -

Monday - 9:30 a.m. Vintage, Rustic, & Primitive with Shelly
Tuesday - 9:30 p.m. Tuesday with Pat
Wednesday - TBA What's Happening in the Paint Shack with Christy
Thursday - 12:30 p.m. Chat with Cheryl
Friday - 3:00 p.m. The DUO - with Cheryl and Shelly

You DO Not have to have Facebook to watch our LIVES. Click here to go to our website and click the links!
November Devotion
A Life Lesson from...a Plastic Pig
By Shelly Thompson
I’s crazy that the one person who can’t sit still (see photo) will be writing these November devotions, but stick with me...I’ll try :)

The game of ‘pigs’ is going to sound very strange...but, when my sister and I were kids, we were quite imaginative. We created our own game called, you guess it...pigs. It's not at all what you all started one Saturday at the bank, when the sweet teller gave us each a small plastic piggy bank. That sunny spring morning we left carrying the gift of...a plastic pig. Hence, the game of 'pigs' was about to begin.

When we got home we decided since we each had a pig we would hide the pigs from each other...kind of a 'pig' hide and seek. We lived in a big old house in highland park and there was unlimited hiding places. Over the next few weeks the game of 'pigs' developed from hide and seek to 'detective pigs'...I told you we were very creative. We each got small tablets of paper and after we hid our pigs...we would write down small clues as to where the pig was hidden. So now...we had clues to find, and detective logs to write our clues in, before finding the pigs. We spent hours playing with those plastic pigs. The winner, of course, was whoever found the pig first. From the age of about 8 to 10 that was probably one of our favorite games...a game with plastic pigs.

Seriously...while we don't like to admit humans, we’re all sinners and kind of like 'plastic pigs'. Like pigs, sometimes we like to live in the muck and yuck. the game 'detective pigs'...we like to think we can hide from God, who doesn't need any scrap of paper with a clue...He sees it all. Everything is laid bare before the Lord...He sees and seeks 'hiding plastic pigs' over all the earth...not just in an old house in Highland Park.

In our game of 'pigs' when my sister or I found the pig...we shouted 'winner'...when God finds a pig (yes, that's us)...we become the winner. My sister and I didn't stop the game (although sometimes a dinner break was required) until one of us found the 'pig'...BUT GOD never stops seeking us (no dinner break required) until He finds us.

He too leaves clues for us to find matter where we try and hide...He's trying to seek us. Unlike the game of 'pigs' where we hid our clues....He wants to be found!!!! He leaves His clues right out in the open...laughter...sunsets...spring days...snow...oceans...mountains...stars...His clues don't say 'Come find Me', they say, 'Here I am!"

We made up our own rules, but He left us a full book of instructions to avoid life as 'plastic pigs'...the Bible. My sister and I could eventually find the pigs...but they were, and always remained, pigs. God has the power to take human 'plastic pigs' and make them into something so beautiful...His very own children. When we find God...we are the winners.

In our game of pigs, the plastic pigs received nothing from my sister and me, but when we find God...

we receive...

...His unconditional love...peace, restoration, healing, grace, mercy, forgiveness...His son...eternal salvation. The list is endless of how God lavishes all these gifts on those who find and love Him.

God's love can take even the most 'plastic' pig...and make it something beautiful with a heart of love and compassion. My sister and I only saw a plastic pig...when God sees matter what.... matter what we've done...
...He sees His child hiding...
...from His perfect love. His perfect forgiveness. His perfect grace. His perfect mercy. His perfect plan.

Who knew all those years ago playing 'pigs' that I would discover the real 'plastic pig'...was me.

I only needed to see God's clues....and believe in His be found... Him.

Rejoice today if you, like me, are a redeemed sinner. If you're no longer...a 'plastic pig'. Pray fervently for those you know who are still 'hiding'. Lovingly share your clues with the way to the savior. Rejoice when even one 'plastic pig'...becomes a child of God, leaving behind their life of hiding to step into the life of a redeemed, saved-by-grace child of God. It’s ok if you shout Amen here :)

The childhood plastic pig is long gone, but the love of a real savior has never...and will never, leave. That piggy bank never contained a penny...but, what a rich lesson it held.
Don't be fooled by the plastic of this life...there's so much more to be found in a very real God, whose ALWAYS in matter what. We can trust Him.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17.
What's Happening in the Paint Shack!
Did you a premiere retailer of Dixie Belle Do Overz provides the newest Dixie Belle products to our customers before they're available on line? Our paint expert, Christy, tells you about some of those new products today and gives you some great tips! Click here to see Christy's Facebook LIVE video update from today!

Remember...if you call ahead and let us know what Dixie Belle items you need, we can get your paint order ready for you to pick up and save time. Do Overz is a Dixie Belle Premiere Retailer.
Click below to visit us on Facebook! Follow us for special 'Facebook Friends' discounts and to keep up with all the Do Overz happenings!