Albany UU Volunteers and Staff are doing their best to keep the FUN in Fundraising this year!
Last call for Soups!

TOMORROW - Friday, Nov 6
is the Deadline for the
Dec 6th pick up of Soups!
Don't miss out!

If you haven't ordered yet and still want soups, chili or hot fudge, it's your last chance! All items MUST be pre-ordered so don’t wait! Order now!

Order deadline is TOMORROW - Friday, November 6 for the Dec 6th pick up of soups. 

Soup/Chili - $9.00 per quart, $5.00 per pint
Hot Fudge - $10.00 per container

Questions? Call or email Randy Rosette (518-630-6930 or
Crafts are here and they're going fast!
Albany UU Crafts - Just in time for your holiday shopping!!

We will persevere! Check out our order form with photographs of each item for you to choose what you would like to pre-order. 

There are so many wonderful items to choose from but don't wait,
they're going fast!

Several days before the pick up date, a few volunteers will bag up your order with your name on it. The bags will sit there for days untouched, so everyone will know that you will be safe. 

The deadline for ordering crafts is Sunday, Nov 15!

On November 21st, when you come for curbside pick up, we'll have your order forms together so you can pay for soups, pies and crafts, masks, coffee - all of it - all at once! Please bring cash or check.

Questions? Contact Sigrin Newell or Maria Phillips 
Mask up!
We have Albany UU Masks for Sale - How cool is that?

These are adult-sized masks that cover both nose and mouth.

Now you can go anywhere and proudly display Albany UU's logo and name for all to see, plus be safe and keep the spread of germs to a minimum. What a great way to support Albany UU!

Don't wait, order several! ONLY $12.00 EACH!

If you have any questions, contact Tammy Hathaway ( or Elizabeth Baldes (

Coffee and Chocolate anyone? Place your order in now, items are beginning to sell out!

Coffee and Chocolate - What could be better? Order yours today!

Do you miss the great Fair Trade Coffee you drank during Coffee Hour at Albany UU? Do you miss owning your own or have you thought you might like to? Now's your chance! Stock up now!

All Coffee: $7.00/bag

Do you also miss having the opportunity to buys a Fair Trade melt-in-your-mouth Chocolate Bar at the Social Responsibilities Council Table in Channing Hall? Wait no longer - we've got you covered. There's a limited number and once they're gone, they're gone!

All Chocolate Bars: $3.00/bar

Use this form to place your order now, first come, first served - hurry - we're almost sold out of a couple of items!.

If you have any questions, contact Kathy Harris,
Please note that those folks who live out of town, we apologize, but we will not be able to ship items at this time.

On Saturday, Nov 21st from 1-4 for all crafts (and Sunday December 6th, from 1-4pm for the Dec 6 deadline of soups, masks and Fair Trade items), you can pick up your order - for everything - at Albany UU. A few distanced, mask-wearing and safety conscious volunteers will be there to give you your order and take your money - for everything - cash or check only, please, and you need only write one for it all!

Thank you for your support!

First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany | 518.463.7135| 518.463.1429 | |