And the Aspire Business Awards go to.....

Aspire’s business award winners were revealed at last week’s Celebrate Aspire! Four organizations took home the “Business Success Award” and one was awarded this year’s “Excellence in Talent Award.” This year’s winners achieved tremendous growth and commitment to quality.


+ Find out who won Aspire's Business Awards!

Community Development Volunteer Program Will Continue Under Library Leadership

Aspire is excited to announce the relaunch of the community development volunteer teams. Their great work and community collaboration will now be housed within the Johnson County Public Library. This is such a natural and exciting fit as JCPL leadership and team members have been an integral part of this work since the beginning.

+ Learn More About CommUnity Matters

Mental Health Awareness Month: 18 Corporate Wellness Ideas and Aspire's Community Workshop


During this Mental Health Awareness Month, Aspire will be hosting a Community Workshop on mental health in Johnson County Wednesday, May 3rd. For employers who are looking to take action to improve the health and wellbeing of their own teams, this article presents a list of ideas, activities, and initiatives to build that healthier workplace culture. These ideas include creating a company wellness program, offering healthy food options in the workplace, providing on-site fitness classes, and stress management techniques.


+ Click here for details on the Community Workshop.

+ See the full list of employee wellness strategies here.

Aspire Recognizes Small Businesses

In honor of National Small Business Week, Aspire is recognizing small business member investors for their contributions to the Johnson County and southern Indianapolis economy. Over 70% of Aspire's membership employs under 75 employees. “National Small Business Week celebrates the resilience, innovation, and economic power of America’s small businesses and innovative startups,” said SBA Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman.

+ SBA Small Business Week info and resources here

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Aspire Weekly Member Highlights

Renewed Member Investors

Archer's Meat & Catering, Inc. 


Central Nine Career Center 

Everyday Leaders 

Festival Country Indiana (Johnson County Convention, Visitor & Tourism Board) 

Garment Factory Events 

Greenwood Public Library 

Mike Watkins Real Estate Group 

Moss Roofing 

Pack Away Hunger 

Peak Stone Company 

PetSuites - Greenwood 

Smith Valley Storage LLC 

TBC ActionCOACH of Indiana 

Tonn and Blank Construction 

New Member Investors

7Venture dba 7 Brew 

The Madison at Greenwood 


+ New Members
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Networking and Beyond

Join us for our first W.I.L.D. Women In Leadership Development peer networking event! Leading the program will be author, speaker and facilitator, Melahni Ake. Melahni will lead us through a series of activities to help us grow relationships that go beyond the initial connection.

- Casual networking, while enjoying a glass of wine and charcuterie snacks

- Practice and refine your 30-second commercial/elevator speech

- Networking tips and advice you can immediately start applying

- Structured networking activities that lead to deeper connections

Friday, May 12th

3:00pm - 4:30pm

The Sycamore at Mallow Run


+ Event Details & Registration for 5/12

+ Discounted registration for all 3 events


Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting

Thursday, May 4th

12:00pm - 1:00pm

JCBank - Greenwood

+ Event Details

Aphrodite Esthetics

One Year Anniversary Ribbon Cutting

Monday, May 8th

4:00pm - 5:00pm

Aphrodite Esthetics

+ Event Details

You may have complimentary tickets to select events available with your membership. Contact Angie Keene for more information.
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This week's Monday Member Moment features Rob Skorjanc, owner of Comic Book University. Rob hosts events such as a weekly Pokémon league, Magic gatherings, and the biggest event of the year, Free Comic Book Day on May 6. Visit Comic Book University online at or stop by the store located at Shelby Street and U.S. 31.

Member Profile: Yellow Line Productions

Yellow Line Productions exists to help businesses and individuals produce engaging visual media. We’re located on the Southside of Indy and we specialize in video production and photography. Whether you know exactly what you need or you’re looking for creative collaboration - we can help.

+ Learn more

Member Updates

+ Business Leaders' Roundtable Breakfast by USI Insurance May 11

+ JPtheGeek Hosts Free Training on New FTC Cyber Safeguard Rules May 23

+ My Baby Detailing Participates in Smith Valley Shuttle Showdown

+ More Member News
+ Submit Member News
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