June 2023

Reporting Deadlines

A020 Data Quality Monitoring Report Upate

A020 Report Updated

Some users previously reported that the A020 Data Quality Report was reporting errors within the Date of Birth column despite the client's DOB being correct in the system. We have made the necessary fixes to the report so it will run without error. You can find the updated version in the A020 - Data Quality Monitoring Report v4.

Questions About the Report? Connect with us at the Data Quality Plan Office Hours!

Join us on June 21st for the Data Quality Plan office Hours where we will answer any questions regarding running the report, how to read & correct errors, and how to submit the report. View our Data Center Admin webpage for more information on the Data Quality Plan.

This is a natural progression from establishing Data Quality standards by Project Type in 2021 and clean-up surrounding HUD reporting seasons. This DQ monitoring plan is a constructive way to reduce those reporting burdens on your agency by asking for data check-ups to the Data Center and CoCs multiple times a year. We use an updated version of the D003 - Client Detail Clean-Up report that many of you submitted for End of year corrections in October of last year.

Submissions are now open!

Here's the submission schedule to implement the DQ Plan (2024 dates subject to change):

Check out the training and guides for the Data Quality Report:

Join us at the System Updates Meeting for more details and to ask questions!

HMIS@NCCEH System Changes

Training Site Flash

In accordance with the twice-a-year training site flash, all fake client profiles were erased and reset on June 1st. The training site flash has officially concluded as of June 2nd!

All users can submit new user requests as normal going forward.

Training & Resource Round-Up

System Updates Meeting

Agency Admins should review your monthly meeting on the second Tuesday to stay on top of all things HMIS. This is your Agency's monthly HMIS meeting to get updates, escalate problems, and give feedback.

Your System Update Meeting: June 13th!

For details and registration, go to NCCEH's calendar event.

Agency Administrators, Program Managers, and Supervisors are expected to attend. Agency representatives must share this important information internally with colleagues.

If you missed one, recordings and materials are posted on the News Archive under HMIS System Updates Meetings.

ZenGuide Knowledge Base

If you haven't yet, bookmark this link!

The HMIS@NCCEH Zenguide is where you can find tip sheets, guides, and other written tools all in one place!

There are already 83 articles published! You can find instructions for how to run your ESG-CAPER and CoC-APR reports, how to update sub-assessments like Income, and how to manage Households!

Featured Articles:

Please keep searching for answers - that helps us identify the next articles to create!

SSN Reminder

You must ask

Social Security Number is one of the questions agencies are required to ask for in order to accurately identify clients and keep out duplicate profiles. But, it can be really uncomfortable to ask - or to answer!

Please remember that while providers must ask for SSN, a client does not have to respond to receive services. Lack of a response or a SSN must not prevent a client from receiving services.

Clients not required to answer for services​

The federal statute at 5 U.S.C. Section 522a prohibits a government agency from denying shelter or services to clients who refused to provide their SSN or do not know their SSN, unless the requirement was in effect before 1975 or SSN is a statutory requirement for receiving services from the project.​

Related Articles:


Save the Dates:

  • Tuesday, June 13th 10-11 am: Monthly System Updates Meeting
  • Wednesday, June 21st 10-11 am: Data Quality Plan Office Hours

New to HMIS or missed a meeting?

Make sure to check out our News Archive page for links to past email updates and user meeting slides or recordings.

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NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |