What a Difference a Year Makes
HI all. We're barely two weeks from Ash Wednesday--can you believe it? I had to shake my head and laugh at what I wrote a year ago, when Lent began in late February--upcoming visits from two high school friends, a women's retreat I was giving, writing, attending some sporting events. If memory serves, I went to Ash Wednesday Mass at the church near my day job, and lectored that night at my home parish.

I got my hair cut for that retreat--and have had it cut once since. I haven't been to the day job or that church since mid-March. I'll attend an Ash Wednesday Mass near my home, but it obviously will be a lot different this year.

At times I feel like Lot's wife... looking back, and we all know what happened to her. I am working at remembering that there's been a lot of joy as well as a lot of struggle in the past 12 months... and that through it all, Jesus has been there.

I bought this little fellow to perk up the apartment I share with my sister, and I've ordered mini-king cakes. This year, we'll celebrate Mardi Gras for the first time--and the next day, I will officially lay at the altar my longing for what was, and my anticipation (or dread) of what is to come. Instead, I'll work at living in the moment, grateful for God's gifts, regardless of the world's noise. Will you join me?
Words to Live By
I asked about your words for 2021 (mine is Rest), and my goodness, what inspiring words you've chosen! Please check out my blog for a sampling of the words you chose, and the reasons why.

Nancy W. of Garland, TX, whose word is Simplify, was selected at random as the winner of a resource to help her this year. I was humbled that instead of a gift certificate to a bookstore, Nancy chose a signed copy of my book Radical Saints: 21 Women for the 21st Century.
On the Nightstand: Paul: A Biography by N.T. Wright
Oh, St. Paul. I've never been as conflicted as some about his writings related to women (different time, different, place). Rather, his conversion on the road to Damascus speaks to my soul and, equally, all that he did and endured after that conversion. My Bible study group is studying Ephesians this session, and I'm finding virtually every verse feeds and challenges me. That's why I've decided my reading this month will be a biography of the man.

In the "sell" copy for Paul: A Biography, the publisher says the author believes it's too easy to overlook "the essence of the man's life and the extreme unlikelihood of what he achieved." I'm looking forward to learning about the man beyond his own words--and finding inspiration in that essence.

And Speaking of Lent...
If you're looking for a Lenten aid, I hope you'll consider praying with 47 of our wonderful 20th century saints. Each day's one-page entry features a quote from the saint; a short biography, and a suggested prayer with that man or woman. My friends at Franciscan Media are offering 10 copies of this little booklet for $20, but I have a special offer for e-letter subscribers: I'll send you a copy for free (I'll even pay the postage) if you're one of the first 20 people to email me with "Lenten Booklet" in the subject line. (Please include your snail mail address.) From Anna Schaffer, a German laundress who found her missionary work could be done from her bed, to Faustina Kowalska, who made it her life's work to carry Jesus's message of Divine Mercy to the world, I know you'll find these folks to be loving companions on your Lenten journey. Know too that I am praying for each of you to keep your eyes forward on Him today and always.

Blessings, Melanie