The Flagpole e-Newsletter
Edition 81 | February 2023
The U.S. Army Women's Foundation
Honor ~ Empower ~ Connect
WAACs, Privates Florence B. Davis, Dorothy L. Harris, Mildred L. Turk, and Juanita P. Ingraham leaving Fort Des Moines going to Fort Clark. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress 1943-45.
African American women have played a role in every war effort in United States history. They endured physical discomfort and personal criticism, while many of their contributions were unrecognized and unrewarded. They placed themselves in danger's path – offering their abilities and strengths to preserve values and ensure freedom. Women stood side by side with fathers, husbands, and sons to nurse and comfort the suffering; they engaged in the danger of spying, chronicled the pain of war, and offered spiritual healing (Sheafer, 1996). In addition, black women faced racial and gender discrimination as part of their military service. Nevertheless, there were a number of “breakthrough” moments as they persistently pursued their right to serve.
Elinor Powell (right) with a fellow nurse at POW Camp Florence in Arizona, circa 1944-1945
(Photo courtesy of Chris Albert)
Brigadier General Patricia R. Wallace is the first woman to command the Army Reserve 80th Training Command, located in Richmond, Virginia.
Happy 100th Birthday
Ms. King!
Army Veteran Ms. Lena King was born in 1923 in Washington, Georgia; last month, she turned 100. During World War II, Ms. King served in the storied 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion.
Army Women's Foundation Board Member, Lizz Helm-Frazier, joined Ms. King in Las Vegas, Nevada, for her birthday celebration.
If you are unable to attend in person, you can watch the live stream at
Female Mentoring and Morale Program
Topic: “How To Start An FMMP Chapter”
Date/Time: Thursday, Feb 23, 2023 | 6:00-7:30 PM EST
Location: Register in advance for this Zoom meeting by clicking on the link below.
Army Nurse Corps
Celebrates 122nd Birthday
The first nurses and first women in the military were appointed to the Army Nurse Corps on 2 February 1901; however, nurses have served with the Army since 1775. On Feb. 2, 1901, congress formally established the Army Nurse Corps. Today the Army Nurse Corps' mission is “To provide responsive, innovative, and evidence-based nursing care integrated on the Army Medicine Team to enhance readiness, preserve life and function, and promote health and wellness for all those entrusted to our care.”
U.S. Army Women's Foundation staff members, Ms. Jessica DiFatta, left, and Ms. Beth Spitzley, right, have fun posing in front of the Foundation's new "Step and Repeat" banner. The Foundation's office is located at Fort Lee, Virginia and is open, Tuesday - Thursday, 10:00-2:00 PM.
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