, we are glad you could attend the "Food for Thought & Action Forum" at the Scarborough Public Library on Tuesday, September 27th.
A lot of great information came to light, and the What's On Your Plate pledges are inspiring, and show our commitment to ending hunger.
A sampling of actions and synergies arising from our conversation include:
Scarborough's online community calendar showcases special events happening in Town; it's a great way to share the date of food drives, and community meals, too. ScarboroughCalendar.org
The Scarborough Public Library and Town Hall have new drop-off boxes for the pantry. Each month we'll highlight an item in short supply. Right now we're collecting honey bears and grocery gift cards.
A free community meal on Thanksgiving Day will be served at Wentworth School. All are welcome! To learn more about helping or reserve your seat at the table, visit: ThanksgivingScarborough.org
Kiwanis and School Nutrition are collaborating to provide 100 (!) turkeys to the Scarborough Food Pantry this Thanksgiving.
South Portland Food Cupboard and Scarborough Food Pantry are both exploring how they might offer expanded evening access - stay tuned!
Project GRACE is accepting gifts of Thanksgiving food baskets for our neighbors. ProjectGRACEMaine.org
For finding connections, Scarborough Public Library's resource directory is a great place to start. Check it out online here.
Thank you for sharing what you are doing, who you are serving, how it's working, and what's next. [Flipchart Summaries]
Michelle Hayes, Steffi Cox, and Barbara Irish have met twice since the forum to collate your ideas and comments and to begin drafting a 'next steps' proposal.