See what is happening at Grace Lutheran!
December 10, 2020
This is a quick weekly reminder of what is happening at Grace in worship
and in ways to connect and serve.
Pastor Update
A Note From Pastor Maria Markman
People of Grace, 

I am so excited. This weekend is the world premiere of Grace Lutheran Church’s first ever virtual Christmas program: Do Not Be Afraid. This Christmas program is a joyful collaboration between our children’s ministries and our worship and music ministry! 

I feel the title, Do Not Be Afraid, is so fitting for our year together. Did you know that “do not be afraid” or “fear not” are some of the most repeated phrases in the Bible? This command is sprinkled throughout Jesus’ birth story. Mary hears it. Joseph hears it. The angels proclaim it every chance they get! Even to the shepherds, the common folk of the story. In a world that looked grim and dark, God was working on something unexpected. And God sent a message as a reminder, “Do not be afraid.” This is the same message our cast will proclaim this weekend. You will find yourself traveling through God’s story and into the homes of many different members of Grace. Different characters will be played by multiple actors so as many as wanted to be involved could be while also being safe.

When we embarked on this project way back in October, everything seemed impossible, and yet we have been filled with an unexpected joy, something we hope you experience as you watch our program this weekend. 

A special message of thanks to all the participants of this year’s program. We thank parents who filmed at home and helped prepare their children for filming. Those who scheduled special zoom calls to film their scenes. Thank you for the flexibility of parents and participants. Thank you to our musicians! Thank you to our editors! Thank you to Illustrated Ministry for the script! We pray you enjoy the show as much as we do! 

Lastly, we pray that you might all receive God’s reminder message to “fear not.” God is still working and often in unexpected ways. 

Do not be afraid for we bring you Good News of great joy that is for all people, 

Pastor Maria 
Virtual Service Availability

Throughout everything we will continue to provide worship online. We will be streaming worship through Grace's YouTube account. We encourage you to join us and listen to God's word through virtual services. Worship will be posted by 5 pm on Saturday evening, allowing you to worship at the time you prefer.
Advent Wednesdays Worship
Now through Dec. 23rd

Advent Mid-week Worship, Wednesdays at 1pm and 7pm: Join us on Zoom for an Advent Worship experience. We will be lighting the Advent Wreath, praying together and reflecting on the significance of waiting during this season. Here is the zoom link for both Worship opportunities: 
Grace Lutheran’s Christmas Eve Parking Lot Worship*
3:00 pm - Parking Lot Worship
4:00 pm - Parking Lot Worship
7:00 pm – Parking Lot Worship
*For each Worship service we will be singing Christmas carols and hearing the Christmas Story. After Worship, there will be an opportunity for family blessings.
Christmas Eve Sanctuary Time

On Christmas Eve, we will have our Sanctuary open for people to sign-up for 15 minutes in the Sanctuary at Grace starting at 10 am and ending at 8:35pm. You can come in for a time or reflection and prayer. We will have Christmas music playing.  
In your time slot, you determine who will join you in the sanctuary. We ask that you respect the following guidelines: 
  1. Individuals need to wear masks unless they are children under 5.
  2. Groups need to clean up after themselves by spaying down the pews they were in or areas they touched.
  3. Anyone who is experiencing any symptoms should not come.
  4. Anyone who has been exposed to COVID-19 or is awaiting test results should not come.
Although there are many changes this Christmas, we wait as people of faith and hope, knowing God’s promise of love. We pray you experience grace this season and the presence of God.
Sign up for your designated time on our sign-up genius or by calling the church office. 

Grace Lutheran’s Virtual
Christmas Day Worship
10:00 am on Zoom
More details to come!
Thank you Grace Lutheran for your ongoing
generosity and support! 

As of Tuesday, December 8th, we have received 91 Statements of Intent and increased financial promises or special gifts in the amount of $83,312 for our 2021 Hopeful Expectations Stewardship Appeal. If everything remains the same as last year, we are so close to making our financial goal of $85,000 and we are well on our way to receiving 125 Statements of Intent.

 It is not too late to turn in your commitment and help us reach out goals!
Ministries News
OK@Play Zooming through COVID 
Thursday, December 10th at 6:30 pm

We have missed everyone! It’s time to get together “safely” through Zoom. We would love to have everyone join us for an online social time on: 

Thursday, December 10th at 6:30 - 7:30 pm (or longer) 

Don’t know how to Zoom? No problem . . . all you need is a computer, or an iPad, or your phone that has a camera and audio on it. You do not need to have the App on your device, all you need to do is click on the Zoom link below. If you would like to practice in advance, let Ann Lange know and I will send you a practice link, instructions, and walk you through getting into a Zoom meeting. It truly is very easy!

For Fun: Wear something Christmas related (i.e. antlers, hat, sweater, bells, etc.) Surprise us and make us laugh!

For Activities: We will do introductions and will have questions to get us sharing what has been going on in your life since COVID shut us down.
“Shout Out Time” Do you have any exciting news or announcement to share? Now is the time to share it! We will talk about other ideas to do on Zoom in the future - Movies, games, ?? Put your thinking Santa hats on! We are thinking of Zooming each month on the Second Thursday of the Month. We will talk about that. If we have enough people participating, we may expand to an afternoon social time and an evening social time on Zoom.
“Practicing Self-Care through the Holidays”
Sunday, Dec. 13th – 6:30-8:00 pm via Zoom
Sponsored by Grace Lutherans Mental Health Team

The Christmas and New Years holidays can be stressful under the best of circumstances. But when we consider the particularly challenging environment we find ourselves in this year – specifically, a global pandemic with all its ramifications and the aftermath of a contentious national election – it’s safe to say that most of us are experiencing a considerably higher level of stress than usual. And not only stress, but feelings of profound disappointment, loss, grief, and anxiety, as well. This Zoom gathering is intended to acknowledge the complex feelings we are experiencing and to provide strategies and tools for coping with these feelings through the holidays. We hope you’ll join us!  
Calling all Holiday Bakers! 
Registrations Due December 16th

It’s time for a cookie bake off! As you are baking your holiday treats this year, take a photo or two of your accomplishments and register in the first annual Grace Lutheran Holiday Bake Off.  No need to bring in the cookies; just photos are needed.

Decorated delights, secret family recipes, traditional treats, unique and unusual cookies and more will be excepted! We will have PRIZES for kids and adults, so whether you are a beginning baker or a seasoned pro, YOU are welcome to participate! Registrations are due December 16th. Go to for more information and the entry form.  Questions? Contact Pastor Maria Markman at or Kristi Larson at
Connection Sunday:
Christmas Caroling
Sunday, Dec. 20th at 10:30* am

CHRISTMAS CAROLING! Join us Sunday, Dec. 20th at 10:30* am in the church parking lot–we will meet to hand out caroling sheets, then drive (in separate cars!) to carol to some of our members and friends who have not been able to come to worship in person. Contact Jonathan Orwig if you’re coming so we can prepare. If we end up with a really large group, we’ll split into two groups…. masks should be worn, and we will spread out widely to sing so we can be safe. This event will depend on current COVID-19 levels for the safety of all. (*Please note time change.)
Help spread the news about
Family Table!

Our Family Table Drive-through Meal is being offered again on Sunday, Dec. 20th from 12:30-1:30 PM. We’ve got the pulled pork sandwiches and cookies covered, but we’re still in need of coleslaw, applesauce, and chips. If you’re willing to contribute any of these items, please sign up below. Contact Lynda Wilde or Debbie Jorgens with questions. Thanks for helping to feed our community!  
Grace's Opportunities for Giving
Through Friday, December 18th

This year, Grace will once again be providing Christmas gifts to the residents of Stepping Stone Emergency Housing in Anoka. But instead of filling a red TARGET bag with personal care items as we have done in the past, we’re asking that you consider donating a Target or Walmart gift card ($25 value). The gift cards will be inserted into Christmas cards that will be distributed to each of Stepping Stone’s 66 residents a few days before Christmas. We’ll be collecting the gift cards (or monetary donations for purchasing the cards) through Friday, December 18th. Please mail your donation to Grace Lutheran Church (or feel free to drop it off during regular office hours).

Thank you for making Christmas a little brighter for those without a home of their own. 
Until All Are Fed; Grace's Food Shelf

Until All Are Fed; Grace's Food Shelf are in need of the following items. These items can be dropped off during Church Office hours. Thank you so much for your generosity and support!

Current list of needs:
Boxed Pasta Noodles
Canned Stews
Desserts (cake mix/frosting, pudding, packaged cookies, brownie mix, etc).
Noisy Offerings

This month’s Noisy Offerings will be directed to people in our community who are experiencing financial hardship this holiday season. For the first half of December, offerings will be used to help those within the Grace community. Although we may not be able to help everyone, we strive to help those in need that we are made aware of by our Grace members. So if you - or someone you know - needs help, please let us know by contacting one of the pastors, Debbie Jorgens or Kris Miller. Thank you for your generosity! 

As you may have read in the December issue of Grace Notes, our congregation is adopting one family for Christmas - a mother and her two teen-age children - through Family Promise! Their wish list is quite small as they were asked to provide one “need” and one “want” for each person. Please contact Alden Riley or Debbie Jorgens for specifics if you’re interested in helping this family. Thank you!
Ways to Give Electronically
Consider electronic giving on GraceLink. It’s a convenient way to give consistently throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Frances or Marie in the Church Office or Click on the GraceLink logo below.

If you are wondering where your giving is for the year, please log in to GraceLink. Find Giving on the tool bar. Then select My Giving History.  
Text to Donate
We’re updating our website to also include text and QR code as ways to give electronically.

For these, the system will request the user a ONE TIME SETUP to include their name, credit card # etc. – this will be required only the first time. After that, when the user texts to give or uses the QR code to give it will just ask the amount to confirm. The users will be able to select funds to allocate their giving to as well – operational, capital, noisy.

The number to give is 73256 – text key word: GRACEANDOVER
Grace's Resources

Proverbs 16:9 “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”

The congregation will have opportunities to engage in the property discussion with informational meetings scheduled for Sunday, January 17th and Sunday, January 24th. Information will be provided for both properties, and this time will also provide an opportunity to converse on how this decision will further our ministries. The Committee believes a final decision on property will be included as an item in our January 31st Congregational Meeting. Following that decision, congregational gatherings will be scheduled to discuss building decisions. Thank you, Charlie Wold ( and Dennis Grabowski (
Prayers of the Church
You bring consolation to those who weep. Embrace those who feel far-off, excluded, or defeated. Accompany those living with chronic and invisible illness. Sustain the weak and weary. Refresh those who labor under the weight of pain or sickness. Today we pray especially for Ken Fountain, Deb Stang, Ginny Hutchison, Abby Larson, Mike Burckhard, Baby Edwin Alexander, BJ Scott, Jon Brooks, Charlotte Montei, Rachel O’Brion, Elsie Weisenberger, Linda Christiansen, John Malecha, Joe Bailey, Julie Swedberg, Judi Wold, and Colleen Wernimont. We pray for all those suffering from COVID-19 throughout the world, and we pray that the end of COVID-19 would be near. Lord, hear our prayer.
God of promise, grant comfort, peace, and the hope of Christ’s resurrection to all who grieve. We pray especially today for The Gautschi family upon the death of their Aunt Cara; Chris and Don Pace and family, and the DeVries families upon the death of Chris’s dad, Bill DeVries Sr.; Beth & Scott Schaefer and family upon the death of their uncle, Loren Herbst; and Debbie and Bob Jorgens and family upon the death of their brother-in-law, Steve. Lord, hear our prayer.
Virtual Connections

During this time of high COVID-19 cases, we encourage you to connect with Grace and others! If you are looking for ministries and groups to connect with please visit our web site at and click on Church Online to see opportunities to connect.