Friday Newsletter

April 21, 2023

This Sunday

Worship Service: 10 am

with Sunday School and nursery care

Coffee Hour: following service

Earth Day Film Discussion: following service

Regular Youth Groups

Worship Notes

On Sunday, we welcome Rev. Brooke Anderson to the pulpit at Westminster. Rev. Anderson is ordained in the Covenant Church and serves as the Chaplain at Capital Manor in West Salem. Come meet her, she is wonderful! We are also learning a new song together – Draw the Circle Wide. It was introduced last week by our music directors and this week we are going to sing it together for the first time. Check out the link here and attempt a bit of practice before we gather.

Sunday Music Spotlight

In honor of Earth Day, this week we are highlighting the classic hymn For the Beauty of the Earth. Set by many choral composers, including the beloved setting of John Rutter, the text holds a dear spot for many with regards to 20th century hymnody. In 1863, Folliott S. Pierpoint was wandering through the English countryside around the winding Avon River. As he looked on the peaceful beauty surrounding him, he was inspired to reflect on God’s gifts to his people in creation and in the church. Above all, Pierpoint thought of the sacrifice of Christ, in the greatest of sacrifices, that of his life in return for ours. He thus originally wrote the text of “For the Beauty of the Earth” as a hymn for the Lord’s Supper. The original chorus read, “Christ, our God, to thee we raise this, our sacrifice of praise.” The hymn was meant not only as a song of thanksgiving, but as the only thing we could give Christ in return for his mercy and love: a hymn of praise laid upon the altar as a sacrifice. Editors have since altered the refrain so it has become a more generic hymn of thanksgiving, but as it stands, it takes on a deeper meaning when understood as something we not only sing, but offer up to God. []

Update from Your Session

Your Westminster Session met on Wednesday, April 19th.

  • The loan reorganization for Boulder Hall was discussed. There will be a Congregational Meeting on June 4th to vote on the plan for moving forward. Please be on the lookout for information from the Budget Committee so you can make an informed decision on getting the building loan reorganized.
  • We discussed next steps with Childcare Initiative.
  • At the May Session we will be saying thank you and goodbye to retiring Elders Rachelle Hughes (Budget & Finance), Susan Ray (Fellowship), Terri Crall (Children's Ministries) and Lynnea Lyman (Buildings & Grounds). And we will be welcoming new Elders Steve Kandra, Teri Mohney, and Bill Faust. Words cannot express our thanks and appreciation for the hours of time and effort that our retiring elders have given us. Thank you!


Watch episode 1 of Current Revolution, the featured film of Faith Climate Action Week 2023, here on your own then join a small group discussion after service on Sunday, April 23.

Bring a beloved pet to receive a blessing from Pastor Kelly at our Blessing of the Animals event on Saturday, April 29, at 10 am on the church grounds. Pets of all kinds or photographs welcome.

New Members Classes will take place Sundays April 30 and May 7, 11:30-1:00. If you have considered joining Westminster or just want to come and find out more information about membership, the Outreach team is excited to meet you. Please RSVP to the church office ( or 503-364-3327) by April 27 at noon.

Sunday, May 7, will be Salem for Refugees Sunday at Westminster. The Adult Ed Committee has invited Emily Boatwright to share information about this nonprofit with which we are partnering to rent the Winola House.

           Why and how was S4R developed?

           How does the Winola House help it meet its goals?

           What services are provided now, and what are up-coming plans?

She will welcome questions after the service during coffee hour.

If you have a favorite food to share that originated in another country, please bring samples to the coffee hour. 

Sign up to be a greeter once in a while--be the welcoming face everyone sees on a Sunday morning. For more info please contact Katie Nelson at

Save the Date

Families Lunch: 5/21 after service. Activities for children and youth planned.

Vacation Bible Camp: 6/26-6/30 for current Kindergartners-5th graders. Register here or pick up a form in the narthex.


The PCUSA is performing a research project to better understand its members in regards to marriage and romantic relationships, family structures, and expressions of gender identity. Take a minute to complete their anonymous survey here.

April is Earth Month. Check out the Creation Care page on the church website here.

Access the full church calendar here.  

Deadline for placing info in the Friday Newsletter is every Thursday at 9 am!

In the Community

Join SWAN and neighbors of Fircrest Park (with Ted Burney) to celebrate Earth Day at a park clean-up event in the church's own neighborhood. Friday, April 21 & Saturday, April 22, 10 am-3pm. Focus will be removing invasive plants, soft trail maintenance, and planting understory shrubs in the Fircrest Pollinator & Bird Enhancement Area. Family-friendly. Bring gloves and small hand tools.

You're invited to attend Interfaith Advocacy Day on May 10 at St. Mark's Lutheran. There is power in knowledge and strength in numbers. Attend issue briefs and workshops on advocating for compassionate legislation (9am-12pm) followed by meetings with state legislators. Talking points and legislative appointments will be provided. Issues addressed are Climate & Environment, Criminal Justice Reform & Gun Violence Prevention, Healthcare, Housing & Homelessness, Hunger, Immigration & Refugees. Registration required by April 28.


The Pick up Sticks workday was very successful. We have multiple piles of branches ready to be chipped and used to renovate the trail around the church property. We made a serious dent in the potential wildfire fuel load that surrounded the church. We eliminated some widow makers along the nature trail. Adults, youth, and even young Scouts worked together for the benefit of the church and our beautiful grounds. Thank you to all who were able to help. --Ted Burney and Buildings & Ground Committee

Adding a huge thanks to Ted and the committee for their enthusiastic leadership!

From Table of Plenty & neighbors: Blessings to all our friends at Westminster who are there whenever we need a lift! A heartfelt thanks for all your donations of time, treasure, and prayers. Especially food!


  • Randy Marshall, Barbara Friday's brother-in-law, who is having health issues.
  • Evelyn Aiken, who is in rehab.
  • Celebrating with Rev. Ken Smith who celebrates his 80th birthday this Sunday in sunny Mexico.
  • Grateful for Dick & Rachelle's granddaughter Eva's recovery.

Join your prayers with Interfaith Power & Light National Earth Day's Climate Prayer here. This can be done any time, but if you want to pray concurrently with others, set an alarm and join at noon on Saturday, April 22, Earth Day.

**If you would like a written prayer included in Sunday's worship bulletin, please email or call the church office (; 503-364-3327) or fill out the prayer request form on the website by Thursday at 10 am each week.


Nancy MacMorris-Adix, board chair of Family Building Blocks, invites us to participate in their 14th Annual Diaper Drive. The most urgent need is for sizes 4-7, including pull-ups, and wipes. Correction from last week--you can drop these items off in the tub in the church narthex through the end of April!

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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