From Our Pastors

Just a Note
Every October, the word gets out that it is Pastor Appreciation Month, and I have the same thought… “It’s about time!!” Wait, hear me out. I work with some very sharp pastors and a gifted chaplain (Thank you Pastors Nestor, Morss, and Hasty, and our CA chaplain Nancy). They all deserve appreciation as spiritual leaders and teachers. But every October, I think it’s about time to tell the whole church and the team of leaders -- Thank you for the positive impact you are to me, Melanie, and our family. In life, we are so prone to see the weaknesses that satan underlines with his highlighter, but for the last six Octobers, we have been reminded what an honor it is to be included in this community. So just a note from your pastor, it’s about time to saythank you Campion Church, you bless us.  
Pastor Micheal Goetz
Thank You Grow Group Leaders

When I landed at Campion I wondered if I would ever experience the family dynamic that I had enjoyed at my church in Cortez, Colorado. Being part of this bustling campus over these past three years, it’s amazing to see how God continues to shrink our growing church through the intimacy of grow groups.

That intimacy, which is uncanny for a church our size, developed because of countless grow group leaders who were relentless in their pursuit of our mission – to GROW a caring community. You my friends, have accomplished what seemed inconceivable just a few years ago.

The lesson, according to Francis of Assisi, “Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” To all of our grow group leaders who have helped to foster a family dynamic in our church: THANK YOU! 
Pastor Michael Morss
Ministry Team
Lead Pastor
Micheal Goetz

Evangelism/Worship Pastor
Nestor Soriano

Discipleship/Family Pastor
Michael Morss

RMC Literature Ministry Pastor Matt Hasty

Campion Academy Chaplain
Nancy Meszaros
Office Administrator/Treasurer
Teresa Johansen

Head Elder
Dick Stenbakken

Member Care Team
The Pastors
Carol Turk
Becca Herber
Campion Academy Principal
Don Reeder

HMS Elementary Principal
Paul Bragaw
Our Mission
The Campion Church is a part of the Seventh-day Adventist movement seeking to

 Jesus as our Friend and Savior

a Caring Community

 Share the Everlasting Gospel

Fulfilling the Mission: Know, Grow, Go
We're Family--Grow Group Ministers to Campion Students
Article and photos by Codi Jahn
It feels weird not having students at church. As strange as it sounds, I like squishing together in the pew so there’s more room for them. It just makes it feel more like we’re all a family that way. Our grow group stemmed from missing the academy students and wanting to let them know they ARE missed and they ARE valued by our church. Together our group brainstormed how to most effectively show them that we’re their church family. We have several things planned for them this session, the first of which we were able to carry out this past Sunday.

With the current COVID-19 precautions, dorm students are not doing town trips and are not allowed to have food delivered on campus. With that in mind, our first project was catering Panda Express and serving it to them. Since the students only eat two meals on Sunday, by dinner time, they’re hungry. We had plenty of food ready for them along with Izzie drinks and a wide assortment of homemade treats. It was a huge success; many students came through line at least twice (some more). They were so kind and grateful!

Many of our spouses and kids were able to join us and each had a job they could do: handing out drinks, helping with serving, or making sure there were hot trays of food ready. As the students went through line, we were able to talk to them, ask questions, laugh with them and just be a friendly face from church. When they had all been served, the Campion students shouted thank you’s, clapped, and woohoo’d.

It felt like I was walking on sunshine on the way home. My kids must have felt the same way, they asked when our group’s next event was because in their words, “That was awesome!” And that’s the thing with doing something for others: you intend the blessing for them, but ultimately, you receive one as well. If your Grow Group hasn’t planned an outreach activity yet, brainstorm what you can collectively do. I bet you’ll walk away with the same feeling we did.
Photos by Codi Jahn
Children of the Grow Group Academy, You're Our Family
Eric Aakko Presents Plant Based Cooking
Joyelle Worley comments,
"Eric’s food is great."
First event in our new Community Center: Health seminar and cooking class with Eric Aakko. Plant-based wisdom and delicious food!
Photos from
The Avery and Arlene Dick Library is Reopening
By Sadie Torrez
Over five years ago, the church library was closed because that space was needed for additional pastors. There were over 1900 books stored, waiting for the new addition to be completed so the library could again be functional. The new library is in the conference room in the new addition. Plans are to open the library again on Sabbath, November 7, 2020.

Sadie Torrez, the librarian, has purchased new children’s books that will be available for checkout when the library opens. She is getting many new donated and purchased books ready for your enjoyment as well. The library is on an honor system—there are instructions explaining how to check out books or DVDs and how to return them. You can check out books anytime that the church is open and the conference room is not in use. The left side of the library has reference material that can be used for Bible study and books on the Sabbath, End Time Events, Daniel and Revelation, Holy Spirit, Jesus, etc. The right side of the library has books such as mission stories, other true stories, Christian life, family life, health, juvenile books, children books, etc.

Our hope is that many of you will make use of the library and enjoy some good reading this winter.
The Power of a Welcome
By Nestor Soriano
What difference does it make to be a welcoming church? Ask Jane. 

Thom Rainer, an American writer and speaker on church growth, shares a personal story of when he met Jane, his hair stylist. He relates his story in his book Becoming a Welcoming Church:

"As Jane was cutting my hairs, I began a conversation about her life and her world. Once I found out where she lived, I was able to shift the conversation to Jesus and church. Indeed, I found out she lived near my church where my son pastors. 

"So I talked to Jane about her life. I talked a bit about Jesus. And I invited her to church. 

"She was non-committal. Or so I thought. 

"Little did I know that the Holy Spirit had already been working in her life. I will spare you the details, but she soon found the website of our church and ‘bravely' (her word, not mine) decided to visit.

"She 'fell in love with the church' (her words again). The website gave her all the information she needed. She found the guest parking spot with ease. The people were genuinely friendly. The preacher preached the Bible with conviction and love. 

"I will cut to the chase: Jane decided to follow Christ. She was baptized. And now she is smiling, enthused, and an active member of the welcome team ministry of our church."

If I were Jane, I would have been nervous to visit a foreign church for the first time. But (next to the Spirit’s converting influence) it was the genuine friendliness and welcoming love of the church that won her heart. And the rest is history. 

At Campion, we want to continue to strive to be a welcoming church. One of the best ways we can do this is by building up our “frontline workers”: our greeting team. We are in need of more greeters. If you’d like to be part of this vital team, please contact our greeting team leaders, Eddie and Sarah Schwisow at
Family Promise Compassion Ministry
By Diane Lee
During October, our congregation has been involved in compassion ministries related to children and their families experiencing homelessness in Loveland through a Christian program called Family Promise (formerly known as Angel House). In the past several years, Campion Church has been one of the local churches providing on-site hospitality and meal preparation for “guest” families, a week at a time, four times a year. Many hands prepared and served meals; others spent the night at the church while we all prayed for the struggling families.

Due to COVID-19, the Family Promise program has suspended church overnights and is hosting families in a local hotel for safety. Campion Church provided the funds for the hotel and Walmart gift cards for food for two families during the week starting October 18.

We were able to share the love of Christ with a couple and their two boys ages 12 and 5, and with a second couple who are expecting a new baby and their daughter age 6. While in the program, the families are coached on finding jobs, saving money, proper use of credit, and they have access to classes related to parenting and life skills.

A big thank you to everyone who has helped support this ongoing outreach in Loveland.
All About People
New Families
Buster and Jill Downey

Buster and Jill moved to Colorado in September of 2018. Both Jill and Buster grew up in Colorado, so this is coming home for them. They have two daughters and two grandbabies. Their daughter Rachel lives in Minnesota and Kelsey, their other daughter, lives in Johnstown. Their grandson Jack was a huge draw for them to return to Colorado.

Both Buster and Jill graduated from Union College. They did one year in the mission field and then returned to Lincoln where Buster flew an air ambulance and Jill worked as a nurse. They’ve lived in Tucson, Arizona for a time and then spent the last 20 years in Wichita, Kansas.

Buster is a ground school and flight instructor for private, charter, air ambulance, and law enforcement pilots. Jill works at Avista hospital in the NICU.

Buster’s dad built the Campion church along with the ad building and boy’s dorm, so they have a rich history with Colorado and Campion. They are living in the Erie area.
Interview by Cheri Atwood
Photo supplied by family
Carolyn and Gilberto Rivera

When Carolyn Pucket heard that Gilberto Rivera, who had arrived in Loveland just a couple years earlier from Puerto Rico, and a resident of a building near her, had fallen, she went to offer a walker she had. They began to visit, and she asked if she could pray for him; he readily agreed. They spent time visiting, and as he healed, they began to walk together and the more time they walked and the further they walked, they walked into a relationship. Frank Velasquez gave Gilberto Bible studies until the COVID pandemic, but Gilberto continued to study on his own, and soon Carolyn and Gilberto married.

Carolyn and Gilberto take care of an 11-month-old granddaughter, and when she has time, Carolyn enjoys crocheting and crafts and involvement in Pastor Soriano’s Bible study coaching; she has been a member of Campion for some time. Gilberto is a retired accountant who says he likes to observe people and especially cars, and he is “good at fixing things.” He was hoping there would be a Spanish small group as he is more comfortable speaking Spanish than English, but it did not happen this fall. He is also hoping for a Spanish Sabbath School class. If there are others who would like the same groups, get in touch with Gilberto!
Interview by Ardis Stenbakken
Photo by Dan Turk
On Sabbath morning, October 3, the Campion Church witnessed the baptism of Hannah Burke. Her personal witness is as follows: "I have grown up in the church and always knew that I wanted to be baptized, especially now that the signs in the world are pointing to the Lord's soon return. I realize that we are not promised tomorrow, and I want to make my commitment to Him today. This is another step towards allowing the Lord to work in my life and use me for His honor and to witness to others."

We are so pleased to welcome you into our fellowship, Hannah; may God richly bless you.

Interview by Muriel Indermuehle
Photo by Joyelle Worley
Sabbath morning October 17 was a high day as we welcomed into our fellowship, by baptism, Sierra Ward. Sierra's testimony is as follows: "Hi. My name is Sierra. I'm in 4th grade.  I'm very thankful for you being a part of my church family and being a part of my baptism.  After online church, I just asked to be baptized. To me, being baptized means to dedicate my life to God. When I'm getting baptized, I'm giving up all of my sins to God and getting born again. Thank you, Pastor Micheal, for helping me get to this point in life. I couldn't have done it without you and my parents, Michelle and Erin Ward. Thank you for coming to my baptism."

May God bless you and your decision to follow Him, Sierra.
By Muriel Indermuehle
Photo by Dick Stenbakken
Birthdays this Month
November Birthday List
Coming Events
Service Schedule
First Service 9 - 10:10
Sabbath School 10:20 - 11:20
Second Church      11:30 - 12:40

Services streamed live from
Thanksgiving Baskets
If you know of a family that could use a Thanksgiving box of food, give the name to the church office. It is requested that you confirm with the family that they need the food before submitting the name. The baskets will be ready to give out on Sabbath, November 21. You can help by donating non-perishable food items, turkeys and/or bake cookies and breads. Examples of food to give would be green beans, corn, stuffing mix, canned pumpkin pie filling, cranberries, boxed pie crust, pasta, pasta sauce, gravy, cereal, mac and cheese, soup, beans, rice, jello. We will have a table set up in the Community Center for you to place your food on. Thank you for your giving spirit this season.
Music Department Presents During Both Services November 14
Dick Stenbakken presents Academy Week of Prayer. If you missed the disciple reenactments, they can be seem on the church Facebook page
Photo by Joyelle Worley
Academy Schedule
Campion Church will miss the Campion Academy students during the month of December. They will not return to campus after Thanksgiving until January.
Turkey Trot
Warm drinks and an invitation to walk or run a 5K around campus (a few loops) Thanksgiving morning. Donations for community services will be taken---to bless those, who in our celebration of Thanksgiving, need a helping hand. Church parking lot, 8:30 am. 
Turkey trotters 2019.
Photo from
Campion and HMS Richards School News
HMS Richards School
Service Still on the Curriculum at HMS Richard
By Jill Harlow
Even though personal contact is limited these days, HMS Richards Adventist School teachers are still finding meaningful ways for their students to serve the community.

Kari Lange’s 1st and 2nd grade students are using their budding handwriting and artistic skills to share Bible verses through the mail. A staple of their curriculum for many years, each week students write a Bible text using their best handwriting on a border sheet they color themselves. Lange came up with the idea to mail these sheets out to church members that may be feeling isolated during the pandemic.

Lange explained, “During stay at home orders it was so exciting to get personal mail, that I thought my class could encourage our church members through their writing. Our church supports us in so many ways; this is a simple way my class can give back. They have a cover letter that they sign and they have learned how to address the envelopes all by themselves. So far, we have mailed out over 30 Bible verses.”

Lange mentioned that the students take their time and write more neatly than usual knowing that it is going to be sent to someone in the mail. When asked about the project, Callista Jahn, 2nd grader, said “It makes me feel happy to be helping someone else.” 

The pandemic hasn’t been able to stop the students in Paul Bragaw’s 5th and 6th grade classes from continuing their work at the local Lon Hagler Reservoir. Bragaw has had his class adopt the reservoir for the past three years. Nearly every month, they spend about two hours wandering the two and a half miles of trails around the shore collecting trash in order to keep this natural space a pleasant reprieve for visitors.

Zachary Harlow, 5th grade student said, “I think cleaning up the lake is a good way for us to serve because it gives our community a clean place to go. I feel good when we clean it up because there is always a lot of trash.”

When they first adopted the reservoir, the students were trained by Joe Chaplin from the City of Loveland Adopt-A-Waterway program about what to pick up and not to pick up in order to safely remove all types of trash. He also provided the class with trash pickers, bags and gloves.
Bragaw commented, “The class usually averages 20-30 bags of trash each time we go. Our very first time cleaning the lake we found 30 five-quart containers of used motor oil. Students are awesome with cleaning the lake and love to find treasures, except none of us like the dirty diapers, cigarette butts, or beer cans! But that being said, students have learned that even the smallest trash matters and shouldn’t be thrown down on the ground!”
The teachers at HMS Richards continue to recognize the importance of teaching students the value of serving others. Through their service, there are many valuable spiritual lessons to be learned. Bragaw explained, “Our class has discussed how sin in our lives can relate to the trash we pick up around the lake. Jesus takes all the sin or trash in our lives and throws it away forever!”
At left Ian, a second grader, prepares a border sheet around a Bible verse. One of his creations was sent to Ella Jean and Ken Albertsen, pictured with Ian above. They just happened to meet in passing in the east wing of the church during the week. The Albertsens wanted to thank Ian for sending them his neatly made border sheet.
Photos by Kari Lange
Students at Lon Hagler Reservoir. Photo by Paul Bragaw.
Students pick up trash along the shore of Lon Hagler Reservoir. Photo by Paul Bragaw.
Campion Academy was among the first high schools in the nation to reopen for in-person classes on August 9. Now, eight weeks later, they’ve completed the first quarter without a positive COVID case. While Campion can celebrate this milestone, the administration recognizes that the fight is not over. Students were able to return home for a much anticipated break last week, but with that, the risk of COVID exposure was increased at the start of the second quarter.

The school nurse, Jenny Gann comments, “It is easy to let our guards down because we’ve been safe so far, but diligence in wearing our masks, washing our hands, keeping our distance, all of those difficult things, is extremely important right now.”

Principal Reeder further said, “I am grateful to God for His watching over us as he promised in Psalms 91, and we ask for everyone to keep us in your prayers for the rest of the school year.” Read More
Church Business
Building Status
Landscaping: The landscaping project started with the plan developed by Larimer County as part of the permitting process for the addition to the church. The plan listed the plants and the location for the plants. Several plant nurseries were provided the plant list and each made suggestions for plants that would require less water and be more hardly for the suggested location. Fort Collins Nursery was chosen based on the best price and best customer service.

The plants were delivered on Friday, and on Sunday a large group of church members showed up to plant them. (Sorry, a list of the individuals that helped was not made; however, each person’s help was so appreciated). A week later, on Friday, sod and landscaping stones were delivered, and on Sunday a large group of church members showed up to install the sod and scatter the stones.

The landscaping is not complete, but halted because of the weather and the lateness of the season. Next spring additional plants will be installed and other areas will be revitalized. The remainder of the sod should be installed by November 1 if the weather cooperates.
Report by Neil Sigler

Kitchen: Work is going on which include different perspectives and ironing out details before settling on plans that can be shared. While it might seem slow, there are steps taking us forward. Thank you for your continued patience and generosity. We are currently still aiming at the goal of just under $300,000.
Report by Pastor Goetz
Nominating Committee Report

Elders: Each of our elders invest themselves in a specific area of church leadership: Evangelism, Administration, Discipleship, Worship, and Member-Care. Over the next couple of weeks the pastoral and elder teams will work together to organize the leadership teams. We look forward to communicating that soon.
Ministry Development Team: The Nominating Committee (NomCom) finished their work and we appreciate them. Campion has two sister circles that help build our ministry teams: Nominating Committee and Ministry Development Team (MDT). Different ministries based on needs were divided – NomCom meets every two years while the MDT (before going dormant) would continue to meet periodically to assist and build ministries. The church board has voted to reengage a small, lean MDT that partners with the pastors through the year to support our ministries and their leaders. 
Offerings this Month
November 7: Local Church Budget
We are blessed to worship and conduct a wide variety of meetings and appointments in a clean church building. There is much more to clean than there used to be, and the janitor deserves to be paid. This money comes from the local church budget.

November 14: World Budget with Emphasis for Annual Sacrifice for Global Mission
For many years the Adventist Church has collected a Week of Sacrifice Offering at the end of the fall Week of Prayer. This year this special offering is targeted to Global Mission to benefit the 10/40 window. Please remember that unless you specifically mark your offering as Annual Sacrifice the offering will go to the general World Budget.

November 21: Local Church Budget
The Campion Church family has been faithful in giving to the local church budget. This is a blessing to the finance committee when they can say “Yes” to requests for supplies and witnessing projects. Thank you, and may God continue to bless!

November 28: Rocky Mountain Conference Advance
Ten percent of this offering helps churches and schools with new buildings so this offering is helping with building the new addition on our own church. It is wonderful when you can give an offering and get an immediate benefit! And all aspects of the Advance come back and help us in some way.
Stay Connected
Newsletter: Ella Jean Albertsen, Ken Albertsen, Cheri Atwood, Anita Busby, Muriel Indermuehle, Teresa Johansen, Michael Morss, Ardis Stenbakken, Sherie Wirgau.
Website: Jerry Ellquist, Michael Morrs, Jessie Norris, Steve Phillips
Social Media: Micheal Goetz, Teresa Johansen, Dave Oden, Joyelle Worley.
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