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Woodlawn News

June 2021
From the Director

I am thrilled to be the new director of Woodlawn. There are many people to meet and very soon, I will be living here in Ellsworth. The depth of history at Woodlawn is impressive - three generations of the Black family in one house. This is an important story for Ellsworth and Maine. Learning about and understanding your roots is critical and we want to share this heritage with students of all ages. I look forward to connecting with you as we ensure that the opportunity to enjoy this special place is maintained, curated, and enjoyed. Please consider contributing your support - become a member, sponsor a program or event, volunteer your time. Follow us on social media to hear about the activities we are planning and please say hello the next time you visit.
~ Kathy Young
Want to help with Chain Saw Day?

Thursday, June 10, 9:00 - noonish!
Do you believe in a free lunch?

Join our Caretaker Richard and Trustee Jon Marshall as we continue to clean up the trails and grounds for summer. There will be chainsaws, wood chippers, and heavy lifting as well as pizza!

Email to RSVP your attendance.

If you have work gloves please bring them and wear sturdy shoes! Thanks
Our garden guards wait for summer visitors....

The Woodlawn formal garden will be undergoing a restoration this summer. We are looking for gardeners who have a love of beauty and history.
Please volunteer by emailing

The formal garden is 'guarded' at Woodlawn by the pair of lions at the east entrance. Slightly weather beaten and diminished in form, the lions can be recognized as copies (albeit smaller in size) of the lions carved by Antonio Canova in1792 for the tomb of Pope Clement XIII in St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City.

Nixon Black owned several “souvenir” reproductions of classical sculptures in addition to the lions among them the “Dying Gaul” and the “Medici Lions.”
Plan a visit to Woodlawn this summer!
The Black House will open for guided tours beginning July 6th from 10:30 am - 3:30 pm. Tours are $12 per adult, $5 for those ages 12-18, children under 12 are free. We are only closed on Mondays (to mow the lawns).

In August, we will have an evening for tours once a week. Call 207.667.8671 to make a $10 non-refundable reservation today! We look forward to providing in person tours again.

Maine CDC COVID-19 guidelines for museums will be followed.

Dust off your hats - the tea parties will be back. And we are lucky to have two college students working as our tour docents, one from UM Orono and one from College of the Atlantic. Welcome Rory and Alexa! You will hear more about them as the season begins.  As always, the museum grounds and trails are open dawn to dusk.
Your support of Woodlawn is critical for the ongoing needs of the house, trails, and programs.

Become a member Click here

Photo: Caretaker Richard Tupper checking a leak in the chimney. Thank you Wilson's Tree Service
Woodlawn Museum, Gardens & Park
19 Black House Drive, P.O. Box 1478
Ellsworth, Maine 04605
(207) 667-8671

For general questions, click here