The Black House will open for guided tours beginning July 6th from 10:30 am - 3:30 pm. Tours are $12 per adult, $5 for those ages 12-18, children under 12 are free. We are only closed on Mondays (to mow the lawns).
In August, we will have an evening for tours once a week. Call 207.667.8671 to make a $10 non-refundable reservation today! We look forward to providing in person tours again.
Maine CDC COVID-19 guidelines for museums will be followed.
Dust off your hats - the tea parties will be back. And we are lucky to have two college students working as our tour docents, one from UM Orono and one from College of the Atlantic. Welcome Rory and Alexa! You will hear more about them as the season begins. As always, the museum grounds and trails are open dawn to dusk.