You are receiving this email because you signed up for the CHLT listserv. This email includes information about our upcoming event, a National Public Lands Days update, the new Learning By Doing newsletter, and our social media!
Are you ready to for our main event? We've gone virtual!

Head on over to to register with the website and get a preview of the event!

The event will be from Sunday, October 18 through Sunday, October 25.

It will include a silent auction featuring items donated from all over Grand County and beyond - by supporting CHLT you are supporting the entire Grand County community. All funds raised this week will go towards our programs and helping protect more of the open space and waterways in Grand County!
The week will also include four online panels of engaging, entertaining, and educational people in the CHLT community:

Sunday, October 18 @ 6:00PM
Founders Panel with four of the land trust's founders

Tuesday, October 20 @ 6:00PM
Landowners Panel with conservation easement grantors in Grand County

Thursday, October 22 @ 6:00PM
Conservation Professionals Panel with conservation professionals from around Colorado

Sunday, October 25 @ 6:00PM
Land Trust Panel with CHLT staff, Board members, Advisory Board members, and long-term supporters

You can read more about each panel by visiting the event site:
We also invite you to engage with us throughout the week online! Check into our Facebook and Instagram feeds to meet more of the CHLT Board of Directors and staff, and other supporters!

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please don't hestitate to let us know.
Another Successful National Public Lands Day in Grand County
Despite COVID Concerns
Marking its 26th year, the 2020 Grand County National Public Lands Day event attracted volunteers from Grand County, the Western Slope, and the Front Range to help with trail and clean-up projects on public lands throughout the county.

Thank you to Carver's Bakery and Fraser Valley Distilling for providing us with some great NPLD giveaways, including hand sanitizer and masks!
Learning By Doing
A Unique Western Slope/Eastern Slope Colorado Water Partnership
Learning By Doing is a collaborative effort dedicated to maintaining and, where possible, improving the aquatic environment in Grand County. They just released their first e-newsletter::

Get Your CHLT Branded Mask!
Recommended donation: $7

Contact the office to get your own and show off your support of Grand County conservation in the most modern of fashion!
Follow Us on Social Media!
We are active on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Here are some of our posts from September, but find more on our pages!
Sept 24: "Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake." - Wallace Stevens

It's an especially lovely time of year to take a stroll around our county's beautiful lakes and waterways...
Sept 22: "If a year was tucked inside of a clock, then autumn would be the magic hour." - Victoria Erickson

Happy first day of fall!

Sept 16: "I see the turning of a leaf dancing in an autumn sun, and brilliant shades of crimson glowing when the day is done."
- Hazelmarie Mattie Elliott

Take some time to enjoy the beauty of nature as the seasons change.
Sept 10: "In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."
- John Muir

We are falling into a new season here in Grand County, Colorado...

Sept 01: "Going to the mountains is going home."
- John Muir

We couldn't have said it better! That's why we've been working since 1995 to conserve the local lands that give such meaning to our lives.

Shop Our Conservation Partners!
Support local land conservation by shopping our Conservation Partners. Our partners believe in the mission of the land trust and that open space enriches our quality of life, protects landscapes, and brings visitors and residents to Grand County. Protecting open space is an investment in our environment, our culture and our economy.
Are you interested in becoming a Conservation Partner with no cost to your business? Click here for more information!
PO Box 1938, Granby CO. 80446 - (970) 887-1177