Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop – Election Process
The General Convention Office (GCO) is preparing to conduct the election of members to the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop. This election would typically be conducted in-person at General Convention, but because of the time this committee’s work will take, we will conduct this election electronically in June, 2021. Please find an outline of the process and timeline, including the slate of candidates, in the full article. This process is for this election only.
Read more (In English and Spanish):
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Regular Meeting of the Synod of The International Atlantic Province
Please take notice that a Regular Meeting of the Synod of The International Atlantic Province – the Second Province of The Episcopal Church – will be held by Zoom on Thursday, September 9, 2021, beginning at 8:30 am Eastern Daylight Time. Read the full notice - English - Spanish - French
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News from our 12 dioceses | | |
From St. Luke's on the Hill in Mechanicville, New York - the fun community events are starting up!
Saturday, May 15 at 1pm - Blessing of the Bikes - All bikes and riders are welcome. Start your bike season with a blessing for a safe, fun season of riding.
Saturday, May 22 from 1 - 4pm Holy Hootenanny - St Luke’s first annual Holy Hootenanny, on our lawn.
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Kip Coerper, organist and choirmaster for St. James’ Episcopal Church in Skaneateles and 2021 GreenFaith Fellow will offer reflections on climate justice on the CNY website in the months ahead. Hardly a day goes by that we don’t notice a news article about “green building,” sustainable living, carbon footprints, natural/organic foods, renewable energy, etc. These have been catchphrases in our consumer and political society. So what is this new consciousness all about? I would like to suggest that it is not about politics or simple environmental awareness. I believe it is about honoring God’s kingdom. Read on >
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Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe | |
Creativity abounds across the Convocation! Thanks to technology, we can attend so many Sunday morning services during the week! We give thanks for the artists at work and at play at Emmanuel Episcopal Church Geneva Switzerland. You can watch, pray, sing, and learn with the saints who contributed to the Sixth Sunday of Easter: | |
Faced with a surge in coronavirus cases, Cuba this week started immunizing members of the public, using two locally-produced vaccines that have yet to complete clinical trials. Read the news story > | | |
From the U.S. Embassy in Haiti: Do not travel to Haiti due to kidnapping, crime, and civil unrest. Reconsider travel to Haiti due to COVID-19.
Country Summary: Kidnapping is widespread and victims regularly include U.S. citizens. Kidnappers may use sophisticated planning or take advantage of unplanned opportunities, and even convoys have been attacked. Kidnapping cases often involve ransom negotiations and U.S. citizen victims have been physically harmed during kidnappings. Victim’s families have paid thousands of dollars to rescue their family members. Read more >
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The Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island announced this week that the Very Rev. Dr. Michael Sniffen, Dean of the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Garden City, has been appointed by the President of the United States as an officer in the U.S. Navy.
This commission will be fulfilled in the Navy Chaplain Corps alongside the Dean’s regular responsibilities leading the Cathedral community at the heart of the village.
Read the article >
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St. Paul’s Community Health Clinic—a ministry of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Camden and the Diocese of New Jersey—will receive more than $11,000 in a United Thank Offering (UTO) grant this year. Read the story > | |
Diocese Explores Pathways Toward Reparations
This is a webinar series sponsored by the Reparations Committee of the Diocese of New York. All webinars are on Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 p.m. (Flyer)
The legacy of the transatlantic slave trade is deeply entrenched in the structural systems and legislative actions that govern communities today. This series of panel discussions organized by the Reparations Committee for the Diocese intends to broaden awareness and deepen our understanding of the pressing topics of an intractable nature of systemic racism on education, health, economics, gender, policing and the criminal justice system, the church and more that negatively impact people of African heritage. Find out more >
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The Inauguration of International Women's forum MOTHER SANDRA CURTIS Community Gardens was held on 25th April at Saint John's Campus, Catherine-Odessa. New York. Bishop Prince Singh graced the occasion and we had a ground breaking ceremony. Thanks to Sandra Bartone, Denise Switzer, Angeline Priya and Eleanor Lattin for their initiation and shortly we will have the extension of the same at St. James, Watkins Glen, New York. Sincere appreciation to the Vestries and the people of God for their support and participation. This rejuvenates the entire Episcopal families at Schuyler in doing mission in a creative way with the local community, specially connecting the young minds to re-imagine the land and food security for the needy. Bernie Parker Sharing Shed will get the fresh produce from these gardens to enhance the missional engagement and continue to enact the radical hospitality and passionate spirituality.
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Pastoral Message
The Fourth Sunday of Easter
Sunday the 2nd of May 2021
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The Episcopal Dioceses of Western New York & Northwestern Pennsylvania | | |
St. Luke’s Church in Jamestown, New York, is not just trying to change the way the city eats, it’s trying to change the way it thinks about food.
Led by its rector, the Rev. Luke Fodor, whose passion for fresh vegetables is such that people send him produce-themed birthday cards, the parish has donated money, space, time and energy to several interconnected fresh food initiatives aimed at helping local residents eat a better diet and helping local farmers to earn a better living. Read the whole story >
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Opportunities, Grants, Resources | | |
This is just a partial list of what you will find if you click the button above!
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President: The Rev. Dahn Dean Gandell (Rochester) - on a leave of absence
Vice-President: The Rt. Rev. Dr. DeDe Duncan-Probe (Central New York )
Secretary: Canon Paul Ambos, Esq. (NJ)
Treasurer: Canon Phyllis Jones (NJ)
Provincial Coordinator: Ms. Neva Rae Fox (NJ)
Lay Representative to Executive Council: Canon Noreen Duncan (NJ)
Clerical Representative to Provincial Council: The Rev. Johnnie E. Ross (Rochester)
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Clerical Representative to Executive Council: The Rev. Lillian Davis-Wilson (Western New York)
Lay Representative to Provincial Council: Yvonne O’Neal (New York)
Episcopal Representative to Provincial Council: The Rt. Rev. William H. (“Chip”) Stokes (New Jersey)
Webmaster, Editor, InProv2 Ms. Jan Paxton (NJ)
Chair, Synod Planning Committee Dorothy-Jane Connolly (Albany)
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Visit the 12 Dioceses of the province at their websites:
Albany, Central New York, Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, Cuba (no official website yet), Haiti, Long Island, New Jersey, New York, Newark, Rochester, Virgin Islands, The Episcopal Dioceses of Western New York & Northwestern Pennsylvania
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