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As we want so much to give love to children in foster care, we at My Very Own Blanket also want to share our love with all of our Blanket Angel donors and volunteers!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Goal for 2022
Blankets for 30,000 Children in Foster Care

Together we can do it, one blanket at a time! Click here to see our current number

My Very Own Blanket is brings blankets of love, comfort and hope to children in foster care. Here is how you can help us do just that!

  • Order blanket kits online. Pick up inside our workshop Monday - Friday, 9 am to Noon, or use our 24-hour curbside bin just outside the workshop.

  • Drop off your finished blankets in the 24-hour curbside bin outside our workshop..

  • Not in Central Ohio? Sponsor our "no-sew" blanket kits online to have them sent to you. We will help you contact your local children's services to deliver to kids in care in your area!

In the screenshot above, Jessica shares the MVOB mission and vision with a team of Bank of America employees in Newport Beach, California during their virtual blanket-making event in January.
A Caseworker's Story...
How one blanket made a difference in the life of a small girl.

A 3-year-old girl was found wandering in the road on a cold February morning. Dressed only in a t-shirt and underwear, she was hungry, scared and alone, searching for her mother. 

The caseworker who was called brought along a MVOB blanket to wrap around her.  Read the whole story
Read True Stories!
Read more stories like the one above on our new web page! 
It features true stories about the impact of simple blankets on the lives children in foster care – and sometimes on the lives of the adults who made them.   True Stories 
Blankets are on the way to Youth Homes in California
The blankets made by our Blanket Angels are comforting children in foster care all over Ohio and the U.S. 
Our newest partner is Youth Homes, a nonprofit in the San Francisco Bay Area that supports youth in foster care, ages 3 - 21. Many of their clients are struggling with loss of jobs and schooling due to COVID.
We were thrilled to receive Youth Homes' request, and we have added them to the organizations who receive quarterly blanket shipments. Their first batch is on its way. Thanks to the Blanket Angels who made this donation possible. Learn about Youth Homes
Do you advocate for children in foster care?
If you are a caseworker or advocate for children in foster care, we would love to provide blankets that you can share with kids who could use something to hold onto. Just tell us how many you need. 614-530-3327 or
You Gotta Be Knitting Me
Students at Cannon School in Concord, N. Carolina, have a week of not-typical classes after winter break that involve community service.

In her You Gotta Be Knitting Me class, teacher Abigail taught the students to knit. They made panels that were combined into a blanket to be donated locally through MVOB. What a unique blanket-making event!
MVOB receives one by one grant

MVOB was very pleased to receive a one by one® grant from 4imprint Promotional Products to order branded tote bags that we can give as thank you gifts to recognize the work of our volunteers.
Cheryl from 4imprint explains their motivation for making the grants: "Through one by one®, we award $500 grants for promotional products to organizations that are making a difference. one by one® is our way of giving back."
Blanket Angel Snapshots
KJ Girl Scout Troop 5925 in Grove City, Ohio made 12 blankets at their Christmas cabin party/camp sleepover. They used proceeds from GS cookie sales to purchase the fleece and hope to do more this year. Thanks!
The goal of this group of friends from the Edgewater community in North Myrtle Beach, SC is to create 20+ blankets to be delivered to Horry County Dept. of Social Services. Many thanks to these dedicated Blanket Angels.
Seventh grade cheerleaders at Grizzell Middle School in Dublin, Ohio made 15 blankets for MVOB as their service project in January.
Many thanks to these students for their gift to children in foster care.
Easy ways to give while you shop
Amazon Smile. Purchase with purpose. Amazon donates to MVOB when you shop at
Kroger Community Rewards
Shop with your Plus Card to earn donations for MVOB. Enroll here. Our account: CG546.
National Headquarters Blanket Workshop Hours
Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - Noon
Drop off your donation of finished blankets at any time in the brown donation bin in front of our
Blanket Workshop at 407 W. Main Street, Westerville, Ohio 43081
Questions? Need information?

Many thanks to our shipping partners at United Health Care Community Plan