Fall Newsletter 2021


Proactively preventing injuries

Many injuries can come with rehabilitation plans but what about a prehabilitation plan to prevent them? Prehabilitation focuses on identifying the strengths and limitations of your horse to catch injuries before they happen. By creating a custom exercise program we can help keep your athlete in peak condition, avoiding the common show-stopping injuries. Whether it's eventing or western pleasure, camping or dressage, we are here to help your horse stay sound. Let's finish the riding season strong!


Have you followed us on social media?

Each month we will be posting information on common disorders and injuries to help you stay informed. You will even have the chance to win some goodies!

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October only!

Refer a new client who books with us in the month of October, and you both get 10% off your next visit before the end of the year. All you need to do is spread the word and click below to let us know.

Click Here!
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We have exciting news...

This week will be the last of Dr. Katie Weber as we know it. After this weekend she will now be Dr. Katie Apgar! Please join us all in wishing Dr. Katie and Clayton Apgar an amazing future together.

Hang tight as we transition our systems and embrace her new last name- we know it will take time but it is a change we can surely support!