Volume Two| September 2021
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From the Director's Desk...
Dear Friends,

We're back! And much sooner than we originally planned. We had such a positive response to our first issue of The Porto Portal that we have decided to make it a monthly newsletter so we can continue our dialogue with you.

"Special Kids/Special Needs" Campaign
Later this month, we hope you join us and Bishop Michael Burbidge at the Bishop's Annual Mass Celebrating Disability Awareness set for Sunday, September 26, 2021, 10:30 am at Holy Spirit Catholic Church. This yearly event celebrates disability awareness for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities 

The Bishop has also reconfirmed his continued support for our annual Porto Charities’ Special Kids/Special Needs Annual Collection on behalf of our intellectually and developmentally challenged children and young adults. Funds from these collections will help support special education and inclusion programs in our four diocesan high schools and many of our parish schools in the coming year. If your parish is not participating in the campaign, please talk to your Pastor and ask them if they will. 100% of the donated funds will be used to support inclusive education in our Diocesan schools.

If you would like to contribute and haven't had the opportunity yet, please go to the top of this newsletter and tap the "Donate Now" button - its as simple as that! All gifts, no matter the size or stature, can have a significant impact on the lives of these remarkable children and young men & women. 

We deeply appreciate your generosity...

All the Best,
Larry Rzepka
Executive Director

Sunday, September 26, 2021, 10:30 AM

Friday, October 8, 2021, 9:00 AM
Inclusion Catalysts
Recognizing our Friends who have made a Significant Difference toward an Inclusive Community
Bishop Denis J. O'Connell HS,
Arlington, VA
2021 PCI Grant Recipient
“Better together.” That’s not just something you hear people say in the halls of Bishop Dennis J. O’Connell High School. It’s a way of life. 

Since 2015, O’Connell has welcomed students with cognitive and developmental disabilities to be an integral part of its student body. Through offering Expanded Services, the students take general education classes and also get individualized instruction from three special educators with advanced degrees. The special educators also train peer mentors who assist the students as they attend general education classes, participate in school activities, and grow spiritually in the Catholic faith.

The presence of these students also positively impacts their peers. Being together makes for a better experience for all. 
John Reidt
PCI Board of Directors

John Reidt was born and raised in Bloomsdale, Missouri. After graduation from high school, John left to attend the United State Military Academy at West Point. John spent 26 years in the Army following his graduation from West Point. He had 2 tours in Korea and 2 tours in Germany for a total of 11.5 years overseas. 

After retiring from the Army in 2002, he spent 17 years working in the defense sector for several different companies before retiring from GDIT in 2019. 

John has been affiliated with Porto Charities since 2008. 

He and his wife, Mary Jo Harvey-Reidt, have a special needs son, Sean, who lives independently in the Fairfax area. John enjoys his charity work, golf, snow skiing, yoga, his Peloton, and cooking.  
Porto Charities Annual Golf Tournament is Back!
Regency at Dominion Valley Golf Club
Haymarket , Virginia
Deadline for Registration is September 30th!
With the lifting of COVID 19 restrictions in Northern Virginia, Porto Charities Inc. (PCI) is pleased to announce that we will hold our 13th Annual Porto Charities Golf Tournament on Friday, October 8, 2021. The tournament will be played at the Regency at Dominion Valley Golf Club in Haymarket, VA which was designed by the Arnold Palmer Golf Company. The tournament will kick off with a 9:00 AM shotgun start. Lots of fun…lots of prizes…lots of challenges…and lots of surprises! 

Parents' Advisory Council News
Advisory Council to Launch Sept 21st!
As more and more schools in the Diocese say “yes” to inclusion of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, Porto Charities is working hard to meet the schools’ increased needs for funds and for expertise.

Porto will seek to connect parents, schools, and the Office of Catholic Schools by creating a Parents’ Advisory Council (PAC). The council will be made up of parents/legal guardians of children with special needs and a representative of the Office of Catholic Schools. The PAC will assist Porto Charities in its mission of expanding Catholic education and employment options throughout the Diocese of Arlington.

The council members will also serve as ambassadors in their community, promoting dialogue and sustained involvement in Porto’s goal of providing ALL of God’s children the
opportunity to reach their full potential through inclusive education, meaningful work, and independence in living commensurate with their capabilities.
Our first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept 21, 2021 at 7:00 pm and will be conducted on Zoom.

If you would like to participate, please send an email to Larry Rzepka, PCI Executive Director, at lrzepka@portocharities.org and we will respond with a link to the Zoom meeting.

Looking forward to meeting all of you!
Did You Know?
Many companies not only encourage their employees to give to, and volunteer time to, nonprofits in their communities, but will also match those efforts with dollars and other means of support.

Usually associated with corporate grantmakers, employee matching gifts often are dollar-for-dollar, but some companies will give double or even triple the original donation. Some may also give matching gifts for employees' volunteer efforts. Even if you've retired, you may still be able to take advantage of these programs - gifts from retirees and spouses often qualify for a match also.

How does it work?
Guidelines and amounts vary with each company. Typically, individuals must submit forms to their employers. Requesting a matching gift is normally a five minute process which must be initiated by the donor. You can do this by filling out and submitting a paper match form provided by your employer or through an electronic submission process.

You can usually get more information about your employer's matching gift benefits and process from your human resources department.
Thank You for Supporting Porto Charities, Inc.!
Porto Charities Inc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable and educational organization (Tax ID #30-0544129).
 Contributions to Porto Charities are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.