
Friday, December 3, 2021

Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette, President & CEO |

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Huston-Tillotson University President

Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette To Retire In June

Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette, the first woman selected President of Huston-Tillotson University, will retire on June 30. 2022.

Dr. Burnette's presidency has been marked by the implementation of new programs, enhanced partnerships in the business community, and continued growth for the University.

Dr. Burnette's Statement to the Campus Community

Official Press Release

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W. E. B. DuBois Scholars Partner With Greater Mt. Zion Baptist Church

To Provide Thanksgiving Meals

The W.E.B. DuBois Scholars of Huston-Tillotson University partnered with Greater Mt. Zion Baptist Church to provide meals and smiles to the sick & shut-in members of the congregation.

Over $1,200 and nearly 1,000 pounds of food was raised to feed families in need for Thanksgiving.

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Celebrating The Season Holiday Concert Set For Sunday In King-Seabrook Chapel

Join us Sunday, Dec. 5 at 6 p.m. for Huston-Tillotson University's annual 'Celebrating The Season' Holiday Concert in the King-Seabrook Chapel.

The concert will feature the Huston-Tillotson University Concert Choir, under the direction of Dr. Gloria Quinlan, and the Jazz Collective, under the direction of Mr. William Oliver.

Proceeds benefit the HT Music Scholarship Fund.

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Austin Area Links Provide Support For HT

The Austin and Town Lake Chapters of The Links, Inc. provided non-perishable food items to support the Adult Degree Program and commuter students of Huston-Tillotson University this holiday season.

Additionally, the Town Lake Chapter dedicated $500 to secure additional food items as needed.

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Spring Registration Carnival Day

Provides Holiday Fun To Campus

A fun time was had by all during the Spring 2022 Registration Carnival on the HT Campus, sponsored by the Office of Records and Registration.

Congratulations to the members of the #GeniusGeneration who won gift cards awarded to selected winners for registering early for spring classes.

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President Burnette Featured Moderator At Austin ADL Golden Door Awards Dinner

Huston-Tillotson University President Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette was the featured moderator at Austin's Anti Defamation League's Golden Door Awards Dinner held at Q2 Stadium.

The Golden Door Awards Dinner unites members from across Austin's diverse community, as ADL celebrated 108 years of service in Central Texas.

Huston-Tillotson University is proud to stand with ADL in the fight to uphold the highest ideals of our country in securing justice and fair treatment.

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#HTisIDEAL #GeniusGeneration #CultureOfExcellence
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Full Name: Surrender Lockridge

Hometown: Dallas, Texas

Classification: Jazzy Junior

Major: Special Education.

Organizations You Are A Part Of at HT: I currently serve as the lead of Religious Life & Campus Ministry, and I hold a committee chair in NAACP (Unit 69AA).

Career Aspirations: I aspire to be a motivational speaker. I know I will teach and encourage many beautiful children along my journey. 

What Do You Enjoy Most About HT: I enjoy the smallness of HT. I truly believe everyone here cares and loves me. Plus, the classes are only 4-minutes away. 9 times out of 10, I'm wearing heels. 

Who Inspires You And Why: Everyone inspires me. I know that is such a cliche' answer but life is hard. Watching everyone wake up and try their best, really touches my heart.

Favorite Food: Loaded nachos with EXTRA guacamole!

Favorite Hobby: I enjoy creating body products. I handmake body butter, oils, scrubs and so much more. 

Tell Us Something Unique About You: I am a first-generation college student, I have 8 sisters, I am the only family member to live outside of Dallas, and I am hands down a fashionista. 

Words You Live By: "God is perfect timing and perfect alignment."


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Full Name: Sarah Gaines

Hometown: Milwaukee, Wis.

Job Title/Role At HT: Campus Life Coordinator

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with concentration in Hospitality Management from THEE Central State University in Wilberforce, OH.

When did you join the HT fRAMily: April 2019

What you enjoy most about working at HT: The students, especially my student leaders, make this job totally worthwhile. My days may be long, but the impact and impression made on our #GeniusGeneration is a much greater reward than a few extra hours of quiet or sleep!

Fondest memory of your college days: The impromptu block parties and barbeques that happened whenever we were bored. EVERY rehearsal and choir trip with the Grammy Nominated Central State University Chorus and our one of a kind Director, William Henry Caldwell. Joining the world’s best and greatest sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Favorite food: Spaghetti (but really any kind of pasta)

Favorite hobby: Kickboxing and car concerts

Unique About You: I am the youngest, but tallest of all my siblings.

Best Advice For #GeniusGeneration: Good better best, never let it rest, until your good is your better and your better is your best! -Tim Duncan

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Ellis Named RRAC Men's Basketball

Player Of The Week

Congratulations to Huston-Tillotson University men's basketball player Terry Ellis, Jr. who earned recognition as the Red River Athletic Conference Men's Basketball Player of the Week for his play over the dates of Nov. 22-28. 

Ellis poured in 28 points and grabbed seven rebounds in the Rams' 91-76 win over North American University. The junior guard from San Antonio made nine field goal attempts, including seven three-pointers, as well as making all three free throw attempts.

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Online Fan Shop Now Live

#fRAMily can now purchase HT merchandise online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!!

Visit to purchase HT gear and have it delivered directly to your door.

Plus - a portion of all sales directly benefit Huston-Tillotson University. Click the graphic to order now!

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Search Downs-Jones Library Archives

The Huston-Tillotson University Archives serve as the long-term repository for the institutional records of the University. The archives house yearbooks, photographs, newsletters, programs, etc.

Last year, the library launched our digital collections that are updated on an ongoing basis. Schedule an appointment for independent research, class tour, and/or a class session or make requests scans here:


In partnership with the United Negro College Fund, your voice is needed now to urge Congress to increase funding to HBCUs in the infrastructure and reconciliation bill by $1 billion, protect that funding for HBCUs and pass the HBCUs IGNITE Excellence Act, which provides desperately needed repairs and renovations for HBCU campus buildings and research facilities across the United States. Click on the graphic to learn how to make your voice heard.


WHY #HTisIDEAL - 146 Years Of Excellence

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Click on the graphic to learn about 146 Years of Huston-Tillotson EXCELLENCE!

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#HTVaxUp: Holiday Season Tips To Stay Safe

Huston-Tillotson University provides tips to help keep you and your loved ones safe during the holiday season.

Click on the graphic to watch the video for important reminders so we all can enjoy healthy and happy holiday moments with those who matter most.



Sport / Opponent

Location /Time

Sat. Dec. 4

Men's Basketball @

St. Mary's

San Antonio, Texas

4:00 p.m.

Thur. Dec. 9

Men's Basketball @ Texas Wesleyan

Ft. Worth, Texas

6 p.m.

Fri. Dec. 10

Women's Basketball @ North American

Houston, Texas

5:30 p.m.

Tues. Dec. 14

Men's Basketball vs. Central Baptist

Mary E. Branch Gym

5 p.m.

Tues. Dec. 14

Women's Basketball @ Angelo St.

San Angelo, Texas

5:30 p.m.

Sat. Dec. 18

Women's / Men's Basketball @

Our Lady of The Lake

San Antonio, Texas

2 p.m. / 4 p.m.

Wed. Dec. 29

Men's Basketball @ Arkansas Baptist

Little Rock, Ark.

5 p.m.

Thur. Dec.30

Men's Basketball

@ Central Baptist

Conway, Ark.

3 p.m.

Click Here For Full Athletics Schedule

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Previous 2021 Issues Of RamZine

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Are you an alumnus/alumna? We want to hear from you!

Contact Chris Cutkelvin, Director of Alumni Relations, at 512-505-3074 or via email at or schedule a virtual meeting below:



Mon. Dec. 6 Last Fall Class Day


Dec. 7-10 Final Exams


Dec. 20 - Jan. 2 Campus Closed


Mon. Jan. 10 Spring Semester Begins

Fri. Apr. 29 Last Spring Class Day


May 1-4 Final Exams

Fri. May 6 Honors Convocation 

Sat. May 7

Commencement Convocation

Class of 2022

Golden Class of 1972


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