April 19, 2023
From the Office of the Bishop
St. Peter's Designation as Pro-Cathedral
For the Southern Convocation

This Saturday, April 22 the Diocese of Easton will designate St. Peter’s Episcopal Church as a Pro-Cathedral of the Diocese of Easton in the Southern Convocation. This designation will take place immediately following the Ordination to the Diaconate of Elizabeth Phillips, also taking place at St. Peter’s. This decision was arrived at after considerable prayer, conversation, and study by the parish on the advice of the bishop. The bishop commissioned a seminary professor and senior clergy to write a Reflection Paper on the role, function and history of a pro-cathedral in the life of the Anglican Communion and Episcopal Church. After careful study and reflection, the rector and vestry informed the bishop of the decision to accept this designation as a three-year experiment. The vestry and bishop agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding that will govern the way the diocese and pro-cathedral will live into the designation. The Resolution of Designation will be read at the service declaring the new status of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church. The Standing Committee and Diocesan Council have approved this new experiment.

It has been the historic practice of the Church to designate as pro-cathedral a church in the largest city in a diocese. The City of Salisbury, as documented by the State of Maryland, is the most populous city on the Eastern Shore with about 33,000 residents. Notably all three convocations of the diocese continue to show encouraging signs of growth and stability in mission and ministry. We give thanks to God for the blessings we as a diocese are experiencing as we gradually emerge out of Covid 19 pandemic.

Please hold the Rector, Vestry and parishioners of St. Peter’s Church in your prayers as they strive to live into their new role.

Together in Christ service,
Bishop's Sabbatical
[Excerpted: Read Full Letter Here]

It is with great confidence, gratitude and enthusiasm that I share with you news of my upcoming Sabbatical, scheduled for June through September. Confidence in our Diocesan leadership and staff to carry on the mission and ministry in my absence, gratitude for the support and prayers of our Diocesan family, and enthusiasm for all that God has planned as I enter into this time of reflection and renewal. Read Full Letter Here
A Review of God’s Church
Living in Renewal, Reimagination and Resurrection
Eastertide 2023
[Excerpted: Read Full Document Here]

As I enter the seventh (7) year of my episcopate in the Diocese of Easton and eighteenth (18) year of my consecration as bishop in God’s One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, the diocesan staff and I have outlined a Review of God’s Church Living in Renewal, Reimagination and Resurrection of the ministry we dedicate our lives to serve.  Read Full Document Here
Bishop San's Easter Message
We are the Easter People: The Lord is Risen!!

…the Lord has risen indeed, and he has appeared to Simon!...and how he had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread” (Luke 24:34,35)

Christians are in essence the Easter people. Our faith as a people of God is rooted in the conviction of a Savior who, although he was God, became human. He suffered the realities of the human condition even to the place of death, but what was thought to be humiliation and defeat on the cross was dramatically transformed into victory. We observe Easter as hope, as renewal and victory against despair, and as new life in the face of death. Read full message here.
Elizabeth Phillips will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons in Christ's One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church this
Saturday, April 22nd at 11:00AM at St. Peter's, Salisbury. All are welcome.

A Celebration of New Ministry for the Rev. Susan Leight is being held on Sunday, May 7th at 4:00PM at Christ Church Cambridge. All are welcome.

Andrew Cropper will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests in Christ's One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church on Saturday, May 27th at 11:00AM at All Hallows, Snow Hill. All are welcome.
Last Call! Youth Summit at Camp Wright: Footprint - Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly (Micah 6:8) Overnighter April 29th-30th, 2023. Youth from around the Diocese are invited to join together at Camp Wright for one epic overnighter filled with exciting activities, new friends, and camp traditions. This event is for middle & high school students. Adult youth leaders and parents are also welcomed. For all the info visit our website or Register Today.
Reaching Rising Generations Zoom Event - Convention Follow-Up
Revisit Melissa Rau's Convention Keynote Address. Are you or someone you know interested in helping your church invite welcome & connect with more children, youth, young adults, and families? Join others around the Diocese for an evening of dreaming big and sharing ideas as we further explore the conversation begun at Convention 2023. Thursday, May 11th 6pm-8pm Register Here
Diocese of Easton 2023 Clergy & Spouse Conference - "It is well with my soul" with The Rt. Reverend Jim Mathes at the Princess Royale Oceanfront Resort, Ocean City, May 1st - May 3rd.
Clergy Save the Dates: The 2023 Clergy Conference, with keynote Bishop Jim Mathes, will be at the Princess Royale Resort in Ocean City from May 1st - May 3rd, 2023. For more Clergy Save the Dates, click here.
Mission Summit 2023: Mark your calendars for October 7th, 2023 as the Mission Summit returns with a Ministry Fair & "Tailgate Party" at Christ Church, Kent Island. Each church will have a chance to share their top success stories and provide one another with tools for applying these ideas across the Diocese. (Not to mention amazing food, lotsa fun & great fellowship!)
Thank you for your continued support
of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.
Camp Wright Update:
Introducing Blair Johnson, Associate Director - We are excited to introduce you to the newest member of the Camp Wright Team. Click here.

Mark your calendar - Spring Workday - May 6th. All ages welcome!

Silver Camp is back for 2023! This day camp serves campers 18-118, includes a deluxe lunch and an exclusive Silver Camp tee. Sign up today!

We are still accepting Staff Applications for our 2023 team - counselors, kitchen, maintenance staff and other positions are available. Information about all of our available positions can be found on our website.
Retreat House Happenings: Read about our new directions here!
To receive the Retreat House newsletter and other email offerings, sign up here. View their calendar for programs and special events. For more information, call (410) 364-7069 or contact Francie Thayer.
Bishop’s Institute News: Stay tuned this summer for upcoming fall trainings for Eucharistic Minister, Eucharistic Visitor, and Worship Leader Trainings. Join the network of those serving across the Diocese! Learn about these Ministries here.
Latino & Hispanic Ministry: Is your parish hosting Latino & Hispanic Ministry events? If so, please remember to send information to Mark Hansen our Missioner for Latino/Hispanic Ministries for the Diocese of Easton.

Latino Leadership training days to be led by Padre Thom Sinnott and Pastor Mark Hansen, May 13, Aug 12 & Nov 11, with each session running from 10 am to 3:00 pm; the venue is slated to be the new English Learning Center at St. Clement’s. For more information, contact Mark Hansen.
The Church of the Holy Trinity Oxford Day Plant Sale
Satuday April 22nd 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Read more here
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Centreville will host a concert entitled The Evolution of Gospel Music by the Covenant Choir on Sunday, April 23 at 4 p.m. The program will feature Richard and Leroy Potter and the Covenant Choir, a community choral group from Talbot County. Read more here
St. Mary Anne's, North East
Garden Market Blossoms Each Spring! Friday, May 5 (9-6) Saturday, May 6, 2023 (9-4) Click here for more info

Saint Mary Anne’s, North East - Recently, Northern Convocation clergy were led by Rev. Susan Oldfather from St. Mark’s in Perryville on a Lenten Quiet Day. Read more here
The members of the Ocean Cluster of Churches (St. Paul’s Berlin, St. Paul’s by-the-Sea and Church of the Holy Spirit) recently filled bags with Easter gifts for the residents of the Hope4Recovery House. Read more here

Bishop’s Visit to St. Paul’s Ocean City on Palm Sunday Pictured left to right: Tom Shuster, Lynn Marray, Bishop San, Rev. Deacon Alisha King and Andy Diaz.
Pastoral Concerns

We pray for the repose of the soul of Carole Tinklepaugh, Augustine Parish.

We pray for the repose of the soul of
the Rt. Rev. Frank Tracy Griswold, III, the 25th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.

We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families: for Geovanni Ayon, Carolyn Lee Crouse. The Rev. Laura Dorsey. Doug Girardeau. Rev. Babs Glancey. The Rev. Jim Kamihachi & Weasie Kamihachi. The Rev. Ron Knapp. The Rev. Jack Mason. Tom Mendenhall. The Rev. Susan Oldfather. Leslie Pedersen. Becky Richardson. Rev. Peggy Samuels. Ellen Smith. The Rev. Ken Thom.

Please continue to pray for those who have been affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
Holy One, you are our comfort and strength in times of sudden disaster, crisis or chaos.
Surround us now with your grace and peace through storm or earthquake, fire or flood.
By your Spirit, lift up those who have fallen, sustain those who work to rescue or rebuild, and fill us with the hope of your new creation; through you, our rock and redeemer. – Jesuit Prayer

Pray for cessation of the war in Ukraine, Middle East and in other parts of the world. For the citizens of Ukraine, refugees and displaced children, the elderly, parents, sick and the nations that are providing a safe and secure shelter for migrant citizens.

Submit prayer requests to: Names are listed for four weeks unless otherwise specified. 
Diocesan Prayer Calendar

Third Sunday of Easter
April 23rd
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Christ Church, Kent Island, and for their Rector, Mark Delcuze, and his spouse Mimi.

Fourth Sunday of Easter
April 30th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Paul’s, Berlin, for their Rector, Carl Mosley, and his wife, Virginia.

We give thanks for the gathering of our Clergy & Spouse Retreat in Ocean City this week. May it be a time of reflection and respite.

Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 7th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Christ Church, Easton, and for
their Rector, Bill Ortt, and his wife, Susan.

We pray for our Provincial Deputies: the Rev. Mary Friel, Sandra Bjork, and
Eddie Vance. Our Province III President, the Rev. Nathaniel Pierce, and the Prov.
III Coordinator, Dr. Pamela Cochran.

Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 14th
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Mark’s, Perryville, their
Rector, Susan Oldfather, and their Deacon, Jim Kamihachi, and his wife, Louise.

Seventh Sunday of Easter
May 21st
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Emmanuel Church, Chestertown, for their Rector, Claire Nevin-Field, and her husband, Andrew.

May 28th
Day of Pentecost
We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at Christ Church, St. Michaels,
for their Rector, Steve Mosher, and his wife, Kirsten.

For additional weeks, please visit our website or contact Lynn Anstatt.
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry: Easter 2023 Message
“We are here in a world struggling to find its soul, but the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not, cannot, and will not overcome it,” Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael B. Curry said in his Easter 2023 message. “Jesus lives. He has been raised from the dead. That is the message of Easter, and that is the good news of great tidings.” Read full message here
Episcopalians everywhere are invited to register to join a churchwide festival of worship, learning, community, and action July 9-12 at the Baltimore (Maryland) Convention Center with a revival worship service featuring Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry . Read more here
Have you checked out The Way of Love podcasts with Bishop Michael Curry? This podcast offers ways to engage with the Way of Love, The Episcopal Church’s intentional commitment to practicing faith by following Jesus. Check them out!
Run for an Episcopal Church Position: The Joint Standing Committee on Nominations opens applications for Episcopal Church positions, committees, boards. These elections will occur at the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church, in Louisville, KY, late-June ‘24!! ALL are encouraged to consider nominees AND to consider being nominated! The Church needs good, experienced individuals!! Eddie Vance, a member of the Joint Standing Committee on Nominations from the Diocese of Easton, commends this process to you! Know also that running for more than one position is possible!! General Convention Newsletter. Read more here
REMINDER: Apply soon for 2023 Creation Care grants Deadline: May 1
Up to 12 Episcopal projects will be awarded grants—ranging from $8,000 to $25,000 each—for work related to climate change resiliency, church efforts to reach net carbon neutrality by 2030, environmental degradation, and the inequitable and systemic impacts of environmental racism. The grant process is overseen by the church’s Task Force on Creation Care and Environmental Racism in partnership with the Office of Creation Care. Learn more & apply here
New Episcopal Community Grant Applications are open for dioceses and mission developers who are envisioning, planning, or growing new worshipping communities and missional enterprises throughout the church. The deadline to apply for the first round of 2023 New Episcopal Community grant funding is May 1. The second deadline is Aug. 1. Read more here.
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