Dear Geospatial Professionals,
In the next major release, Trimble is changing how post-processing is licensed in TerraFlex. Instead of the historical model where post-processing is licensed per-desktop app installation (GPS Pathfinder Office, Trimble Positions Desktop add-in), they are changing to a model where it is licensed per-field user with TerraFlex.
This change has implications for existing users of the TerraFlex workflow with Trimble Positions Desktop add-in on the desktop (both cloud and offline workflows).
In order to ensure uninterrupted operation of the current workflows for existing customers, it is important to have an accurate list of current users (TerraFlex and Trimble Positions Desktop add-in) of these workflows prior to release of the new version.
Trimble has prepared an online survey for this that can be accessed via the following link:
TerraFlex with Trimble Positions User Info (CLICK HERE!)
Please review and submit one form per user with these workflows.
For more information regarding this process, please contact
Thank you for your help.
The PLI GIS Team