*For Immediate Release*
To Your Readers, Listeners and Viewers
Media Contact:
Eileen Quinn, PR Manager
Courtesy Chris Bible College

WOODLAND PARK, CO - 12/2/2021

Charis Bible College’s Live Nativity Returns for Second Year After Being a Community Success

Charis Bible College’s drive-through, live nativity and free event brings the birth of Jesus to life again this year December 16-19 from 5-8 p.m. 

As guests arrive, they will first tune into an FM channel to hear Christmas music and experience a Christmas lighted drive. They will then arrive at the Bethlehem live nativity scene, which is situated behind a bank of glass windows for the health safety of the participants and guests. The experience will be further enhanced with an assortment of live animals, including sheep, donkeys, and camels. 

This event began in 2020 as a way for Woodland Park and Teller County residents to celebrate Christmas from the comfort of their cars when most holiday happenings were being cancelled. However, due to the event’s success, Charis Bible College’s founders have decided to make it an annual tradition. 

Produced by the Charis Arts and Media department, the live nativity attracted more than 1,200 cars last year, with a total of close to 2,300 spectators. 

Charis Bible College is located at 800 Gospel Truth Way in Woodland Park, Colorado. 
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