September 30, 2021
We are one body in this one Lord.
--John Michael Talbot 
“This is so mind-boggling, it must be the Holy Spirit.” I’ve heard people say that before, and today I have come to believe that the Holy Spirit has placed a mind-boggling opportunity before us. I want us to seize the moment!

Archbishop Musa Filibus and the leadership of the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria (LCCN) have determined that there is a critical need for a Lutheran university in Nigeria. It is crucial, they believe, to educate a new generation of leaders who are prepared for the complexities of the emerging interfaith society within Africa’s most populous country. 
Today, Nigeria has university openings for fewer than 40% of the eligible population.  Regional universities give priority to local students. Qualified students in northeastern Nigeria – where LCCN is primarily located – do not gain access to universities in the south, where there are many more schools.  Access to professional programs in public universities is limited, and depending upon who is in power in the government, both Christians and Muslims at times may experience discrimination in higher education.

Furthermore, the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria prepares excellent high school graduates for post-secondary studies through its vast network of primary and secondary schools. Students consistently graduate with superior marks. However, there aren’t enough university spots available for these graduates.  
Currently there is no private, church-related university in the whole of northeastern Nigeria. The Lutheran University would be the first – and would claim an almost immediate impact because of LCCN’s positive reputation for excellent primary and secondary schools. 
The Lutheran University Nigeria would provide educational opportunities and tangible hope in a region of the country that has suffered from violence and civil unrest for well over a decade.

The LCCN has identified and obtained land for the university. They have raised initial funds for filings with the Nigerian government to establish the university. But, the government requires there to be at least $500,000 in the bank before the university can be finally approved.

As bishop of the only companion synod of the LCCN in the U.S., I don’t believe we can let this dream whither. As siblings in Christ, we must accompany our companion synod in bringing this dream into reality!

And so, I am asking you – the rostered and elected leaders of the Minneapolis Area Synod – to jump into this Kairos moment. I’m asking you to help raise the half-million dollars that will ensure that young adults, most of whom attend secondary schools established by LCCN, to obtain their dream of attending college.

How can you help?

  • We would like every congregation in the synod to participate in this campaign, regardless of the amount you are able to contribute. We would like to tell our partners in Nigeria that 100% of our congregations responded to their request for support.
  • We would like your Congregational Council to consider this invitation at your October Council meeting. How might you engage members? How might the congregation act collectively to support their siblings in the LCCN?
  • We would like you to consider receiving a thank offering at one of the services in November.

Archbishop Musa has asked every LCCN congregation to dedicate their collection at one of their November services for support of the university. We would like to use November as the time our congregations would focus attention on the LCCN university as well.
We will provide resources through the synod's website to help you inform your members about this campaign – including a case statement as well as “blurbs” and graphics for congregational newsletters. And, we will provide several different options for donations on that page as well.

While the primary focus of the November 21 pre-recorded synod-wide worship service is “tending weary souls,” Archbishop Musa is preaching for the service. It will be an opportunity for all members to experience a deeper connection to these friends half-way around the world.

Previous generations of Lutherans who immigrated to America from Norway, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and other countries saw value in developing strong educational institutions. Historically, higher education has been part of our vocation, our DNA. We now have the opportunity to work with the leaders of LCCN to include university education as part of their vocation at this critical moment.

Let’s not miss this opportunity. Please, join me in this effort to support the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria as it spreads the good news of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection – and as it works for the common good through higher education.

God’s peace and good courage,

Bishop Ann

P.S. And, there is some good news. The first $100,000 is in, thanks to a gracious benefactor. It will take many gifts, large and small, to meet this goal by the end of the year. But, we are on the way. Join us. 
The Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria and the Minneapolis Areas Synod, ELCA, are companion synods. We share a commitment to "gracious invitation into life-giving, Christian community so that all can live in just and healthy neighborhoods."