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Weekly Prayer Message - September 29, 2021
God of life and breath, you are our source of hope.
+ We give thanks for your gifts of life and love;
+ sustain us when we are feeling broken, lost, or frightened;
+ open our hearts and minds to hear your word and call;
+ inspire us to be your hands and voice in your world;
+ strengthen us to take action to seek justice for our neighbors;
+ grant us courage and creativity to joyfully share your Good News.

We pray for our world, nation, and local communities.
+ We lift up those communities where insecurity, violence, and fear are the norm. Help us to bring healing, wholeness, and safety to these siblings. Inspire our leaders and guide us to be better advocates for the sake of each member in our community - especially those who have little power and no voice.

+ Guide us to recognize our prejudices and empower us take action to eliminate the persistent institutional racism that permeates our world, country, communities, courts, church, and hearts. We lift up the anti-racism teams in our congregations - and those who are in process of developing such teams - grant them wisdom and strength in their efforts to educate and make changes within their communities.

+ We pray for those who are hungry. Stir us to action to lift up our neighbors and seek policies that support them. We give thanks for our Synod Hunger Team and our partnership with ELCA World Hunger - helping us collaborate our efforts, find sustainable solutions to end hunger, and provide nourishment domestically and abroad.

+ We pray for those places, people, and animals affected by the devastation of natural disasters: drought, flooding, earthquakes, fire, storms... Grant safety in the midst of chaos and fear; grant strength to those affected as they recover and rebuild. Help us to be generous partners with Lutheran Disaster Response and encourage our mindful work in disaster preparedness with our regional partners at www.region1beprepared.org.

+ We pray for our Afghan allies who served alongside U.S. troops, diplomats, and other government employees as interpreters, translators, cultural advisors, drivers, and more. Because of their service to the U.S. mission, our allies and their families are now targets of anti-American violence. May we find ways to support them in their time of crisis. (Support incoming Afghan Allies who are being evacuated to the United States. Lutheran Community Services Northwest has several links for how to help: https://lcsnw.org/ ...and...Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) through Refugees Northwest has opportunities for you to help: https://lirsconnect.org/get_involved/action_center/siv)

+ We pray for pray for the safety of migrant children and families on the journey and for justice as they reach their destinations. (Read ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton's letter urging humane treatment of Haitian and other migrants here: https://elca.org/News-and-Events/8119; and more about our ELCA strategy here https://www.elca.org/ammparo.)

+ We lift up all in our communities who provide emergency services - those who respond first to bring aid: emergency medical workers, firefighters, community volunteers, and police. Grant them wisdom and safety in their work.

We pray for those who are grieving:
+ Gracious God, wrap your arms of love and hope around all who are experiencing any kind of loss, disconnection, or brokenness.

+ We lift up the family of retired pastor James Braaten following his death on September 22. We give thanks for his life of faithful service. May God's love and hope surround and comfort his widow Patricia and all who grieve. (Memorial service is Thursday, September 30 at 1pm at Faith Lutheran in Bellingham. View livestream of the service at www.faithbellingham.org. / Read his obituary here.)

We pray for all who are in need of healing and strength:
+ We pray for those who are facing ongoing health concerns:
Pr. Christine Finsand, Abi Griffith (daughter of Pr. Eric Griffith), Deacon Nan Beth Walton, Pr. Ron Melver, Pr. Mikkel Hustad, Pr. Wendell Hendershott, Pr. Marc Stroud, and Bishop Michael Lozano (Northwestern Pennsylvania Synod).

+ We mourn with our fellow siblings as this pandemic continues to claim lives and livelihoods.. Bring peace and comfort to the families whose loved ones have died. Grant healing for those diagnosed, recovering, and living with long-term effects. Protect and sustain medical workers, care providers, first responders, and chaplains. Guide those working distribute the vaccines. Sustain for those who are facing financial uncertainty due to loss of income. As our communities and churches begin to expand in-person gatherings, help us be care-filled, patient, and gracious with one another.

+ We pray for those who are awaiting diagnoses and treatment plans. Grant them peace and courage. Remind them that they are not alone.

+ We pray for our neighbors who are fearful or in danger in their relationships. Sustain those who protect, support, and advocate for people who are experiencing domestic violence. (Reach out here for help: https://wscadv.org/get-help-now/)

+ We lift up those experiencing anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges.
Empower us to reach out to those who need care and support. For those who are in despair, remember you are loved. You are never beyond God's mercy, grace, and love. 
1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Hotline)
1-888-628-9454 (Red Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio)
1-800-799-4889 (TTY)
1-877-574-4729 (Trevor project/ LGBTQIA+ under 24)
1-877-565-8860 (Trans Lifeline/Trans Folx)
1-800-273-8255 (Veterans Crisis Line)

We pray for your church:
+ From our prayer calendar, we pray for these ministries and their rostered leaders: 
-- our Synod Women's Organization as they gather for their convention this Saturday;
Grace Chinese Lutheran Church of South King County (Renton) and Pastors Mike & Rowena Wang;
-- Grace Lutheran Church (Des Moines) and Pr. Chad Johnson and Pr. Rachel Swenson;
-- Stilly Valley Dinner Church (Marysville) and Mission Developer Josh Smith;
-- Southwest California Synod and their bishop, the Rev. Brenda Bos;
-- the ELCA Conference of Bishops as they gather throughout this week;
-- our Companion Synod: The Evangelical Lutheran Church in European Russia.

+ We celebrate the many years of service of our retired pastors & deacons. This week we give thanks for these retired ministers: Jay Decker, Richard Edmonds, and Dave Ellingson.

+ We pray for ministries and leaders in transition.
-- we lift up the leaders who are guiding ministries in a time of transition: transition teams, call committees, transition pastors, congregation staff and lay leaders, and synod staff.

May our prayers rise before you as incense.
+ Your mercy is everlasting and your faithfulness endures from age to age.
+ Sustain, uplift, and encourage us as we live into your calling.
+ Trusting in your mercy and grace, we lift our prayers to you.


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Please note: direct permission is needed prior to inclusion. 
Email susan@lutheransnw.org if you have a prayer petition or update.
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Northwest Washington Synod / ELCA
5519 Phinney Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98103