Vice President for Research & Economic Development
Proposal Services & Faculty Support
January Funding Focus Newsletter Special Release
What is a Limited Submission?
A limited submission solicitation (RFA, RFP, etc.) places a cap on the number of proposals that Auburn may submit to a sponsor. Auburn coordinates limited submissions by sending out a notification via this newsletter and creating competitions in the Auburn University Competition Space (also known as InfoReady).To apply to any limited submission posted below, click on the above link and search for your competition reflected on the page. Please refer to the Limited Submission Procedures page for a list of requirements.
Important Announcements

The Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development (OVPRED) announces the 2021 call for proposals for two new pilot intramural awards programs. The programs are the Creative Work and Social Impact Scholarship Funding Program (CWSIS) and the Research Support Program (RSP).
  • The CWSIS: Fosters innovation and discovery and builds faculty reputation and competitiveness. Examples of prestigious recognition for CWSIS include: the McArthur Genius Award, the Gates Foundation Award, appointment to the National Council on the Humanities or the National Council on the Arts, and an NSF Senior Advisor for Public Access. Disciplines associated with CWSIS include design and the arts, humanities, and applicable areas within business, education, social sciences, and health and well-being. Funding for awards up to $20,000 is provided by the OVPRED with a minimum 1:1 match.
  • The RSP: Intended to be an annual cycle funding program to foster the development and growth of innovative and transformational research activities. The RSP builds on faculty expertise, stimulates interdisciplinary collaborations, and strengthens seed research activities. Funding for awards up to $25,000 is provided by the OVPRED with a minimum 1:1 match.
Proposals undergo a thorough internal and external evaluation. Funding for awards is for a two-year period. 

Workshops at which the pilot programs will be discussed are being planned for early February (Dates TBA).

Please contact Dr. Robert Holm (; x4-5877) for assistance or information.

Proposals Due: March 24, 2021 4:45 pm

The spring 2021 virtual Faculty Research Symposium opens on Friday, January 29, with four synchronous roundtable sessions offered via Zoom, and asynchronous opportunities to view research posters and watch pre-recorded panels focused on four key areas for high-impact interdisciplinary work.
The Auburn Research Faculty Symposium website includes descriptions of the roundtable sessions and Moderated Auburn Talks Panels, as well as a program for the virtual poster session.
Posters and recorded sessions will remain available throughout the spring semester. The event is hosted in Canvas Catalog available at this site, and participants need to enroll in the Canvas course. New users will need to follow the prompts to create a login for Auburn University Catalog. Content will be available on the symposium site beginning at 8:00 AM on January 29. Zoom links for the synchronous roundtables are available within the Canvas site.
  • 9:00 – 10:00 AM – Auburn University’s Partnership with the Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS)
  • 10:30 – 11:30 AM – The AU-UAB Telehealth Network
  • 1:00 – 2:00 PM – Maximizing the Impact of Auburn Innovation through Resources for Entrepreneurship and Commercialization
  • 2:30 – 3:30 PM – Attracting the Media Spotlight: Why it’s Worth Your Time, What Makes News, and How to Work the Process

Friday, January 29, 2021
Proposal Services & Faculty Support
844-5929 /