Avocado Quality Meter:
Live Online Training in English & Spanish
Presented in English
February 3, 2022
2:00 PM PST
Presentado en Español
10 de jueves, 2022
8:00 AM PST
Hosted in both English and Spanish, CID Bio-Science and Felix Instruments will be kicking off a live training series across multiple instruments, starting with the Felix Avocado Quality Meter!

Join Director of Applied Science Galen George and Application Scientist Eric Munoz for an in-depth, live training on the use and application of the F-751 Avocado Quality Meter.

We have designed this training to take you and your team from first use to a high level of comfort with both using the device in the field and seamlessly integrating it into current workflows.

A live Q&A session will be hosted following each training.

  • Best practices in data collection
  • Device menu structure and operation
  • Tips and tricks to improve accuracy and consistency
  • How organizations (orchards and distribution centers alike) can blend immediate maturity assessment into their current processes
Review: The evolution of chemometrics coupled with near infrared spectroscopy for fruit quality evaluation
A new paper from Dr. Kerry Walsh and Nicholas Anderson of Central Queensland University, examines how NIR technology and chemometric modeling techniques have improved over time, leading to the AI-driven accuracy we enjoy today.

Short wave near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy operated in a partial or full transmission geometry and a point spectroscopy mode has been increasingly adopted for evaluation of quality of intact fruit, both on-tree and on-packing lines. The evolution in hardware has been paralleled by an evolution in the modelling techniques employed. This review documents the range of spectral pre-treatments and modelling techniques employed for this application. Over the last three decades, there has been a shift from use of multiple linear regression to partial least squares regression. Attention to model robustness across seasons and instruments has driven a shift to machine learning methods such as artificial neural networks and deep learning in recent years, with this shift enabled by the availability of large and diverse training and test sets.

Workshop recording available!
Our recent industry event in Malaga, Spain was a tremendous opportunity to explore the nuances of the modern avocado industry and how Felix Instruments' state-of-the-art technology can be applied to operations throughout the supply chain.

Spanish speakers can tune into this recorded portion of our presentation, now available from our friends at Poscosecha.

¿Hablas español?
Welcome to the team!
Please join us in welcoming Director of Product Management, Diana Laboy-Rush to our Camas, WA-based team! Diana comes to CID Bio-Science with over 15 years of experience in marketing and product management roles in various industries. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and a Master’s degree in Engineering Management from Portland State University. Her last several years were spent in the software industry managing and marketing services through mobile applications. Her past experience spans many years in the educational technology and semiconductor manufacturing industries. In her spare time, Diana volunteers with Dress for Success Oregon and likes to read, write, and walk her two large breed dogs.
Schedule a Live Demo
Use the link below to schedule a live instrument demonstration with an application scientist. Get an overview of functionality, see how the tool can be used in your specific application and get your questions answered in real-time via video conference.
Latest Articles & Resources
Canopy Measurement of Urban Green Spaces for Temperature Moderation
We know that green spaces can moderate urban heat island effects. However, we know far less about the mechanisms through which that cooling is initiated. Essential questions on the size and composition of landscape features that could be crucial remain open.

In this sub-tropical research study, scientists examined the area and shape of parks, leaf area index, canopy density, and proximity to bodies of water. The study found one feature, above others, to be decisive in the cooling of urban spaces.

How Aging Affects Portable NIR Spectrophotometers
As the use of precision tools, such as spectrophotometers, to measure fruit quality in farms rises with the advent of affordable technology, ensuring reliability is vital.

Like any other tool, one could expect that age and improper maintenance might take their toll, affecting the accuracy of quality estimations.

The study explored in this article was designed specifically to test this hypothesis.

The Importance of Food Quality Testing
The ability to measure food quality parameters is vital to both the supply chain and research efforts. Using the same parameters across these can help in applying research results in the food chain.

Frequently, the tools used are also the same, and the accuracy and reliability of modern food science tools makes them comparable to many complex laboratory procedures.

Spectral Imaging and Disease Detection in Eggplant
Bacterial wilt disease caused by Pseudomonas solancearum, which is widespread in tropics and sub-tropics, has been reported to have caused severe crop damage and loss in India, with summer crops being more prone to it. The pathogen enters the water vessels, where it grows and blocks them leading to yellowing and wilting of leaves and ultimate drying of the entire plant.

Hence there has been a concerted effort to detect the disease early so that the affected plants can be treated before the infestation becomes severe, to avoid potential crop loss, and reduce chemical use in treatment through variable rate application.